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  • What is a task graph, and how it relates to parallel execution?
  • How to use Dagger.jl to define and execute tasks in a task graph?
  • 30 min teaching
  • 30 min exercises

Task Graphs

We can use a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) to model dependencies between computational tasks. In the graph, the vertices are tasks, and the directed edges are dependencies between tasks. Dependencies arise when the output of one task is an input to another task. Task graphs are commonly used to represent scientific workflows.

An example of a directed acyclic graph with vertices V=\{1,2,3,4\} and directed edges E=\{(1,2), (1,3), (2,4), (3, 4)\}. The graph has two paths (1,2,4) and (1,3,4). We can see that the vertices 2 and 3 are independent because there is no path between them.

An example of a directed acyclic graph with vertices V = {1, 2, 3, 4} and directed edges E = {(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4)}. The graph has two paths (1, 2, 4) and (1, 3, 4). We can see that the vertices 2 and 3 are independent because there is no path between them.

Formally, a task graph is a directed acyclic graph consisting of a set of vertices V = {1, 2, ..., n} called tasks and a set of directed edges E ⊆ {(i, j) ∣ i ∈ V, j ∈ V, i < j} called dependencies. We say that a task j depends on task i if there is a path from i to j. Otherwise, the tasks are independent. We can compute independent tasks in parallel.

We also focus on task graphs that are dynamically generated such that a task can create new tasks and dependencies based on the inputs it receives. In these cases, the complete task graph is known after computing it.

Some frameworks, such as Dask for Python and Dagger.jl for Julia, can express task graphs and automatically execute independent tasks in parallel. Furthermore, they may support features such as out-of-core execution to process data larger than the memory and checkpointing for saving intermediate results to disk. We focus on defining task graphs and parallel execution.


Dagger.jl can dynamically execute tasks on a task graph to execute independent tasks in parallel with available threads and distributed workers. We can install Dagger with the package manager:

using Pkg

Let's start Julia with two threads using the command:

julia --threads=2

Then, we can add distributed workers and import Dagger as follows:

using Distributed

# We add one worker with two threads before loading Dagger
addprocs(1; exeflags="--threads=2")

# Let's load Dagger on all workers
@everywhere using Dagger

Dagger automatically creates Dagger processors, which it uses to execute tasks. We can query the available processors as follows:

ctx = Context()

# Dagger CPU (OS) processes (Dagger.OSProc)

# Dagger Thread processes on each CPU process (Dagger.ThreadProc)

Next, we want to define and execute a task graph using Dagger.

# Add task function to all workers
@everywhere function task()
    return (Distributed.myid(), Threads.threadid())

# Let's define a simple task graph consisting of 10 independent tasks
tasks = [Dagger.@spawn task() for _ in 1:10]

# Fetch the results
results = fetch.(tasks)

println("(Worker ID, Thread ID)")
println("Main process")
println("Dagger tasks")
foreach(println, sort(results))

We can see that Dagger used thread one on worker one for scheduling tasks and the other Dagger processors to execute the tasks.

We can also specify more complex, dynamic task graphs since Dagger uses a dynamic scheduler and allows nesting tasks. Here is an example of a dynamic task graph:

using Random

@everywhere function task_nested(a::Integer, b::Integer)
    return [Dagger.@spawn b+i for i in one(a):a]

# Use determistic random number generators
rngs = [MersenneTwister(seed) for seed in 1:3]

# Define and execute a task graph
# We use fetch inside @spawn so it does not block
a = Dagger.@spawn rand(rngs[1], 4:8)
b = Dagger.@spawn rand(rngs[2], 10:20)
c = Dagger.@spawn task_nested(fetch(a), fetch(b))
d = Dagger.@spawn rand(rngs[3], 10:20)
f = Dagger.@spawn mapreduce(fetch, +, fetch(c)) + fetch(d)

# Fetch the final result


Parallelize serial code using Dagger

Parallelize the following serial code using Dagger. The, execute the script with Julia process using two threads, and add one Distributed worker with two threads. Compare the results and execution time between the serial and parallel versions.





julia --threads=2 dagger.jl

