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numpy basics

  • always use numpy array types, array or matrix as appropriate
  • let's generate a (10^3) random dataset and look at its dimensions
import numpy
print data.shape
  • accessing the array is easy: the object knows all the usual mathematical operations; all these operations are pointwise, so you can just
print data, data + 2*data/data**0.5 - data**2
  • this is also reasonably efficient!

  • we can easily access slices (subarrays) as well

    • array[a:b] gives you elements array[a] to array[b-1]
    • multidimensional arrays have dimensions separated by commas: array[a:b,c:d,e:f]
    • any missing endpoint is treated as the extreme point (inclusive): missing starting point becomes first element and missing endpoint becomes last element (note that this is inclusive)
    • negative indices count from the end of the array
    • note that there is no way to define a slice with a negative endpoint index which includes last element of the array
    • slices can stride array[a:b:c] gives every cth point from a (inclusive) to b (exclusive)
    • or can slice backwards: array[a:b:-c] gives every cth point backwards from a (inclusive) to b (exclusive)
    • if any axis of your slice contains no points at all, you get an empty array: if you want to remove a dimension, use a trivial slice of one element
print array, array[:], array[:4], array[4:]
print array[:-4], array[-4:]
print array[1:8:2], array[8:1:-2], array[1:8:-2]
  • slices are also numpy arrays, so they know arithmetic
print data[3:6,:3,-2:]
print data[3:6,:3,-2:]**2
  • slice access can be slow or fast, depending on factors like whether numpy copies the data, what the striding pattern is like, how big the data is etc

    • could even be faster to process the whole data instead of a slice
    • no general rule, be prepared to experiment if copy-process-copy back is better than striding in place or something else
  • numpy also has a bunch of ufunc functions: they do the obvious thing point-wise:

print numpy.sin(data)
  • they are implemented in C using numpy array's buffer interface, so are probably at least 100x faster than the equivalent from math (e.g. math.sin)
  • numpy also knows of matrices (and tensors!)
  • You can also check some details about a numpy array easily
print colvec.flags
print rowvec.nbytes, rowvec.size
print rowvec.shape, rowvec.reshape(1,3).shape
print mat, mat**2, rowvec, colvec
print colvec*mat1, mat2*colvec.T, mat2*rowvec
print mat1*colvec # this raises ValueError: (3,4) matrix cannot be multipied from the left by (1,3) matrix
  • never think or call an array a matrix or vice versa: they obey different arithmetic
  • but to a certain extent, arrays are vectors: they can be broadcast to 1-column and 1-row matrices, but do not have the usual transposes (they DO have a transpose, though), arithmetic is array arithmetic etc
print arrayvec, arrayvec.T 
print arrayvec*mat1
print mat2*arrayvec # gives an error

writing efficient numpy code

  • Let's also take a sneak peek into next topic, profiling while we look at how to do numerics using Laplacian as an example
  • Laplacian is obviously related to PDEs, but the arithmetic is very similar to e.g. a discrete low pass filter like (y_{i} = x_{i-1} + a (y_{i} - x_{i-1})) or output[i] : output[i-1] + a * (input[i] - output[i-1])= with output[0] input[0]=
  • in python we could do
  import numpy
  import cProfile
  import time as timemod

  def init_data(sizes):
      return numpy.random.random(sizes)

  def Laplacian(data, lapl, d):
      for ii in range(1,data.shape[0]-1):
          for jj in range(1,data.shape[1]-1):
              for kk in range(1,data.shape[2]-1):
                  lapl[ii,jj,kk] = (
                        (data[ii-1,jj,kk] - 2*data[ii,jj,kk] + data[ii+1,jj,kk])/d[0]*d[1]*d[2] +
                        (data[ii,jj-1,kk] - 2*data[ii,jj,kk] + data[ii,jj+1,kk])/d[1]*d[0]*d[2] +
                        (data[ii,jj,kk-1] - 2*data[ii,jj,kk] + data[ii,jj,kk+1])/d[2]*d[0]*d[1])

  def runone(func):
      start = timemod.clock()
      cp.runcall(func, data, lapl, d)
      end = timemod.clock()
      print("cProfile gave total time of {time} s and the following profile.".format(time=end-start))

  • that took a while (9.4 s on my laptop)! Any ideas why?

  • let's try numpy-style without explicit loops

  • numpy converts operatins between sliced or whole numpy arrays into vectorised loops

    • note that this can deceive you: how much memory does array_A arrayB + arrayC*arrayD= consume? How many memory accesses does it contain?
  import numpy
  import cProfile
  import time as timemod

  def init_data(sizes):
      return numpy.random.random(sizes)

  def Laplacian_numpyic(data, lapl, d):
      lapl[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = (
              (data[0:-2,1:-1,1:-1] - 2*data[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] + data[2:,1:-1,1:-1])/d[0]*d[1]*d[2] +
              (data[1:-1,0:-2,1:-1] - 2*data[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] + data[1:-1,2:,1:-1])/d[1]*d[0]*d[2] +
              (data[1:-1,1:-1,0:-2] - 2*data[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] + data[1:-1,1:-1,2:])/d[2]*d[0]*d[1])

  • that took 0.05 s on the same laptop!

