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File metadata and controls

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Creating a simple Django app for Fedora Commons repository content

This is a tutorial to walk you through using EULfedora with Django to build a simple interface to the Fedora-Commons repository for uploading files, viewing uploaded files in the repository, editing Dublin Core metadata, and searching content in the repository.

This tutorial assumes that you have an installation of the Fedora Commons repository available to interact with. You should have some familiarity with Python and Django (at the very least, you should have worked through the Django Tutorial). You should also have some familiarity with the Fedora Commons Repository and a basic understanding of objects and content models in Fedora.

We will use pip to install EULfedora and its dependencies; on some platforms (most notably, in Windows), you may need to install some of the python dependencies manually.

Create a new Django project and setup eulfedora

Use pip to install the eulfedora library and its dependencies. For this tutorial, we'll use the latest released version:

$ pip install eulfedora

This command should install EULfedora and its Python dependencies.

We're going to make use of a few items in eulcommon, so let's install that now too:

$ pip install eulcommon

We'll use Django, a popular web framework, for the web components of this tutorial:

$ pip install django

Now, let's go ahead and create a new Django project. We'll call it simplerepo:

$ startproject simplerepo

Go ahead and do some minimal configuration in your django settings. For simplicity, you can use a sqlite database for this tutorial (in fact, we won't make much use of this database).

In addition to the standard Django settings, add eulfedora to your INSTALLED_APPS and add Fedora connection configurations to your so that the eulfedora ~eulfedora.server.Repository object can automatically connect to your configured Fedora repository:

# Fedora Repository settings
FEDORA_ROOT = 'https://localhost:8543/fedora/'
FEDORA_USER = 'fedoraAdmin'
FEDORA_PASSWORD = 'fedoraAdmin'
FEDORA_PIDSPACE = 'simplerepo'

Since we're planning to upload content into Fedora, make sure you are using a fedora user account that has permission to upload, ingest, and modify content.

Create a model for your Fedora object

Before we can upload any content, we need to create an object to represent how we want to store that data in Fedora. Let's create a new Django app where we will create this model and associated views:

$ python startapp repo

In repo/, create a class that extends ~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject:

from eulfedora.models import DigitalObject, FileDatastream

class FileObject(DigitalObject):
    FILE_CONTENT_MODEL = 'info:fedora/genrepo:File-1.0'
    file = FileDatastream("FILE", "Binary datastream", defaults={
            'versionable': True,

What we're doing here extending the default ~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject, which gives us Dublin Core and RELS-EXT datastream mappings for free, since those are part of every Fedora object. In addition, we're defining a custom datastream that we will use to store the binary files that we're going to upload for ingest into Fedora. This configures a versionable ~eulfedora.models.FileDatastream with a datastream id of FILE and a default datastream label of Binary datastream. We could also set a default mimetype here, if we wanted.

Let's inspect our new model object in the Django console for a moment:

$ python shell

The easiest way to initialize a new object is to use the Repository object get_object method, which can also be used to access existing Fedora objects. Using the Repository object allows us to seamlessly pass along the Fedora connection configuration that the Repository object picks up from your django

>>> from eulfedora.server import Repository
>>> from simplerepo.repo.models import FileObject

# initialize a connection to the configured Fedora repository instance
>>> repo = Repository()

# create a new FileObject instance
>>> obj = repo.get_object(type=FileObject)
# this is an uningested object; it will get the default type of generated pid when we save it
>>> obj
<FileObject (generated pid; uningested)>

# every DigitalObject has Dublin Core
>>> obj.dc
<eulfedora.models.XmlDatastreamObject object at 0xa56f4ec>
# dc.content is where you access and update the actual content of the datastream
>>> obj.dc.content
<eulxml.xmlmap.dc.DublinCore object at 0xa5681ec>
# print out the content of the DC datastream - nothing there (yet)
>>> print obj.dc.content.serialize(pretty=True)
<oai_dc:dc xmlns:oai_dc="" xmlns:dc=""/>

