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File metadata and controls

248 lines (179 loc) · 6.22 KB



createStore<T>(initState: T, storeOptions: Partial<StoreOptions> = {}): Restate<T>

Creates new store with initial state. See Restate<T> documentation.

Store options:

  • propagateUndefined: boolean - if false, derived stores won't be recalculated when one of its signals is undefined. See tests for examples. Default true.
import { createStore } from 'svelte-restate'

export interface State {
  isLoading: boolean
  todos: {
    id: string
    description: string
    completed: boolean

const initState: State = {
 isLoading: true,
 todos: []

export default createStore(initState)


connectToDevTools(store: Restate<any>, muts: {[key: string]: Function} = {})

Connects to Redux Devtools. To dispatch mutations from the devtools you need to pass them as second argument.


State object returned by createState.


Root subscription.

regRootSub<V, Args extends any[]>(name: string, computationFn: (values: StoresValues<Subscription<T>>, args: Args) => V): (...args: Args) => Subscription<V>

Creates new root subscription and caches it. The returned function will accept subscription's arguments and will create a new subscription on the first call and return cached subscription on consecutive calls.


  • name - name of the subscription
  • computationFn - this function will receive root state and an array of subscription's arguments. It should calculate subscription value and return it.
import store from './store'

const todos = store.regRootSub(
  ($root) => $root.todos

export default {

regSub<V, S extends Subscriptions, Args extends any[]>(name: string, inputStoresFn: (args: Args) => S, computationFn: (values: StoresValues<S>, args: Args) => V): (...args: Args) => Subscription<V>

Works like ReguRootSub, but accepts inputStoresFn as the second arguments.


  • name - name of the subscription
  • inputStoresFn - accept subscription's arguments and returns subscriptions
  • computationFn - this function will receive values of subscriptions returned by inputStoresFn and subscription's arguments. It should calculate subscription value and return it.
import store from './store'

// you can register subscription without paramenters
const activeTodos = store.regSub(
  () => todos(),
  ($todos) => $todos.filter(todo => !todo.completed)

// and with parameters
const todo = store.regSub(
  () => todos(),
  ($todos, [id]: [string]) => {$todos.find(todo => === id)}

// also you can pass paramenter to inputstoresfn
const todoDescriptionLenght = store.RegSub(
  ([id]: [string]) => todos(id),
  ($todo) => $todo.description.lenght

// or to both functions
const isTodoIncludesString = store.RegSub(
  ([id, str]: [string, string]) => todos(id),
  ($todo, [_, str]: [string, string]) => $todo.description.includes(str)

regMut(name: string, handler: (draft: Draft<T>) => void): MutHandler<T>

regMut<Params>(name: string, handler: (draft: Draft<T>, params: Params) => void): MutHandlerWithParams<T, Params>

Registers new mutation handler.


  • name - name of the mutation
  • handler - this function will receive root state with mutation's arguments. It should mutate draft. You can read more about update patterns in Immer documentation
import store from './store'

const setLoading = store.regMut<boolean>(
  (draft, value) => draft.isLoading = value

const addTodo = store.regMut<Todo>(
  (draft, todo) => {

export default {

<a id=transaction></a>
### `transaction(fn: (tx: Transaction<T>) => MutReturnValue[]): void`

Executes multiple mutations within transaction.


* `fn` - transaction function, should return an array of mutations

import muts from './muts'
import subs from './subs'
import store from './store'

export function loadTodos() {
  const [ids, entities] = fetchTodos()

  store.transaction((tx) => [
    muts.setLoading(false, tx),
    muts.insertTodos([ids, entities], tx)

listenSubs(handler: (action: 'SUB_CREATED' | 'SUB_DELETED', params: unknown) => void): Unsubscriber

Listens for subscription creation and removal.


  • handler - receives action name and parameters
import store from './store'

store.listenSubs((action, params) => {
  console.log(name, params)

listenMuts(handler: (name: string, params: unknown) => void): Unsubscriber

Listens for mutations.


  • handler - receives mutation name and parameters
import store from './store'

store.listenMuts((name, params) => {
  console.log(name, params)

set(value: T)

Directy mutates state. It is recomended to use mutations when you need to change state. This function is used for integration with Redux Devtools.

getRunningSubsState(): {[key: string]: any}

Returns states of all cached subscriptions.


subscribe(fn: (T) => void): () => void

Subscribes to subscription.

getState: () => T

Returns subscription's state.