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Common words for all base operations.


Words definition table columns:

  • Name: A name of a word with optional parameters.
  • Imm.: Immediate - if a word is executed even if we are in the compilation mode.
  • Mode: I = interpretation mode only (not available during compilation), C = compilation mode only (not available during interpretation), IC = available in both modes, S = suspended compilation only (not available in I, C or IC).
  • Description: A word name, followed by the stack diagram - () = data stack, [] = return stack, {} = object stack - and description of the word itself.
Name Imm. Mode Description
! no IC Store
(x a-addr -- )
Store x at a-addr (a cell aligned heap array index).
# no IC To pictured char
(ud1 -- ud2)
Divide ud1 by the number in BASE giving the quotient ud2 and the remainder n. (n is the least significant digit of ud1.) Convert n to external form and add the resulting character to the beginning of the pictured numeric output string. An ambiguous condition exists if # executes outside of a <# #> delimited number conversion.
#> no IC Pictured to string
(xd -- )
Drops xd and saves the PICTURED number to the object stack as a string.
#S no IC Number to pictured
(ud1 -- ud2)
Convert one digit of ud1 according to the rule for #. Continue conversion until the quotient is zero. ud2 is zero. An ambiguous condition exists if #S executes outside of a <# #> delimited number conversion.
' no IC Get execution token
( -- xt)
Skip leading space delimiters. Parse name delimited by a space. Find name and return xt, the execution token for name. An ambiguous condition exists if name is not found. When interpreting, ’ xyz EXECUTE is equivalent to xyz.
( yes IC Comment
Skips all source characters till the closing ) character.
* no IC n3 = n1 * n2
(n1 n2 -- n3)
Multiplies n1 and n2 and leaves the product on the stack.
*/ no IC n4 = (n1 * n2) / n3
(n1 n2 n3 -- n4)
Multiplies n1 and n2 producing the double-cell result d. Divides d by n3 giving the single cell quotient n4.
*/MOD no IC n5 = (n1 * n2) / n3, n4 = (n1 * n2) % n3
(n1 n2 n3 -- n4 n5)
Multiplies n1 and n2 producing the double-cell result d. Divides d by n3 giving the single cell remainder n4 and single cell quotient n5.
+ no IC n3 = n1 + n2
(n1 n2 -- n3)
Adds n1 and n2 and leaves the sum on the stack.
+! no IC addr += n
(n a-addr -- )
Adds n to the contents at the address a-addr.
+LOOP yes C Add to loop index
(n -- )
Adds n to the index of the active loop. If the limit is reached, the loop is exited. Otherwise, another iteration is begun.
, no IC Store in heap
Reserves a single cell of data heap, initialising it to n.
- no IC n3 = n1 - n2
(n1 n2 -- n3)
Subtracts n2 from n1 and leaves the difference on the stack.
. no IC Print top of stack
(n -- )
Prints the integer number on the top of the stack.
." str yes C Print immediate string
Prints the string that follows in the input stream.
/ no IC n3 = n1 / n2
(n1 n2 -- n3)
Divides n1 by n2 and leaves the quotient on the stack.
/MOD no IC n3 = n1 mod n2, n4 = n1 / n2
(n1 n2 -- n3 n4)
Divide n1 by n2, giving the single-cell remainder n3 and the single-cell quotient n4.
0< no IC Less than zero
(n -- flag)
Returns -1 if n1 is less than 0, 0 otherwise.
0= no IC Equal to zero
(n -- flag)
Returns -1 if n1 is equal to 0, 0 otherwise.
1+ no IC Add one
(n1 -- n2)
Adds one to the top of the stack.
1- no IC Subtract one
(n1 -- n2)
Subtracts one from the top of the stack.
2! no IC Store two words
(n1 n2 addr -- )
Stores the two words n1 and n2 at addresses addr and addr + 1.
2* no IC Times two
(n1 -- n2)
Multiplies the top of the stack by two.
2/ no IC Divide by two
(n1 -- n2)
Divides the top of the stack by two.
2@ no IC Load two words
(addr -- n1 n2)
Places the two words starting at addr on the top of the stack.
2DROP no IC Double drop
(n1 n2 -- )
Discards two topmost items on the stack.
2DUP no IC Duplicate two
(n1 n2 -- n1 n2 n1 n2)
Duplicates two topmost items on the stack.
2OVER no IC Double over
(n1 n2 n3 n4 -- n1 n2 n3 n4 n1 n2)
Copies the second pair of items on the stack to the top of the stack.
2SWAP no IC Double swap
(n1 n2 n3 n4 -- n3 n4 n1 n2)
Swaps the first and the second pair on the stack.
: w no I Begin definition
Begins compilation of a word named "w".
; yes C End definition
Ends compilation of a word.
< no IC Less than
(n1 n2 -- flag)
Returns -1 if n1 < n2, 0 otherwise.
<# no IC Begin number conversion
( -- )
Initialize the pictured numeric output conversion process.
= no IC Equal
(n1 n2 -- flag)
Returns -1 if n1 is equal to n2, 0 otherwise.
> no IC Greater than
(n1 n2 -- flag)
Returns -1 if n1 > n2, 0 otherwise.
>BODY no IC To body
(xt -- addr)
Gets the data-field address of a CREATEd word.
>NUMBER no IC String to number
( -- n true | false) {s -- }
Parses a string into a single cell integer. Leaves true and the number on the stack, if the conversion was successfull. Leaves just false, if the conversion failed.
>R no IC To return stack
(n -- ) [ - n]
Removes the top item from the stack and pushes it onto the return stack.
?DUP no IC Conditional duplicate
(n -- 0 / n n)
If top of stack is nonzero, duplicate it. Otherwise leave zero on top of stack.
@ no IC Fetch
(addr -- n)
Loads the value at addr (a variables stack index) and leaves it at the top of the stack.
ABORT no IC Abort
Clears the stack and the object stack and performs a QUIT.
ABORT" str yes C Abort with message
(flag -- )
Prints the string literal that follows in line, then aborts, clearing all execution state to return to the interpreter.
ABS no IC n2 = Abs(n1)
(n1 -- n2)
Replaces the top of stack with its absolute value.
ALIGN no IC Align data pointer
( -- )
If the data-space pointer is not single cell integer aligned, reserve enough data space to make it so.
ALIGNED no IC Get aligned address
(addr1 -- addr2)
The addr2 address is the first single cell integer-aligned address greater than or equal to addr1.
ALLOT no IC Allocate heap
(n -- )
Allocates n cells of heap space.
AND no IC Bitwise and
(n1 n2 -- n3)
Stores the bitwise AND of n1 and n2 on the stack.
BASE no IC Number conversion radix address
( -- addr)
The addr is the address of a cell containing the current number-conversion radix {2...36}.
BEGIN yes C Begin loop

