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File metadata and controls

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How to setup a local development environment

This tutorial describes the setup for a local development environment.


Institutions with a working IdP with the MFaProvider installed and running that want to develop a new authentication factor or maintain/debug an existing one.


  • Eclipse IDE (with the plugin Buildship Gradle Integration)
  • MongoDB
  • A working installation of IdP Shibboleth v3.3 (with MFaProvider) like the one from CAFe Federation.

Importing the project to Eclipse

  1. Clone the MFaProvider project to the directory of your choice (DO NOT download it to the Eclipse workspace)
$ git clone
  1. In Eclipse, import the MFaProvider as a Gradle project.

  2. From the host where the IdP is installed, copy the file /opt/shibboleth-idp/metadata/idp-metadata.xml to a directory in your computer. For instance, /home/user/mfap-dev/.

  3. In the directory where you've downloaded the project (e.g: MfaProvider/), edit the file ./src/main/resources/ and change the fields as shown below:

    • Obs.: Change the field idp.metadata to match the path of the file you've saved in item 3. It is also necessary to replace the #### of the fields restsecurity.user and restsecurity.password by the user and password of your choice. 

  1. To execute the application, click on Gradle Tasks > conta > gretty > tomcatStart in the menu.

  2. With the application running, generate the SP metadata file by accessing the URL https://localhost:9443/conta/saml/web/metadata/getNewMetaData, or using curl in the command line: curl -X GET --user '%user:%password' https://localhost:9443/conta/saml/web/metadata/getNewMetaData --insecure > sp-metadata.xml

    Obs.: Change %user and %password to the values configured in the fields restsecurity.user and restsecurity.password in the file that was edited in item 4.

  3. Replace the file MfaProvider/src/main/resources/metadata/sp-metadata.xml with the file generated in the previous step.

MongoDB Configuration

  1. Check if MongoDB is running by issuing the command $sudo service mongodb status

    Obs.: If it isn't, run $ sudo service mongodb start

  2. In the project dir (e.g: MfaProvider/), edit the file scriptMongo.js, change the value of the fields user and pwd to the values you want and save the file.

  3. Also in the project dir, create the mongo user running the following:

    $ mongo < scriptMongo.js

IdP Server Configuration

  1. Copy the metadata file created in the item 6 of the section Importing the project to Eclipse to /opt/shibboleth-idp/metadata/mfapdev-metadata.xml in the IdP host

  2. Also in the IdP host, edit the file /opt/shibboleth-idp/conf/metadata-provider.xml and insert a new entry, as follows, indicating the file copied in the previous item:

<MetadataProvider id="mfapdev" metadataFile="/opt/shibboleth-idp/metadata/mfapdev-metadata.xml" xsi:type="FilesystemMetadataProvider" />
  1. Run the script to apply the changes:


With the application running (item 5 from the section Importing the project to Eclipse), visit the URL https://localhost:9443/conta from the browser.

You'll see the IdP login page, and after authentication, you'll be redirected to the URL https://localhost:9443/conta/mfa/cadastrar/dashboard listing all the available options for the second factor.