# every DigitalObject also gets rels_ext for free
>>> obj.rels_ext
<eulfedora.models.RdfDatastreamObject object at 0xa56866c>
# this is an RDF datastream, so the content uses rdflib instead of :mod:`eulxml.xmlmap`
>>> obj.rels_ext.content
<Graph identifier=omYiNhtw0 (<class 'rdflib.graph.Graph'>)>
# print out the content of the rels_ext datastream
# notice that it has a content-model relation defined based on our class definition
>>> print obj.rels_ext.content.serialize(pretty=True)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="info:fedora/TEMP:DUMMY_PID">
    <fedora-model:hasModel rdf:resource="info:fedora/genrepo:File-1.0"/>

# our FileObject also has a custom file datastream, but there's no content yet
>>> obj.file
<eulfedora.models.FileDatastreamObject object at 0xa56ffac>

# save the object to Fedora

# our object now has a pid that was automatically generated by Fedora
# the object also has information about when it was created, modified, etc
>>> obj.created
datetime.datetime(2011, 3, 16, 19, 22, 46, 317000, tzinfo=tzutc())
>>> print obj.created
2011-03-16 19:22:46.317000+00:00
# datastreams have this kind of information as well
>>> print obj.dc.mimetype
>>> print obj.dc.created
2011-03-16 19:22:46.384000+00:00

# we can modify the content and save the changes
>>> obj.dc.content.title = 'My SimpleRepo test object'

We've defined a FileObject with a custom content model, but we haven't created the content model object in Fedora yet. For simple content models, we can do this with a custom django command. Run it in verbose mode so you can more details about what it is doing:

$ python syncrepo -v 2

You should see some output indicating that content models were generated for the class you just defined.

This command was is analogous to the Django syncdb command. It looks through your models for classes that extend DigitalObject, and when it finds content models defined that it can generate, which don't already exist in the configured repository, it will generate them and ingest them into Fedora. It can also be used to load initial objects by way of simple XML filters.

Create a view to upload content

So, we have a custom ~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject defined. Let's do something with it now.

Display an upload form

We haven't defined any url patterns yet, so let's create a for our repo app and hook that into the main project urls. Create repo/ with this content:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *

urlpatterns = patterns('simplerepo.repo.views',
    url(r'^upload/$', 'upload', name='upload'),

Then include that in your project

(r'^', include('simplerepo.repo.urls')),

Now, let's define a simple upload form and a view method to correspond to that url. First, for the form, create a file named repo/ and add the following:

from django import forms

class UploadForm(forms.Form):
    label = forms.CharField(max_length=255, # fedora label maxes out at 255 characters
                help_text='Preliminary title for the new object. 255 characters max.')
    file = forms.FileField()

The minimum we need to create a new FileObject in Fedora is a file to ingest and a label for the object in Fedora. We're could actually make the label optional here, because we could use the file name as a preliminary label, but for simplicity let's require it.

Now, define an upload view to use this form. For now, we're just going to display the form on GET; we'll add the form processing in a moment. Edit repo/ and add:

from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.template import RequestContext
from simplerepo.repo.forms import UploadForm

def upload(request):
    if request.method == 'GET':
           form = UploadForm()

    return render_to_response('repo/upload.html', 
           {'form': form}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

But we still need a template to display our form. Create a template directory and add it to your TEMPLATE_DIRS configuration in Create a repo directory inside your template directory, and then create upload.html inside that directory and give it this content:

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">{% csrf_token %}
    {{ form.as_p }}
    <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>

Let's start the django server and make sure everything is working so far. Start the server:

$ python runserver

Then load http://localhost:8000/upload/ in your Web browser. You should see a simple upload form with the two fields defined.