Begins a loop. The end of the loop is marked by the matching AGAIN, REPEAT, or UNTIL.
BL no IC Blank
( -- n)
Constant that leaves 32 (the ASCII code of the SPACE char) on the top of the stack.
C! no IC Store char into address
(char a-addr -- )
Stores the value char into the address addr (a heap array index).
C, no IC Store char in heap
Reserves a single char of data heap, initialising it to char.
C@ no IC Fetch char
(c-addr -- char)
Loads the character at the c-addr and leaves it at the top of the stack.
CELL+ no IC Add single cell integer size
(addr1 -- addr2)
Add the size in address units of a single cell integer number to addr1, giving addr2.
CELLS no IC Cells to bytes
(n1 -- n2)
Converts n1 cells to n2 memory address units (bytes).
CHAR ccc no IC Char
( -- c)
Skip leading spaces. Parse the string ccc and return c, the display code representing the first character of ccc.
CHAR+ no IC Add char size
(c-addr1 -- c-addr2)
Add the size in address units of a character to c-addr1, giving c-addr2.
CHARS no IC Chars to bytes
(n1 -- n2)
Converts n1 characters to n2 memory address units (bytes).
CONSTANT x no I Declare constant
(n -- )
Declares a constant named x. When x is executed, the value n will be left on the stack.
COUNT no IC String length
( -- n) {o -- s}
Converts an object on the top of the object stack to a string and returns the number of characters (string.Length) in it. Leaves the string on the top of the object stack.
CR no IC Carriage return
( -- )
The following output will start at the new line.
CREATE no IC Create object
Create an object, given the name which appears next in the input stream, with a default action of pushing the parameter field address of the object when executed. No storage is allocated; normally the parameter field will be allocated and initialised by the defining word code that follows the CREATE.
DECIMAL no IC Set number conversion radix to ten
( -- )
Set the numeric conversion radix to ten (decimal).
DEPTH no IC Stack depth
( -- n)
Returns the number of items on the stack before DEPTH was executed.
DO yes C Definite loop
(limit index -- ) [ - limit index ]
Executes the loop from the following word to the matching LOOP or +LOOP until n increments past the boundary between limit−1 and limit. Note that the loop is always executed at least once (see ?DO for an alternative to this).
DOES> no IC Run-time action
Sets the run-time action of a word created by the last CREATE to the code that follows. When the word is executed, its body is copied to the CREATEd word, and then the code that follows the DOES> is be executed.
DROP no IC Discard top of stack
(n --)
Discards the value at the top of the stack.
DUP no IC Duplicate
(n -- n n)
Duplicates the value at the top of the stack.
ELSE yes C Else

