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@emdaer/plugin-jsdoc-tag-value · Travis Documented with emdaer Maintained with lerna


@emdaer/plugin-jsdoc-tag-value is an emdaer plugin – see the emdaer monorepo for more information



This will print 2 examples of how to use this plugin:

  - '@emdaer/plugin-jsdoc-tag-value'
  - source: ./src/index.js
    functionName: jsdocTagValue
    tag: example
    tagIndex: 0
  - '@emdaer/plugin-jsdoc-tag-value'
  - source: ./src/index.js
    functionName: jsdocTagValue
    tag: example

Usage in README

Use @emdaer/plugin-jsdoc-tag-value by specifying the source, functionName, and tag you would like to pull the string value from. @emdaer/plugin-jsdoc-tag-value will pull the description from documentationjs of the first instance of that tag. This readme is pulling in an example of itself like so:

  - '@emdaer/plugin-jsdoc-tag-value'
  - source: ./src/index.js
    functionName: jsdocTagValue
    tag: example
    tagIndex: 0

By omitting the tagIndex parameter, one can pull in all examples for a given function:

  - '@emdaer/plugin-jsdoc-tag-value'
  - source: ./src/index.js
    functionName: jsdocTagValue
    tag: example

Node API


Render a jsdoc tag’s value for a given file/function


  • options any
    • options.source string? The file that contains the function
    • options.functionName string? The function name that contains the desired jsdoc tag
    • options.tag string? The tag from whom to pull the value
    • options.tagIndex string? The index for the tag from whom to pull the value. If not present, all values for a given tag will be pulled.


  - '@emdaer/plugin-jsdoc-tag-value'
  - source: ./src/index.js
    functionName: jsdocTagValue
    tag: example
    tagIndex: 0
  - '@emdaer/plugin-jsdoc-tag-value'
  - source: ./src/index.js
    functionName: jsdocTagValue
    tag: example

Returns Promise<string> The link as an anchor HTML element.