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File metadata and controls

875 lines (669 loc) · 31 KB
  • Start Date: 2019-02-22
  • Relevant Team(s): Ember.js
  • RFC PR: #454
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SFC & Template Import Primitives


Expose low-level primitives for embedding templates in JavaScript and associating templates with component classes.

These primitives unlock experimentation, allowing addons to provide highly-requested features (such as single-file components) via stable, public API.


This proposal is intended to unlock experimentation around two highly-requested features:

  1. Single-file components.
  2. Module imports in component templates.

Although exploring these features is the primary motivation, an important benefit of stabilizing low-level APIs is that they enable the Ember community to experiment with new, unexpected ideas.

Single-File Components

In Ember components today, JavaScript code lives in a .js file and template code lives in a separate .hbs file. Juggling between these two files adds friction to the developer experience.

Template and JavaScript code are inherently coupled, and changes to one are often accompanied by changes to the other. Separating them provides little value in terms of improving reusability or composability.

Other component APIs eliminate this friction in different ways. React uses JSX, which produces JavaScript values:

// MyComponent.jsx

export default class extends Component {
  state = { name: 'World' };

  render() {
    return <div>Hello {}!</div>

Vue has an optional .vue single-file component (SFC) format:

<!-- MyComponent.vue -->

  <div>Hello {{name}}!</div>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      name: 'World'

Module Imports in Templates

One benefit of JSX is that it leverages JavaScript's existing scope system. React components are JavaScript values that can be imported and referenced like any other JavaScript value. If a binding would be in scope in JavaScript, it's in scope in JSX:

import { Component } from 'react';
import OtherComponent from './OtherComponent';

export default class extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        // We know OtherComponent is in scope because it was imported at the top
        // of the file, so we can invoke it here as a component.
        <OtherComponent />

This is a bit nicer than Vue's SFCs, where JavaScript code and template code happen to be in the same file but otherwise interact no differently than if they were still in separate files. Developers must learn a proprietary Vue API for explicitly copying values from JavaScript's scope into the template's scope, and component names can be different between where they are imported (OtherComponent) and where they are invoked (other-component):

    <other-component />

import OtherComponent from './OtherComponent.vue'

export default {
  components: {

Neither of these approaches is exactly right for Ember. Ideally, we'd find a way to "bend the curve" of tradeoffs: maintaining the performance benefits of templates, while gaining productivity and learnability by having those templates seamlessly participate in JavaScript's scoping rules.

Unlocking Experimentation

Rather than deciding on the best syntax for single-file components and template imports upfront, this RFC proposes new low-level APIs that addons can use as compile targets to implement experimental file formats.

For example, imagine a file format that uses a frontmatter-like syntax to combine template and JavaScript sections in a single file:

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import titleize from './helpers/titleize';
import BlogPost from './components/blog-post';

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  @service session;

{{#let this.session.currentUser as |user|}}
  <BlogPost @title={{titleize @model.title}} @body={{@model.body}} @author={{user}} />

Or imagine this syntax, where a component's template is located syntactically within the class body:

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import titleize from './helpers/titleize';
import BlogPost from './components/blog-post';

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
    {{#let this.session.currentUser as |user|}}
      <BlogPost @title={{titleize @model.title}} @body={{@model.body}} @author={{user}} />
  @service session;

Or even a variation of the Vue SFC format:

{{#let this.session.currentUser as |user|}}
  <BlogPost @title={{titleize @model.title}} @body={{@model.body}} @author={{user}} />

<script type="module">
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import titleize from './helpers/titleize';
import BlogPost from './components/blog-post';

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  @service session;

With the API proposed in this RFC, an Ember addon could transform any of the above file formats, at build time, into a JavaScript file that looks something like this:

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import titleize from './helpers/titleize';
import BlogPost from './components/blog-post';

import { __template__, setComponentTemplate } from '@ember/template-factory';

const template$1 = __template__({
  source: `{{#let this.session.currentUser as |user|}}\n  <BlogPost`, /* ... */
  mode: 1,
  scope: [BlogPost, titleize]

export default setComponentTemplate(template$1, class MyComponent extends Component {
  @service session;

Note that the file formats shown above are hypothetical and used as illustrative examples only. This RFC does not propose a recommended file format. Rather, the goal is to expose public JavaScript API for:

  1. Compiling a template into a JavaScript representation.
  2. Associating a compiled template with its backing JavaScript class.
  3. Allowing templates to access their ambient JavaScript scope.