Process the upload

Ok, but our view doesn't do anything yet when you submit the web form. Let's add some logic to process the form. We need to import the Repository and FileObject classes and use the posted form data to initialize and save a new object, rather like what we did earlier when we were investigating FileObject in the console. Modify your repo/ so it looks like this:

from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.template import RequestContext

from eulfedora.server import Repository

from simplerepo.repo.forms import UploadForm
from simplerepo.repo.models import FileObject

def upload(request):
    obj = None
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = UploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        if form.is_valid():
            # initialize a connection to the repository and create a new FileObject
            repo = Repository()
            obj = repo.get_object(type=FileObject)
            # set the file datastream content to use the django UploadedFile object
            obj.file.content = request.FILES['file']
            # use the browser-supplied mimetype for now, even though we know this is unreliable
            obj.file.mimetype = request.FILES['file'].content_type
            # let's store the original file name as the datastream label
            obj.file.label = request.FILES['file'].name
            # set the initial object label from the form as the object label and the dc:title
            obj.label = form.cleaned_data['label']
            obj.dc.content.title = form.cleaned_data['label']

            # re-init an empty upload form for additional uploads
            form = UploadForm()

    elif request.method == 'GET':
           form = UploadForm()

    return render_to_response('repo/upload.html', {'form': form, 'obj': obj},

When content is posted to this view, we're binding our form to the request data and, when the form is valid, creating a new FileObject and initializing it with the label and file that were posted, and saving it. The view is now passing that object to the template, so if it is defined that should mean we've successfully ingested content into Fedora. Let's update our template to show something if that is defined. Add this to repo/upload.html before the form is displayed:

{% if obj %}
    <p>Successfully ingested <b>{{ obj.label }}</b> as {{ }}.</p>
    {# re-display the form to allow additional uploads #}
    <p>Upload another file?</p>
{% endif %}

Go back to the upload page in your web browser. Go ahead and enter a label, select a file, and submit the form. If all goes well, you should see a the message we added to the template for successful ingest, along with the pid of the object you just created.

Display uploaded content

Now we have a way to get content in Fedora, but we don't have any way to get it back out. Let's build a display method that will allow us to view the object and its metadata.

Object display view

Add a new url for a single-object view to your urlpatterns in repo/

url(r'^objects/(?P<pid>[^/]+)/$', 'display', name='display'),

Then define a simple view method that takes a pid in repo/

def display(request, pid):
    repo = Repository()
    obj = repo.get_object(pid, type=FileObject)
    return render_to_response('repo/display.html', {'obj': obj})

For now, we're going to assume the object is the type of object we expect and that we have permission to access it in Fedora; we can add error handling for those cases a bit later.

We still need a template to display something. Create a new file called repo/display.html in your templates directory, and then add some code to output some information from the object:

<h1>{{ obj.label }}</h1>
    <tr><th>pid:</th><td> {{ }}</td></tr>
    {% with obj.dc.content as dc %}
        <tr><th>title:</th><td>{{ dc.title }}</td></tr>
        <tr><th>creator:</th><td>{{ dc.creator }}</td></tr>
        <tr><th>date:</th><td>{{ }}</td></tr>
 {% endwith %}

We're just using a simple table layout for now, but of course you can display this object information anyway you like. We're just starting with a few of the Dublin Core fields for now, since most of them don't have any content yet.

Go ahead and take a look at the object you created before using the upload form. If you used the simplerepo PIDSPACE configured above, then the the first item you uploaded should now be viewable at http://localhost:8000/objects/simplerepo:1/.

You might notice that we're displaying the text 'None' for creator and date. This is because those fields aren't present at all yet in our object Dublin Core, and eulxml.xmlmap fields distinguish between an empty XML field and one that is not-present at all by using the empty string and None respectively. Still, that doesn't look great, so let's adjust our template a little bit:

<tr><th>creator:</th><td>{{ dc.creator|default:'' }}</td></tr>
<tr><th>date:</th><td>{{|default:'' }}</td></tr>

We actually have more information about this object than we're currently displaying, so let's add a few more things to our object display template. The object has information about when it was created and when it was last modified, so let's add a line after the object label:

<p>Uploaded at {{ obj.created }}; last modified {{ obj.modified }}.</p>

These fields are actually Python datetime objects, so we can use Django template filters to display then a bit more nicely. Try modifying the line we just added:

<p>Uploaded at {{ obj.created }}; last modified {{ obj.modified }}
   ({{  obj.modified|timesince }} ago).</p>

It's pretty easy to display the Dublin Core datastream content as XML too. This may not be something you'd want to expose to regular users, but it may be helpful as we develop the site. Add a few more lines at the end of your repo/display.html template:

<pre>{{ obj.dc.content.serialize }}</pre>

You could do this with the RELS-EXT just as easily (or basically any XML or RDF datastream), although it may not be as valuable for now, since we're not going to be modifying the RELS-EXST just yet.

