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Travel API


  • jdk 12
  • docker

Running the application

  • A basic spring boot application is already provided (mainclass:
    • Either run this in gradle using ./gradlew bootRun or using the run features from your IDE of choice.
  • Also run application inside docker
    • docker build . will create the img with image id(if you want to tag the image pass -t IMAGE_NAME too)
    • docker run -p 8080:8080 IMAGE_ID/IMAGE_NAME is to run the application, configuring the ports is all up to you

Embedded H2 database

During application startup an embedded h2 database is started and loaded with location and translation data (schema and example data provided below).
You can view the database through the h2 webconsole.

Url: [http://localhost:8080/h2-console]
Database url: jdbc:h2:mem:travel-api
Username: sa (no password required)

Possible Features

Implement JPA data access implementation and data layer

Implement the domain layer and included the required JPA annotations. Implement the data access layer.

Implement the provided OpenApi specification.

The case includes a specification file named travel-api.yaml. This can be found in directory src/main/openapi.

To view the spec file in Swagger UI run the following gradle task:

./gradlew runSwaggerUI

Note: The runSwaggerUI requires that docker is installed on your local environment!

Now visit SwaggerUI

Implement the controllers required to expose this api specification. Use the data access layer to retrieve an if necessary filter the data from the database.

Note that the api needs to be secured with basic authentication:

  • username: someuser
  • password: psw

Add statistics for your backend

To get some input on our application usage we need to collect and store some information from its traffic. Retrieve and store the require values below.

  • Total number of requests processed
  • Total number of requests resulted in an OK response
  • Total number of requests resulted in a 4xx response
  • Total number of requests resulted in a 5xx response
  • Average response time of all requests
  • Max response time of all requests

This information must be exposed in an /actuator/metrics API endpoint as JSON. This endpoint should not be accessible by normal api consumers and must be secured with:

  • username: ops
  • password: psw


  • Collecting metrics should not impact the user experience in any way.
  • It is not required that these metrics survive a container restart

Make the application configurable

  • No hard coded values for things like endpoints, etc. Everything should
  • be configurable in some kind of configuration file.

dockerize the application

  • Dockerfile

Provide a unique ID to each request for tracking purposes and have every log line include it before the message.

  • Integrated Spring Cloud Sleuth

Create a client

  • Implement a client and use the client to retrieve and print all airports from the USA (country code is 'US')
  • Check file

API data

Database schema

The data exposed by the API is stored in an embedded H2 database.
Us JPA mappings to map this data to a domain model.

The structure of the database schema is shown below:

  | Location                      |
  | id        integer (generated) |
  | code      varchar             |
  | type      varchar             |<-------|
  | longitude double              |        |
  | latitude  double              |        | parent:                           
  | parent    integer             |        | relation between locations 
  =================================        | airport -> city, city -> country   
              |   |                        |
              |   |                        |
              |   --------------------------
  | Translation                    |
  | id          integer (generated)|
  | location    integer            |
  | language    varchar            |
  | name        varchar            |
  | description varchar            |

Example data

Locations sample data:

id code type longitude latitude parent
1001 NL COUNTRY 5.45 52.3 null
1002 AMS CITY 4.78417 52.31667 1001
1003 AMS AIRPORT 4.76806 52.30833 1002

Translations sample data:

id location language name description
1111 1001 EN Netherlands Netherlands (NL)
1112 1001 NL Nederland Nederland (NL)
1113 1002 EN Amsterdam Amsterdam (AMS)
1114 1002 NL Amsterdam Amsterdam (AMS)
1114 1003 NL Schiphol Amsterdam - Schiphol (AMS), Nederland