By focusing on primitives first, the community can iterate on different SFC designs via addons, before settling on a default format that we'd incorporate into the framework.

Detailed design

Module API

This RFC proposes the following new modules and exports:

Name Description
import { createEmbeddableTemplate } from '@ember/template-compiler' Converts template source code into a static syntax that can be inlined in JavaScript source.
import { setComponentTemplate } from '@ember/template-factory' Associates a template with a JavaScript component class.

Detailed descriptions and rationales for these APIs are provided below.

Template Compilation

Browsers don't understand Ember templates natively. So how are these templates compiled and turned into a format that can be run in the browser?

The Glimmer VM supports two modes for compiling templates: an Ahead-of-Time (AOT) mode where templates are compiled into binary bytecode, and a Just-in-Time (JIT) mode where templates are compiled into an intermediate JSON format, with final bytecode compilation happening on demand in the browser the first time a template is rendered.

Ember uses Glimmer's JIT mode, so templates are compiled into a JavaScript data structure we call the wire format. The wire format allows us to embed templates in JavaScript source code and make them available to Ember for use during rendering.

While the wire format allows us to embed templates as a JavaScript data structure, the format of that data structure changes over time. For example, the wire format of a compiled template is likely to be slightly different (and mutually incompatible) between Ember 3.0 and 3.8.

Today, addons distribute templates as source .hbs files. Each Ember application is responsible for compiling addon templates as well as its own templates, guaranteeing that the generated wire formats are compatible.

Because the wire format is not stable, we need an alternate syntax for embedding templates within JavaScript code that is stable across different Ember versions.

Embeddable Templates

This RFC proposes we expose a function called createEmbeddableTemplate, exported from the @ember/template-compiler package. This function takes a string of template source code and returns a version of that template encoded in JavaScript syntax that can be inserted into an existing JavaScript file:

import { createEmbeddableTemplate } from '@ember/template-compiler';

const templateSource = `<h1><BlogPost @title={{titleize}} /></h1>`;
const embeddableTemplate = createEmbeddableTemplate(templateSource);

const jsFile = `
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import titleize from './helpers/titleize';
import BlogPost from './components/blog-post';
import { setComponentTemplate } from '@ember/template-factory';

const template$1 = ${embeddableTemplate.value};

export default setComponentTemplate(template$1, class MyComponent extends Component {
  @service session;

The return value of createEmbeddableTemplate is an object with two properties, prelude and value.

The prelude property is a string containing setup code, such as import statements, and must be inserted in the top level of the module. If multiple templates are being embedded in the same JavaScript module, the prelude must be included only once.

The value property is a string containing a JavaScript expression representing the template source and additional metadata. This value will be transformed into the final wire format version of the template when the application is compiled.

The proposed syntax for templates encoded in JavaScript is described in the Embeddable Template Format section. However, the exact JavaScript code returned from createEmbeddableTemplate should be considered opaque and may change over time.

The createEmbeddableTemplate function will throw an exception if the template passed to it contains a syntax error.

Associating Templates and Classes

In Ember, a component is made up of a template and an optional backing JavaScript class. But how does Ember know which class and template go together?

Today, the answer is "it's complicated." That complexity makes it difficult for addons to override default behavior and experiment with things like single-file components.

By default, templates are associated with a class implicitly by name. For example, the template at app/templates/components/user-avatar.hbs will be joined with the class exported from app/components/user-avatar.js, because they share the base file name user-avatar.

