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This package contains the @task function, for decorating python functions to be appengine tasks.

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This library is available as the package im-task on pypi.


Don't install this library directly; instead, you'll need to install one of the framework specific modules:

If you're using a different framework, and you'd like to use @task, let me know and I'll add support.


This decorator function is designed to be used as a replacement for deferred.

Importing task

You can import task into your modules like this:

from im_task import task

Using task as a decorator

You can take any function and make it run in a separate task, like this:

def myfunction():
  ... do stuff ... 

Just call the function normally, eg:


You can use @task on any function, including nested functions, recursive functions, recursive nested functions, the sky is the limit. This is possible because of use of cloudpickle as the underlying serialisation library.

Your function can also have arguments, including other functions:

def myouterfunction(mapf):

    def myinnerfunction(objects):
    	for object in objects:
    ...get some list of lists of objects... 
    for objects in objectslist:
def dosomethingwithobject(object):
	... do something with an object ...		


The functions and arguments are being serialised and deserialised for you behind the scenes.

When enqueuing a background task, the App Engine Task and TaskQueue libraries can take a set of parameters. You can pass these to the decorator:

@task(queue="myqueue", countdown=5)
def anotherfunction():
  ... do stuff ... 

Details of the arguments allowed to Tasks are available here, under class google.appengine.api.taskqueue.Task(payload=None, **kwargs). The task decorator supports a couple of extra ones, detailed below.

Using task as a factory

You can also use task to decorate a function on the fly, like this:

def somefunction(a, b):
  ... does something ...
somefunctionintask = task(somefunction, queue="myqueue")

Then you can call the function returned by task when you are ready:

somefunctionintask(1, 2)

You could do both of these steps at once, too:

task(somefunction, queue="myqueue")(1, 2)


Pass transactional=True to have your task launch transactionally. eg:

def myserioustransactionaltask():


If you'd like access to headers in your function (a dictionary of headers passed to your task, it's a web request after all), set includeheaders=True in your call to @task. You'll also need to accept the headers argument in your function.

def myfunctionwithheaders(amount, headers):
    ... stuff ...

App Engine passes useful information to your task in headers, for example X-Appengine-TaskRetryCount.

other bits

When using deferred, all your calls are logged as /_ah/queue/deferred. But @task uses a url of the form /_ah/task/<module>/<function>, eg:


which makes debugging a lot easier.

Changing the default route

@task will use the route "_ah/task" by default. This is what needs to be handled in app.yaml. There's more info in the framework specific modules about this (see links above).

However, you may need to use a different route in some circumstances. If you do, you can just change the route like this:

from im_task import set_taskroute

set_taskroute(<my new route>)

Call that function early in your, before @task is actually used anywhere, and remember that your configured route in app.yaml must match whatever route you provide here.


@task for Google App Engine, Python standard environment







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