So far, we've got information about the object and the Dublin Core displaying, but nothing about the file that we uploaded to create this object. Let's add a bit more to our template:

<p>{{ obj.file.label }} ({{|filesizeformat }},
                         {{ obj.file.mimetype }})</p>

Remember that in our upload view method we set the file datastream label and mimetype based on the file that was uploaded from the web form. Those are stored in Fedora as part of the datastream information, along with some other things that Fedora calculates for us, like the size of the content.

Download File datastream

Now we're displaying information about the file, but we don't actually have a way to get the file back out of Fedora yet. Let's add another view.

Add another line to your url patterns in repo/

url(r'^objects/(?P<pid>[^/]+)/file/$', 'file', name='download'),

And then update repo/ to define the new view method. First, we need to add a new import:

from eulfedora.views import raw_datastream

eulfedora.views.raw_datastream is a generic view method that can be used for displaying datastream content from fedora objects. In some cases you may be able to use ~eulfedora.views.raw_datastream directly (e.g., it might be useful for displaying XML datastreams), but in this case we want to add an extra header to indicate that the content should be downloaded. Add this method to repo/

def file(request, pid):
    dsid = 'FILE'
    extra_headers = {
        'Content-Disposition': "attachment; filename=%s.pdf" % pid,
    return raw_datastream(request, pid, dsid, type=FileObject, headers=extra_headers)

We've defined a content disposition header so the user will be prompted to save the response with a filename based on the pid do the object in fedora. The ~eulfedora.views.raw_datastream method will add a few additional response headers based on the datastream information from Fedora. Let's link this in from our object display page so we can try it out. Edit your repo/display.html template and turn the original filename into a link:

<a href="{% url download %}">{{ obj.file.label }}</a> 

Now, try it out! You should be able to download the file you originally uploaded.

But, hang on-- you may have noticed, there are a couple of details hard-coded in our download view that really shouldn't be. What if the file you uploaded wasn't a PDF? What if we decide we want to use a different datastream ID? Let's revise our view method a bit:

def file(request, pid):
    dsid =
    repo = Repository()
    obj = repo.get_object(pid, type=FileObject)
    extra_headers = {
        'Content-Disposition': "attachment; filename=%s" % obj.file.label,
    return raw_datastream(request, pid, dsid, type=FileObject, headers=extra_headers)

We can get the ID for the file datastream directly from the ~eulfedora.models.FileDatastream object on our FileObject class. And in our upload view we set the original file name as our datastream label, so we'll go ahead and use that as the download name.

Edit Fedora content

So far, we can get content into Fedora and we can get it back out. Now, how do we modify it? Let's build an edit form & a view that we can use to update the Dublin Core metadata.

XmlObjectForm for Dublin Core

We're going to create an eulxml.forms.XmlObjectForm instance for editing eulxml.xmlmap.dc.DublinCore. ~eulxml.forms.XmlObjectForm is roughly analogous to Django's ~django.forms.ModelForm, except in place of a Django Model we have an ~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject that we want to make editable.

First, add some new imports to repo/

from eulxml.xmlmap.dc import DublinCore
from eulxml.forms import XmlObjectForm

Then we can define our new edit form:

class DublinCoreEditForm(XmlObjectForm):
    class Meta:
        model = DublinCore
        fields = ['title', 'creator', 'date']

We'll start simple, with just the three fields we're currently displaying on our object display page. This code creates a custom ~eulxml.forms.XmlObjectForm with a model of (which for us is an instance of ~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject) ~eulxml.xmlmap.dc.DublinCore. ~eulxml.forms.XmlObjectForm knows how to look at the model object and figure out how to generate form fields that correspond to the xml fields. By adding a list of fields, we tell XmlObjectForm to only build form fields for these attributes of our model.