The benefit of this approach is that files are in predictable locations. If you are editing a template and need to switch to the class, or are reading a another template and want to see the implementation of the {{user-avatar}} component, finding the right file to jump to should not be difficult.

Sometimes, though, Ember developers run into scenarios where they'd like to re-use the same template across multiple components. Ember supports overriding a component's template by defining the layout property in the component class:

import Component from '@ember/component';
import OtherTemplate from 'app/templates/other-template';

export default Component.extend({
  layout: OtherTemplate

However, this capability comes at a cost. Supporting dynamic layouts like this requires Ember to put the Glimmer VM into a mode where it checks each component instance for a layout property, preventing these components from being fully optimized.

This RFC proposes a more explicit, static system for associating templates with component classes. A function called setComponentTemplate is exported from the @ember/template-factory package. To create the association, this function is invoked with the embedded template and component class as arguments:

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { setComponentTemplate } from '@ember/template-factory';

const template = /* embeddable template here */

class MyComponent extends Component {
  /* ... */

setComponentTemplate(template, MyComponent);

For convenience, setComponentTemplate returns the same component class that was passed, allowing the class to be defined and associated with a template in a single expression:

export default setComponentTemplate(template, class MyComponent extends Component {
  /* ... */

Even though this is a runtime API, template association is intended to be as static and restricted as possible, allowing us to enable better optimizations in the future:

  • Templates should be set on component classes as early as possible, ideally immediately after the class is defined.
  • A component's template cannot be set more than once. Attempting to change a component's template after one has been set will throw an exception.
  • Setting a component's template after rendering has begun (even if no previous template was set) also throws an exception.
  • Every instance of a given component has the same template. It is not possible to dynamically change a component's template at runtime.

Component subclasses inherit their template from the nearest superclass that has had a template set via setComponentTemplate. If no superclass has an associated template, Ember will fall back to the current template resolution rules.

Templates set via setComponentTemplate, including those set on a superclass, take precedence over the layout property, container lookup, or any other existing mechanism of template resolution. For example, a template set on a superclass via setComponentTemplate would take precedence over a subclass's layout property (if it had one). However, a template set via setComponentTemplate on the subclass would take precedence over the superclass.

Template Scope

In this context, scope refers to the set of names that can be used to refer to values, helpers, and other components from within your template. For example, when you type {{@firstName}}, {{this.count}}, or <UserAvatar />, how does Ember know what each of these refers to? The answer to that is determined by the template's scope.

Today, the names available inside a particular template are determined by a few different rules:

  1. this always refers to the component instance (if the template has a backing class).
  2. Arguments (like @firstName) are placed into scope when you invoke the component.
  3. Block parameters (like item in {{#each @items as |item|}}) are in scope, but only inside the block.
  4. Anything else, like components and helper names, must be looked up dynamically through Ember's container. This lookup process is somewhat complex and not always as fast as we'd like.

Because the rules for how components and helpers are looked up are implicit and can be confusing for new learners, we'd like to explore alternate APIs that allow users to explicitly import values and refer to them from templates.

This RFC proposes that templates embedded via the createEmbeddableTemplate function resolve unknown identifiers from the ambient JavaScript scope, rather than performing dynamic resolution through the container.

To do this, createEmbeddableTemplate emits JavaScript code that contains references to the same identifiers as those used in the template:

import { t } from '../helpers/t';
import User from './user';
import { __template__ } from '@ember/template-compiler';

const template$1 = __template__({
  source: '{{t "Hello!"}} <User @user={{this.currentUser}} />',
  mode: 1,
  scope: [User, t]
});   /*  ^------- actual JavaScript identifier */

When the embedded template is later compiled into the wire format, these references are retained:

import { t } from '../helpers/t';
import User from './user';
import { templateFactory } from '@ember/template-factory';

const template$1 = templateFactory({
  "id": "ANJ73B7b",
  "block": "{\"statements\":[\"...\"]}",
  "scope": () => [User, t]
});           /*  ^------- actual JavaScript identifier */