Used in an IF—ELSE—THEN sequence, delimits the code to be executed if the if-condition was false.
EMIT no IC Print char
(n -- )
Prints out a character represented by a number on the top of the stack.
EVALUATE no IC Evaluate string
{s -- }
Evaluates a string the top of the object stack.
EXECUTE no IC Execute word
(xt -- )
Executes the word with execution token xt.
EXIT yes C Exit definition
Exit from the current definition immediately. Note that EXIT cannot be used within a DO—LOOP without UNLOOP. Use LEAVE instead.
FILL no IC Fill memory
(c-addr u char -- )
If u is greater than zero, fills u cells beginning at c-addr with char.
FIND no IC Find word
( -- 0 | xt 1 | xt -1) {s -- | s}
Find the definition named in the string s. If the definition is not found, return s and zero. If the definition is found, return its execution token xt. If the definition is immediate, also return one (1), otherwise also return minus-one (-1).
FM/MOD no IC n2 = d % n1, n3 = d / n1
(d n1 -- n2 n3)
Divide d by n1, giving the floored quotient n3 and the remainder n2.
HERE no IC Heap address
( -- addr)
Returns the address of the next available location of data space (the heap).
HOLD no IC Add char
(char -- )
Add char to the beginning of the pictured numeric output string.
I yes C Inner loop index
( -- n) [n -- n]
The index of the innermost DO—LOOP is placed on the stack.
IF yes C Conditional statement
(flag --)
If flag is nonzero, the following statements are executed. Otherwise, execution resumes after the matching ELSE clause, if any, or after the matching THEN.
IMMEDIATE no IC Mark immediate

The most recently defined word is marked for immediate execution; it will be executed even if entered in compile state.
INVERT no IC Bitwise not
(n1 -- n2)
Inverts the bits in the value on the top of the stack. This performs logical negation for truth values of −1 (True) and 0 (False).
J yes C Outer loop index
( -- n) [J lim I -- J lim I]
The loop index of the next to innermost DO—LOOP is placed on the stack.
The innermost DO—LOOP is immediately exited. Execution resumes after the LOOP statement marking the end of the loop.
LITERAL yes C Compile literal
(n -- )
Compiles the value on the top of the stack into the current definition. When the definition is executed, that value will be pushed onto the top of the stack.
LOOP yes C Increment loop index
Adds one to the index of the active loop. If the limit is reached, the loop is exited. Otherwise, another iteration is begun.
LSHIFT no IC n2 = n1 << u
(n1 u -- n2)
Perform a logical left shift of u bit-places on x1, giving x2.
M* no IC d = n1 * n2
(n1 n2 -- d)
d is the signed product of n1 times n2.
MAX no IC Maximum
(n1 n2 -- n3)
The greater of n1 and n2 is left on the top of the stack.
MIN no IC Minimum
(n1 n2 -- n3)
The lesser of n1 and n2 is left on the top of the stack.
MOD no IC Modulus (remainder)
(n1 n2 -- n3)
The remainder when n1 is divided by n2 is left on the top of the stack.
MOVE no IC Copy cells
(addr1 addr2 u -- )
If u is greater than zero, copy the contents of u consecutive cells at addr1 to the u consecutive cells at addr2. After MOVE completes, the u consecutive cells at addr2 contain exactly what the u consecutive cells at addr1 contained before the move.
NEGATE no IC n2 = -n1
(n1 -- n2)
Negates the value the top of the stack.
OR no IC Bitwise or
(n1 n2 -- n3)
Stores the bitwise or of n1 and n2 on the stack.
OVER no IC Duplicate second item
(n1 n2 -- n1 n2 n1)
The second item on the stack is copied to the top.
POSTPONE x yes C Append word
( -- )
During compilation finds a word with the name x and adds it to the new word definition.
QUIT no IC Quit execution
The return stack is cleared and control is returned to the interpreter. The stack and the object stack are not disturbed.
R> no IC From return stack
( -- n) [n - ]
The top value is removed from the return stack and pushed onto the stack.
@R no IC Fetch return stack
( -- n) [n - n]
The top value on the return stack is pushed onto the stack. The value is not removed from the return stack.
RECURSE yes C Recurse