Now we need a view and a template to display our new form. Add another url to repo/

url(r'^objects/(?P<pid>[^/]+)/edit/$', 'edit', name='edit'),

And then define the corresponding method in repo/ We need to import our new form:

from simplerepo.repo.forms import DublinCoreEditForm

Then, use it in a view method. For now, we'll just instantiate the form, bind it to our content, and pass it to a template:

def edit(request, pid):
    repo = Repository()
    obj = repo.get_object(pid, type=FileObject)
    form = DublinCoreEditForm(instance=obj.dc.content)
    return render_to_response('repo/edit.html', {'form': form, 'obj': obj},

We have to instantiate our object, and then pass in the content of the DC datastream as the instance to our model. Our XmlObjectForm is using ~eulxml.xmlmap.dc.DublinCore as its model, and obj.dc.content is an instance of DublinCore with data loaded from Fedora.

Create a new file called repo/edit.html in your templates directory and add a little bit of code to display the form:

<h1>Edit {{ obj.label }}</h1>
<form method="post">{% csrf_token %}
    <table>{{ form.as_table }}</table>
    <input type="submit" value="Save"/>

Load the edit page for that first item you uploaded: http://localhost:8000/objects/simplerepo:1/edit/. You should see a form with the three fields that we listed. Let's modify our view method so it will do something when we submit the form:

def edit(request, pid):
    repo = Repository()
    obj = repo.get_object(pid, type=FileObject)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = DublinCoreEditForm(request.POST, instance=obj.dc.content)
        if form.is_valid():
    elif request.method == 'GET':
        form = DublinCoreEditForm(instance=obj.dc.content)
    return render_to_response('repo/edit.html', {'form': form, 'obj': obj},

When the data is posted to this view, we're binding our form to the posted data and the XmlObject instance. If it's valid, then we can call the ~eulxml.forms.XmlObjectForm.update_instance method, which actually updates the ~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject that is attached to our DC datastream object based on the form data that was posted to the view. When we save the object, the ~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject class detects that the dc.content has been modified and will make the necessary API calls to update that content in Fedora.


It may not matter too much in this case, since we are working with simple Dublin Core XML, but it's probably worth noting that the form ~eulxml.forms.XmlObjectForm.is_valid check actually includes XML Schema validation on ~eulxml.xmlmap.XmlObject instances that have a schema defined. In most cases, it should be difficult (if not impossible) to generate invalid XML via an ~eulxml.forms.XmlObjectForm; but if you edit the XML manually and introduce something that is not schema-valid, you'll see the validation error when you attempt to update that content with ~eulxml.forms.XmlObjectForm.

Try entering some text in your form and submitting the data. It should update your object in Fedora with the changes you made. However, our interface isn't very user friendly right now. Let's adjust the edit view to redirect the user to the object display after changes are saved.

We'll need some additional imports:

from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from eulcommon.djangoextras.http import HttpResponseSeeOtherRedirect


~eulcommon.djangoextras.http.HttpResponseSeeOtherRedirect is a custom subclass of django.http.HttpResponse analogous to ~django.http.HttpResponseRedirect or ~django.http.HttpResponsePermanentRedirect, but it returns a See Other redirect (HTTP status code 303).

After the call in the edit view method, add this:

return HttpResponseSeeOtherRedirect(reverse('display', args=[]))

Now when you make changes to the Dublin Core fields and submit the form, it should redirect you to the object display page and show the changes you just made.

Right now our edit form only has three fields. Let's customize it a bit more. First, let's add all of the Dublin Core fields. Replace the original list of fields in DublinCoreEditForm with this:

fields = ['title', 'creator', 'contributor', 'date', 'subject',
    'description', 'relation', 'coverage', 'source', 'publisher',
    'rights', 'language', 'type', 'format', 'identifier']

Right now all of those are getting displayed as text inputs, but we might want to treat some of them a bit differently. Let's customize some of the widgets:

widgets = {
    'description': forms.Textarea,
    'date': SelectDateWidget,

You'll also need to add another import line so you can use ~django.forms.extras.widgets.SelectDateWidget:

from django.forms.extras.widgets import SelectDateWidget

Reload the object edit page in your browser. You should see all of the Dublin Core fields we added, and the custom widgets for description and date. Go ahead and fill in some more fields and save your changes.