If a template references an identifier that is not in scope, a ReferenceError will be produced at runtime:

import { templateFactory } from '@ember/template-factory';

const template$1 = templateFactory({
  "id": "ANJ73B7b",
  "block": "{\"statements\":[\"...\"]}",
  "scope": () => [MissingComponent]
});           /*  ^------- will produce a ReferenceError */

As of this RFC, scope values resolved via ambient scope are limited to component classes and template helpers (i.e. subclasses of Helper or functions wrapped with helper() from @ember/component/helper). However, support for additional kinds of scope values may be expanded in future RFCs.

Compilation Modes

To support future evolution of template syntax and semantics, this RFC defines a mode option that can specify different rules for template compilation.

This RFC defines a single mode:

Mode ID Description
Strict 1 Legacy template syntax becomes a compile-time error. Component and helper resolution happens via ambient JavaScript scope.

The exact behavior of strict mode is defined in a companion RFC.

Modes are specified as an integer ID to reduce the size of compiled output and to allow additional modes to be added in the future. To specify the mode, pass a mode option to createEmbeddableTemplate:

const template = createEmbeddableTemplate('<div></div>', {
  mode: 1

If the mode is not specified, strict mode (mode 1) is assumed. Future RFCs may specify additional modes.

Embeddable Template Format

This section describes the JavaScript syntax generated by createEmbeddableTemplate and consumed by the Ember CLI build system. Similar to how Ember CLI automatically discovers .hbs files and compiles them into the wire format, templates embedded in .js files with this syntax will be replaced with the equivalent wire format at build time.

The following constraints are important to the design described here:

  1. Parsing for embedded templates should be fast, to avoid regressing application build times.
  2. The syntax should be static and only require parsing, not evaluating, JavaScript.
  3. The syntax should be valid JavaScript that will not cause incompatibility with other tools.
  4. The syntax should produce real values and use real JavaScript references rather than relying on "inert" constructs like strings or comments. This is to make the embedded templates resilient to tools like minifiers or packagers that aggressively remove code that seems unused and without side-effects.

The format described here is not intended to be authored by hand. Addons and other tools that need to generate embeddable templates are strongly encouraged to use the createEmbeddableTemplate function rather than generating the format manually.

We propose a new export, __template__, from the @ember/template-compiler package. An embedded template is defined by a CallExpression with the imported __template__ identifier (or its alias) as the callee and an ObjectLiteral expression as the first and only argument:

import titleize from './helpers/titleize';
import BlogPost from './components/blog-post';
import { __template__ } from '@ember/template-compiler';

const template$1 = __template__({
  source: '<h1><BlogPost @title={{titleize "Coming Soon"}} /></h1>',
  mode: 1,
  scope: [BlogPost, titleize]

The ObjectLiteral expression must contain the following property definitions:

IdentifierName Description AssignmentExpression
source The original template source. StringLiteral
mode The mode (see Compilation Modes) the template should be compiled in. DecimalIntegerLiteral
scope Identifiers used in the template, sorted by identifier name. ArrayLiteral containing zero or more IdentifierName expressions

While all property definitions are required, the order is unimportant and they may be provided in any order.

The scope array must be sorted by identifier name, using the sort behavior described in ECMA-262. Predictable sorting allows the template compiler to associate scope values with the correct template identifier, even if JavaScript identifiers have been mangled by a minifier.

