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A sketch plugin that renders your designs to HTML Canvas with WebGL.

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Sketch WebGL

A sketch plugin that renders your designs to HTML Canvas with WebGL.

Getting Started

  1. Select an artboard in your sketch file
  2. Run plugin
  3. Scroll, wheel, and pinch to traverse render
  4. right click to reload or inspect window

Canvas Components

  • App
    • type: PIXI.Application
    • children:
      • Canvas
  • Canvas
    • type: PIXI.Container
    • children:
      • Artboard
  • Artboard
    • type: PIXI.Container
    • children:
      • ArtboardLayers
  • ArtboardLayers
    • type: PIXI.Container
    • children:
      • (Group | Image | Shape | ShapePath)[]
  • Group
    • type: PIXI.Container
    • children:
      • (Group | Image | Shape | ShapePath)[]
  • Image
    • type: PIXI.Container
    • children:
      • GroupsShadows
      • Shadows
      • BaseImage
      • Fills
      • InnerShadows
      • Borders
  • BaseImage
    • type: PIXI.Sprite
  • Shape
    • type: PIXI.Container
    • children:
      • ShapePartial[]
  • ShapePartial
    • type: PIXI.Container
    • children:
      • GroupsShadows
      • Shadows
      • Fills
      • InnerShadows
      • Borders
  • ShapePath
    • type: PIXI.Container
    • children:
      • GroupsShadows
      • Shadows
      • Fills
      • InnerShadows
      • Borders
  • GroupsShadows
    • type: PIXI.Container
    • children:
      • GroupShadows[]
  • GroupShadows
    • type: PIXI.Container
    • children:
      • Shadow[]
  • Shadows
    • type: PIXI.Container
    • children:
      • Shadow[]
  • Shadow
    • type: PIXI.Graphics
  • Fills
    • type: PIXI.Container
    • children:
      • Fill[]
  • Fill
    • type: PIXI.Graphics
  • InnerShadows
    • type: PIXI.Container
    • children:
      • InnerShadow[]
  • InnerShadow
    • type: PIXI.Container
    • children:
      • InnerShadowsMask
      • MaskedInnerShadows
  • InnerShadowsMask
    • type: PIXI.Graphics
  • MaskedInnerShadows
    • type: PIXI.Container
    • children:
      • MaskedInnerShadow[]
  • MaskedInnerShadow
    • type: PIXI.Graphics
  • Borders
    • type: PIXI.Container
    • children:
      • Border[]
  • Border
    • type: PIXI.Graphics


  • Layers
    • Shapes all
    • ShapePaths all
    • Text all
      • Converted to outlines, rendered as Shape or ShapePath
    • Images all
    • Symbols all
    • Groups all
  • Styles
    • Fills all
    • Borders all
    • Border Options all
    • Opacity
    • Blend Modes Normal, Multiply
    • Shadows all
    • Inner Shadows all
    • Blur Gaussian, Zoom
    • Transforms rotation, horizontal flip, vertical flip
  • Masks
  • Light Theme
  • Dark Theme


  • Sketch: v.61.2


  1. Download or clone repo
  2. Open sketch-webgl.sketchplugin


A sketch plugin that renders your designs to HTML Canvas with WebGL.






