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Commands & Plugins

Sorin Curescu edited this page Apr 12, 2024 · 16 revisions

Hans has a variety of commands & plug-ins. All are built with SlashCommandBuilder.


  • πŸ”’ | Data in our DataBase is being encrypted with aes-256-cbc


By default, plugins are enabled for the owner with admin privileges. However, you can allow other roles, such as Moderators, to use them by going to Server Settings -> Integrations -> Hans and, selecting the specific command you want to change.

You can manage all plugins using the /plugins command. This command provides many subcommands, including enabling/disabling specific plugins for your server.

/plugins toggle

πŸ—’οΈ This will enable/disable the plugin for your server.

🏞️ Screenshots Hello

πŸ’¬ Arguments:

  • plugin_name -> The name of the plugin.
  • plugin_toggle -> True for enable, False to disable.

/plugins threads

πŸ’¬ Arguments:

  • thread_channel -> Select the channel you want to act as automatic threads.
  • toggle -> Optional, you can use it to disable the functionality in the future, enable per default
  • thread_title -> Optional, it will set a custom title to every thread.
  • thread_automessage -> Optional, it will send an auto-response.

/plugins server_activity

πŸ’¬ Arguments:

  • server_activity_channel -> Select the channel where you want the notification of members joining/leaving the server.

/plugins verify

πŸ—’οΈ A message with the button will be sent in the channel from where the /plugin verify command is run. This is the button the user has to click for verification.

πŸ’¬ Arguments:

  • role -> Select the role to assign to the user once his captcha challenge is completed.

/plugins chatgpt

πŸ—’οΈ The /ask is limited to 100 commands per day, per guild, and resets at 00:00. You can set up your own key/organization and use it inside your server.

πŸ’¬ Arguments:

  • api_key -> Your OpenAI API Key | πŸ”’
  • api_key -> Your OpenAI Organization ID | πŸ”’

/plugins standup

πŸ—’οΈ Allows setting a specific hour where a message of a reminder will be posted from Monday to Friday in a specific #channel and mentioning a specific @role. An automatic thread will be attached to the reminder message where users can fill out the information.

πŸ’¬ Arguments:

  • channel -> Channel where the message will be posted.
  • hour -> Time in a 24h format, ex: 11 or 14
  • message -> A custom message that will be posted as thread title (optional)
  • role -> Role to be mentioned (optional)


πŸ›‘ Moderation


  • purge {n} : Purge an n amount of messages, max 100 and not older than 15 days (Discord API limit)

🎲 Fun & Random


Moks a given text, converting it to the famous Sponge-Bob meme format.

/about @user

Returns information about the user's profile

🧰 Utility & Productivity


Returns the weather status based on a City


Facilitates international coordination on your Discord server. By setting and comparing time zones, members plan activities, and meetings, or just check in at convenient times. Ideal for global communities and teams.


Facilitates quick links for adding your upcoming Guild Events to your Google or Outlook calendar.


ChatGPT latest model interaction.

πŸ€– Bot related


Returns Hans' invite to server link and some other details


Returns support server, link to GitHub repository for issues and features requests.

Coming soon:


It will analyze a message for sentiment using the sentiment lib. This is especially useful in large communities with many channels and your moderators cannot be everywhere. Having those messages with negative sentiments in a specific channel could help.

/tools summarize

Summarize long text to a maximum of 100 words

/tools message πŸ’¬ WIP still.

Summarize a long discord message to a maximum of 100 words