To avoid naming collisions, the __template__ identifier may be aliased on import:

import titleize from './helpers/titleize';
import BlogPost from './components/blog-post';
import { __template__ as TEMPLATE } from '@ember/template-compiler';

// This alias is valid and will be detected as an embedded template.
const template$1 = TEMPLATE({
  source: '<h1><BlogPost @title={{titleize "Coming Soon"}} /></h1>',
  mode: 1,
  scope: [BlogPost, titleize]

Any other form of aliasing is not supported:

import titleize from './helpers/titleize';
import BlogPost from './components/blog-post';
import { __template__ } from '@ember/template-compiler';

// This alias happens after the import and will either not be detected or cause
// an exception to be thrown.
const TEMPLATE = __template__
const template$1 = TEMPLATE({
  source: '<h1><BlogPost @title={{titleize "Coming Soon"}} /></h1>',
  mode: 1,
  scope: [BlogPost, titleize]

The __template__ CallExpression will be replaced with the compiled wire format and wrapped in a template factory:

import titleize from './helpers/titleize';
import BlogPost from './components/blog-post';
import { createTemplateFactory } from '@ember/template-factory';

const template$1 = createTemplateFactory({
  "id": "ANJ73B7b",
  "block": "{\"statements\":[\"...\"]}",
  "scope": () => [BlogPost, titleize]

Note that the wire format is not defined in this RFC, is not considered public API, and is subject to change over time. The example above is illustrative only.

How we teach this

Guide-level Documentation

This is a low-level API, and most Ember developers should never need to learn or care about it. Only addon authors interested in providing alternate file formats need to understand these APIs in depth.

As such, the examples and explanations given in this RFC should be enough for experienced addon authors to get started. Of course, familiarity with Broccoli, parsers like Babel, and creating Ember CLI addons is a pre-requisite.

API-Level Documentation


import { createEmbeddableTemplate } from '@ember/template-compiler';

Encodes a string of Glimmer template source code as JavaScript code that can be embedded in a host JavaScript file. The JavaScript representation will later be compiled into the final compiled wire format by Ember CLI.

Returns an object with a prelude property and a value property. The prelude string should be inserted into the top-level scope of the host file and includes setup code such as import statements. The value string represents a JavaScript expression and may be inserted anywhere a JavaScript expression is syntactically valid, such as the right side of an assignment.

Components and helpers referenced in the passed template will be looked up from the JavaScript scope where the value string is inserted.

An optional mode option may also be provided. Currently, only one mode is supported, which is strict mode with ID of 1. If no mode is specified, the default mode of 1 is assumed. Future RFCs may specify additional modes.

function createEmbeddableTemplate(templateSource: string, options?: CreateEmbeddableTemplateOptions): CreateEmbeddableTemplateResult; 

interface CreateEmbeddableTemplateOptions {
  mode?: TemplateCompilerMode;

interface CreateEmbeddableTemplateResult {
  prelude: string;
  value: string;

enum TemplateCompilerMode {
  Strict = 1;


import { setComponentTemplate } from '@ember/template-factory';

Associates a template factory with a component class. When a component is invoked, a new instance of the class is created and the template associated with it via setComponentTemplate is rendered.

function setComponentTemplate<T>(template: TemplateFactory, ComponentClass: T): T;


Requires Addons

The most obvious drawback is that the APIs outlined here, once implemented, stabilized, documented, and landed in a stable release, do not provide any value to Ember users if no one build addons that take advantage of them.

On the other end of the spectrum, there's the risk that people build too many addons using these primitives, causing fragmentation and confusion in the Ember ecosystem.

There's also a risk that people find single-file component addons extremely productive and they become popular among "pro users," but new Ember learners aren't aware of them. Once these ideas are validated and shown to be an improvement, it's important they are incorporated into the happy path so we can climb the mountain together.

Relies on Runtime Behavior

While this proposal tries to be strict about reducing the dynamism around how component templates are specified, it still relies on having objects like template factories available to imperatively annotate at runtime.

If and when we add support for Glimmer's AOT bytecode compilation mode, these objects will no longer exist, and the strategy of having addons simply compile the template portion of single-file components into an inline wire format will no longer work.

While I don't consider this a blocker, it does mean that when the time comes, existing SFC addons would likely need to be updated to support AOT compilation, unless we can come up with a clever compatibility hack.


Providing Scope Explicitly

As currently proposed in this RFC, template identifiers are looked up from ambient scope, with an optional fallback to dynamic resolution behavior.