  • conclusion: never write a for-loop in python

  • let's see how cython works and improves performance

    • everything from %%cython to the next empty line will be saved to a tepmorary file, turned into a C code using cython and then compiled into a python module which is then imported
    • when cython runs, it does not see our current namespace (it is a separate process), so we need to import whatever we use
    • there is also a special cimport command, which imports "into C code"
    • the @cython lines are decorators which affect how cython treats the following function: we want no bounds checking on our arrays and we want (1/0) to produce (\infty) instead of python's ZeroDivisionError
    • this is more or less standard cython preamble
    • notice also the type definitions in the function definition: always type everything in cython as if you do not, cython treats them as pytohn objects with all the performance penalty that implies
  %load_ext Cython
  import cython
  import numpy
  cimport numpy
  def Laplacian_cython1(object[double, ndim=3] data, object[double, ndim=3] lapl, object[double, ndim=1] d):
      lapl[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = (
              (data[0:-2,1:-1,1:-1] - 2*data[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] + data[2:,1:-1,1:-1])/d[0]*d[1]*d[2] +
              (data[1:-1,0:-2,1:-1] - 2*data[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] + data[1:-1,2:,1:-1])/d[1]*d[0]*d[2] +
              (data[1:-1,1:-1,0:-2] - 2*data[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] + data[1:-1,1:-1,2:])/d[2]*d[0]*d[1])
  • that took 0.05 s --- was cython not supposed to speed things up?
  • unfortunately as much as numpy likes array-operations, cython dislikes them
  • we'll also introduce the right datatypes: the double we used above just happens to be the same as an element of the numpy.ndarray we passed Laplacian
  import cython
  import numpy
  cimport numpy
  ctypedef numpy.float64_t DTYPE_t
  def Laplacian_cython2(numpy.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=3] data, numpy.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=3] lapl, numpy.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] d):
      cdef int xmax = data.shape[0]
      cdef int ymax = data.shape[1]
      cdef int zmax = data.shape[2]
      cdef int ii, jj, kk
      for ii in range(1,xmax-1):
          for jj in range(1,ymax-1):
              for kk in range(1,zmax-1):
                  lapl[ii,jj,kk] = (
                      (data[ii-1,jj,kk] - 2*data[ii,jj,kk] + data[ii+1,jj,kk])/d[0]*d[1]*d[2] +
                      (data[ii,jj-1,kk] - 2*data[ii,jj,kk] + data[ii,jj+1,kk])/d[1]*d[0]*d[2] +
                      (data[ii,jj,kk-1] - 2*data[ii,jj,kk] + data[ii,jj,kk+1])/d[2]*d[0]*d[1])
  • there we go: 0.014 s on the laptop
  • we can do still better: the gcc compiler used does not realise that the lattice constants do not change from lattice site to lattice site, so the /d[0]*d[1]*d[2] etc could be done just once and then multiplied (never divide if you can avoid it!) into the stencil:
  import cython
  import numpy
  cimport numpy
  ctypedef numpy.float64_t DTYPE_t
  def Laplacian_cython3(numpy.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=3] data, numpy.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=3] lapl, numpy.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] d):
      cdef int xmax = data.shape[0]
      cdef int ymax = data.shape[1]
      cdef int zmax = data.shape[2]
      cdef int ii, jj, kk
      cdef double d1d2bd0=1.0/d[0]*d[1]*d[2], d0d2bd1=1.0/d[1]*d[0]*d[2], d0d1bd2=1.0/d[2]*d[0]*d[1]
      for ii in range(1,xmax-1):
          for jj in range(1,ymax-1):
              for kk in range(1,zmax-1):
                  lapl[ii,jj,kk] = (
                      (data[ii-1,jj,kk] - 2*data[ii,jj,kk] + data[ii+1,jj,kk])*d1d2bd0 +
                      (data[ii,jj-1,kk] - 2*data[ii,jj,kk] + data[ii,jj+1,kk])*d0d2bd1 +
                      (data[ii,jj,kk-1] - 2*data[ii,jj,kk] + data[ii,jj,kk+1])*d0d1bd2)
  • and down to a healthy 0.005 s
  • speedup compared to original code is now 1900x
  • even compared to the vectorised pure python, it is 10x