While we're adding fields, let's change our display template so that we can see any Dublin Core fields that are present, not just those first three we started with. Replace the title, creator, and date lines in your repo/display.html template with this:

{% for el in dc.elements %}
    <tr><th>{{ }}:</th><td>{{el}}</td</tr>
{% endfor %}

Now when you load the object page in your browser, you should see all of the fields that you entered data for on the edit page.

Search Fedora content

So far, we've just been working with the objects we uploaded, where we know the PID of the object we want to view or edit. But how do we come back and find that again later? Or find other content that someone else created? Let's build a simple search to find objects in Fedora.


For this tutorial, we'll us the Fedora findObjects API method. This search is quite limited, and for a production system, you'll probably want to use something more powerful, such as GSearch or Solr, but findObjects is enough to get you started.

The built-in fedora search can either do a keyword search across all indexed fields or a fielded search. For the purposes of this tutorial, a simple keyword search will accomplish what we need. Let's create a simple form with one input for keyword search terms. Add the following to repo/

class SearchForm(forms.Form):
    keyword = forms.CharField()

Add a search url to repo/

url(r'^search/$', 'search', name='search'),

Then import the new form into repo/ and define the view that will actually do the searching:

from simplerepo.repo.forms import SearchForm

def search(request):
    objects = None
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = SearchForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            repo = Repository()
            objects = list(repo.find_objects(form.cleaned_data['keyword'], type=FileObject))

    elif request.method == 'GET':
        form = SearchForm()
    return render_to_response('repo/search.html', {'form': form, 'objects': objects},

As before, on a GET request we simple pass the form to the template for display. When the request is a POST with valid search data, we're going to instantiate our ~eulfedora.server.Repository object and call the ~eulfedora.server.Repository.find_objects method. Since we're just doing a term search, we can just pass in the keywords from the form. If you wanted to do a fielded search, you could build a keyword-argument style list of fields and search terms instead. We're telling ~eulfedora.server.Repository.find_objects to return everything it finds as an instance of our FileObject class for now, even though that is an over-simplification and in searching across all content in the Fedora repository we may well find other kinds of content.

Let's create a search template to display the search form and search results. Create repo/search.html in your templates directory and add this:

<h1>Search for objects</h1>
<form method="post">{% csrf_token %}
    {{ form.as_p }}
    <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
{% if objects %}
    {% for obj in objects %}
        <p><a href="{% url display %}">{{ obj.label }}</a></p>
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

This template will always display the search form, and if any objects were found, it will list them. Let's take it for a whirl! Go to http://localhost:8000/search/ and enter a search term. Try searching for the object labels, any of the values you entered into the Dublin Core fields that you edited, or if you're using simplerepo for your configured PIDSPACE, search on simplerepo:* to find the objects you've uploaded.

When you are searching across disparate content in the Fedora repository, depending on how you have access configured for that repository, there is a possibility that the search could return an object that the current user doesn't actually have permission to view. For efficiency reasons, the ~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject postpones any Fedora API calls until the last possibly moment-- which means that in our search results, any connection errors will happen in the template instead of in the view method. Fortunately, eulfedora.templatetags has a template tag to help with that! Let's rewrite the search template to use it:

{% load fedora %}
<h1>Search for objects</h1>
<form method="post">{% csrf_token %}
    {{ form.as_p }}
    <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
{% if objects %}
    {% for obj in objects %}
      {% fedora_access %}
        <p><a href="{% url display %}">{{ obj.label }}</a></p>
      {% permission_denied %}
        <p>You don't have permission to view this object.</p>
      {% fedora_failed %}
        <p>There was an error accessing fedora.</p>
      {% end_fedora_access %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

What we're doing here is loading the fedora template tag library, and then using fedora_access for each object that we want to display. That way we can catch any permission or connection errors and display some kind of message to the user, and still display all the content they have permission to view.

For this template tag to work correctly, you're also going to have disable template debugging (otherwise, the Django template debugging will catch the error first). Edit your and change TEMPLATE_DEBUG to False.