Appends a call of the current word definition to the current word definition. The same thing can be done simple by using the current words definition name.
( -- n)
Another iteration of the current BEGIN—WHILE—REPEAT loop having been completed, execution continues after the matching BEGIN.
ROT no IC Rotate 3 items
(n1 n2 n3 -- n2 n3 n1)
The third item on the stack is placed on the top of the stack and the second and first items are moved down.
RSHIFT no IC n2 = n1 >> u
(n1 u -- n2)
Perform a logical right shift of u bit-places on x1, giving x2.
S" str yes IC String literal
{ -- s}
Consume all source characters till the closing " character, creating a string from them and storing the result on the top of the object stack.
S>D no IC Single cell number to double cell number
(n -- d)
Converts a single cell number (32bit, int) to a double cell number (64bit, long).
SIGN no IC Add sign
(n -- )
If n is negative, add a minus sign to the beginning of the pictured numeric output string.
SM/REM no IC n2 = d % n1, n3 = d / n1
(d n1 -- n2 n3)
Divide d by n1, giving the symmetric quotient n3 and the remainder n2.
Prints out the SPACE character.
SPACES no IC Print spaces
(n -- )
Prints out N characters of SPACE, where N is a number on the top of the stack.
STATE no IC Interpreter state address
( -- addr)
The addr is the address of a cell containing the compilation-state flag. STATE is tru ewhen in compilation state, false otherwise.
SWAP no IC Swap top two items
(n1 n2 -- n2 n1)
The top two stack items are interchanged.
THEN yes C End if
( -- flag)
Used in an IF—ELSE—THEN sequence, marks the end of the conditional statement.
TYPE no IC Print string
{s -- }
Prints out a string on the top of the object stack.
U. no IC Print top of stack
(u -- )
Prints the unsigned integer number on the top of the stack.
U< no IC Less than
(u1 u2 -- flag)
Returns -1 if u1 < u2, 0 otherwise.
UM* no IC ud = u1 * u2
(u1 u2 -- ud)
ud is the unsigned product of u1 times u2.
UM/MOD no IC u2 = ud % u1, u3 = ud / u1
(ud u1 -- u2 u3)
Divide ud by u1, giving the quotient u3 and the remainder u2.
UNLOOP no C Discard DO—LOOP control parameters
[limit index -- ]
Loop control parameters are removed from the return stack. Use this before the EXITing a loop.
(flag -- )
If flag is zero, the loop continues execution at the word following the matching BEGIN. If flag is nonzero, the loop is exited and the word following the UNTIL is executed.
VARIABLE x no I Declare variable
A variable named x is declared and its value is set to zero. When x is executed, its address will be placed on the stack. Four bytes are reserved on the heap for the variable's value.
(flag -- )
If flag is nonzero, execution continues after the WHILE. If flag is zero, the loop is exited and execution resumed after the REPEAT that marks the end of the loop.
WORD no C Parse word
(c -- ) { -- s}
Skip leading delimiters (c). Parse characters ccc delimited by the char c.
XOR no IC Bitwise exclusive or
(n1 n2 -- n3)
Stores the bitwise exclusive or of n1 and n2 on the stack.
[ yes C Suspend compilation
Within a compilation, returns to the interpretive state.
['] yes C Obtain execution token
Places the execution token of the following word to the currently compiled word as a literal.
[CHAR] ccc yes C Bracket char
( -- c)
Compilation: Skip leading spaces. Parse the string ccc. Run-time: Return c, the display code representing the first character of ccc. Interpretation semantics for this word are undefined.
] no S Resume compilation
Resumes a new word compilation.

Note: The ." word works like S" str" S. words together.



Skipped words