compiling with cython outside of python

  • save the code into a file (complicated to arrange in a jupyter notebook, so get profiling.pyx and from the repo and place in the right directory
  • run python build_ext --inplace to get a module called profiling you can import
  • Profiling
  • we already know cProfile, but let's see what it gives in a more complicated example
more complicated cProfile
  • cython's profiling capabilities are also of interes: in earlier examples, we saw just something like _cython_magic_c63ab7889ce7cc65e5cd8f75df5d29ae.Laplacian_cython2 and that's all we would have seen even if the cython code would have had deeper call hierarchies: cProfile cannot see into cython without cython giving it a hand
  • this hand is =@cython.profile(True):
  import cython
  import numpy
  cimport numpy
  ctypedef numpy.float64_t DTYPE_t
  def Laplacian_cython3_profile(numpy.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=3] data, numpy.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=3] lapl, numpy.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] d):
      cdef int xmax = data.shape[0]
      cdef int ymax = data.shape[1]
      cdef int zmax = data.shape[2]
      cdef int ii, jj, kk
      cdef double d1d2bd0=1.0/d[0]*d[1]*d[2], d0d2bd1=1.0/d[1]*d[0]*d[2], d0d1bd2=1.0/d[2]*d[0]*d[1]
      for ii in range(1,xmax-1):
          for jj in range(1,ymax-1):
              for kk in range(1,zmax-1):
                  lapl[ii,jj,kk] = (
                      (data[ii-1,jj,kk] - 2*data[ii,jj,kk] + data[ii+1,jj,kk])*d1d2bd0 +
                      (data[ii,jj-1,kk] - 2*data[ii,jj,kk] + data[ii,jj+1,kk])*d0d2bd1 +
                      (data[ii,jj,kk-1] - 2*data[ii,jj,kk] + data[ii,jj,kk+1])*d0d1bd2)
  • unfortunately, profiling creates overhead so now our code is now a bit slower
  • for small functions, this overhead is enough to misguide you
def recip_square(i):
    return 1./i**2

def approx_pi(n=10000000):
    val = 0.
    for k in range(1,n+1):
        val += recip_square(k)
    return (6 * val)**.5

  • note how the cumtime and tottime work: the cumtime of a function equals its tottime plus the cumtime of any of its callees
  • before cythoninsing, let's make one change
def recip_square(i):
    return 1./i**2

def approx_pi(n=10000000):
    val = 0.
    for k in xrange(1,n+1):
        val += recip_square(k)
    return (6 * val)**.5

  • we got the xrange fall below the radar, where range took a significant amount of time!
  • now we cythonise
  • cython will turn ** into a call to pow() which is bad, so we remove that
  • this forces us to change int i into long i lest we get integer overflows!
import cython
def recip_square(int i):
    return 1./(i*i)
def approx_pi(int n=10000000):
    cdef double val = 0.
    cdef int k
    for k in xrange(1,n+1):
        val += recip_square(k)
    return (6 * val)**.5
  • without @cython.profile(True) we'd only see the {_cython_magic_6246327bdc7da2785b99c8775b1bdbc3.approx_pi} line
  • now the crucial point about small functions: the tottime of approx_pi is "wrong" as it includes time spent setting up profiling for recipsquare!
  • so to see the real time approx_pi takes, we turn off profiling from recip_square:
import cython
def recip_square(long i):
    return 1./(i*i)
def approx_pi(long n=10000000):
    cdef double val = 0.
    cdef long k
    for k in xrange(1,n+1):
        val += recip_square(k)
    return (6 * val)**.5
  • This is a problem with profiling: the overheads of setting up profiling of an oft-called function will give the wrong impression of how much time the caller takes.
  • two more useful tricks: inlining and defining a pure-C function (not directly callable from python)
import cython
cimport cython

cdef inline double recip_square(long i):
    return 1./(i*i)

def approx_pi(long n=10000000):
    cdef double val = 0.
    cdef long k
    for k in xrange(1,n+1):
        val += recip_square(k)
    return (6 * val)**.5
  • Profiling adds a generic performance penatly, so turn profiling off for production

  • Debugging


  • by far the best python debugger

  • interface not very good (pydb has better) but

    • the only debugger capable of breakpointing inside a GUI mainloop
  • if you want a good interface, run interactively in ipython

    • won't do GUI mainloops interactively

    • hard to go inside modules you import

    • very hard to use with MPI and more than one rank

      • there is a way: mpirun -np 1 ipython : -np 7 screen python
      • or replace ipython with pudb
      • but you need to make sure your interactive thing does not cause timeouts or deadlocks on the others


  • pdb comes with python but is rather limited
  • pydb is a slighly more useful but still loses to pudb by a fair margin
  • you can get into the stack trace with ipython --pdb
  • qtcreator
  • do you want QtQuick or Qt Proper?
  • QtQuick uses javascript!