An alternative considered was to specify scope values explicitly when creating the template factory. However, this adds boilerplate that is unneeded in the most common scenarios.

In favor of the extra boilerplate, addon authors can inject new bindings into JavaScript scope to customize template resolution.

Additional Resolver-Based APIs

One alternative to the API propsed here (where we explicitly attach a template to a component class) would be to provide better hooks into the resolver system so that addons can better simulate single-file components via the existing dynamic resolution system.

I rejected this approach for a number of reasons. First, the current resolver already has quite a bit of branching and dynamic behavior, often for backwards compatibility. Adding additional functionality and logic to this system did not seem like a great option.

Second, I believe the API proposed in this RFC is much simpler for addon authors to understand and implement if they want to experiment with single-file component file formats. More dynamic systems can also add more layers of indirection that are difficult to understand and debug.

Third, and most importantly, the static nature of the API as proposed here makes it much easier to understand at build time which components and templates go together, and what the dependencies between components are. The ability to quickly and accurately determine this dependency graph is imperative to the success of initiatives like Embroider and is required to unlock good tree-shaking and code-splitting.

Unresolved questions


This section captures substantive changes made during the RFC process and the rationale behind the changes.


Replace Wire Format with Embeddable Templates

To address the previous open question about wire format stability and how addons should distribute templates that exist within a JavaScript scope, the previous precompile API has been replaced with a new API, createEmbeddableTemplate, that creates an intermediate static syntax for template embedding that includes the original template source.

Single Scoping Mechanism, Compilation Mode

Previous versions of this RFC contained additional API for partially opting out of JavaScript lexical scope in a given template. This design added complexity to the API and the process of building an SFC addon, but was done on compatibility grounds. We now believe we have a better strategy for compatibility that does not rely on this complexity, so it has been removed in favor of always using ambient scope.

This also means that the need for a sloppy mode is eliminated, so this RFC defines the default (and only) mode as strict mode. The exact semantics of strict mode will be defined in a companion RFC.


Simpler Scope API

The details of how scope works have changed to better align with the planned "strict mode" RFC for templates, and to reduce the boilerplate required in most common scenarios.

Previously, setting a template's scope was a two-step process:

  1. Specifying the identifiers during the precompile phase.
  2. Specifying the associated values of the specifiers during the createTemplateFactory phase.

The API looked like this:

import { precompile } from '@ember/template-compiler';
import { createTemplateFactory } from '@ember/template-factory';
import User from './OtherComponent';
import t from '../helpers/i18n/t';

// Provide array of string identifiers
const wireFormat = precompile(`{{t "Hello!"}} <User @user={{this.currentUser}} />`, {
  scope: ['User', 't']  

// Provide array of values
const template = createTemplateFactory(wireFormat, {
  scope: () => [User, t]

This API has been updated so that, by default, the expression returned from precompile is assumed to be embedded in JavaScript code where the identifiers used in the template are in lexical scope. This eliminates the need to specify a scope array to either precompile or createTemplateFactory.

The example above would instead be written like this:

import { precompile } from '@ember/template-compiler';
import { createTemplateFactory } from '@ember/template-factory';
import User from './OtherComponent';
import t from '../helpers/i18n/t';

// Assume any ambiguous identifiers come from our lexical scope.
const wireFormat = precompile(`{{t "Hello!"}} <User @user={{this.currentUser}} />`);
const template = createTemplateFactory(wireFormat);

That means that the wire format can now contain JavaScript code, like in the following example:

import { precompileTemplate } from '@ember/template-compilation';
import User from './OtherComponent';
import t from '../helpers/i18n/t';

// Provide array of string identifiers
const wireFormat = precompile(`{{t "Hello!"}} <User @user={{this.currentUser}} />`);
/* => `{
  "id": "ANJ73B7b",
  "block": "{\"statements\":[\"...\"]}",
  "scope": () => [t, User]
}` */

Mode Option

A new mode option has been added to precompile to allow for future evolution of compiler rules.