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Eric Mor edited this page Aug 8, 2019 · 3 revisions

Surfaces are not effect components, but they are used in some components like particles, metaParticles and distribute. They are used to describe how particles will behave when colliding with certain surfaces, such as the planet terrain surface.

Surfaces are a single command with many options. Optionally, the surface command can have one argument:

surface <resourceID: surfaceMapID> [-option1] [-option2] [etc]

Available options



-pinEmit (<float: surfaceOffset>)


-bounce <float>

-slide <float>

-slide <float>

-death <float>

In the [0.0, 1.0] range, how likely the particle is to die on collision. If value is 1.0, particles will always die; if it's 0, particles will never die.

-collideEffect <effect>

The name of an effect that will be played when a particle collides with the surface.

-deathEffect <effect>

The name of an effect that will be played when a particle dies colliding with the surface.



-basis <vector3...>

Points that define the surface?

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