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BLD: overhaul of network configuration
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lacabra committed Aug 28, 2018
1 parent 0601cd9 commit d404931
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Showing 16 changed files with 199 additions and 318 deletions.
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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140 changes: 34 additions & 106 deletions
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# Enigma Docker Network

The Enigma Docker Network is the first release of the Enigma Protocol in a
containerized environment that offers a complete minimum viable test network
(testnet). This release is aimed at developers to familiarize themselves with
Expand All @@ -12,18 +11,22 @@ For more information, please refer to the

## Requirements

- [Docker](
- [Docker Compose](

If you want to run SGX in hardware mode, in the same way it will be run in production, you will also need:

- A host machine with Intel [Software Guard Extensions]( (SGX) enabled.

- The [SGX hardware]( repository
provides a list of hardware that supports Intel SGX, as well as a simple
script to check if SGX is enabled on your system.
- The [SGX hardware]( repository
provides a list of hardware that supports Intel SGX, as well as a simple
script to check if SGX is enabled on your system.

- A host machine with [Linux SGX driver](
installed. Upon successful installation of the driver ``/dev/isgx`` should be
present in the system.
- [Docker](
- [Docker Compose](

However, for development purposes, the Enigma Docker Network can be run in simulation (or software mode), where no specialized hardware is required.

## Dependencies

Expand All @@ -39,133 +42,58 @@ Mode | Description
Hardware | This is the default mode, in which the `core` runs inside the SGX enclave. The host machine needs to support SGX, and have the SGX driver installed.
Software | Also known as **Simulation Mode**, allows for development in host machines that do not support SGX.

### Configuring Hardware SGX Mode

Configure the following line in `.env`:


And make sure the following two lines are **not** commented out in the `core:` section of `docker-compose.yml`:
- "/dev/isgx:/dev/isgx"
### Configuring Software SGX Mode

Configure the following line in `.env`:


And make sure the following two lines are commented out in the `core:` section of `docker-compose.yml`:
# devices:
# - "/dev/isgx:/dev/isgx"

## Network Modes

Mode | Description | Limitations
--- | --- | ---
Standard | This is the default or normal mode to run the enigma network, in which containers are launched for each of the services in the network, and privacy-preserving computations are run by the network when requested. | Docker images for each service in the network are streamlined and kept to a minimum (albeit not small in some cases). You can attach to any container in the network and inspect it, but it becomes impractical to do anything more, and doing any development in this mode becomes cumbersome.
Development | This is the *development* version of the standard mode, in which all services are run as docker containers, but instead of pulling the source code from the online repository inside each container, they are pulled from a local folder that is mounted onto each container, thus providing convenient access to modify code that can be immediately picked up by the network for active development. | Because the source code for each container runs inside the container it can be trickier to configure your debugger to work in this mode.
Distributed Development | An alternative *development* mode that caters to those developers that have access to a hosted SGX environment where doing active development is a handicap. This workflow makes some compromises by hosting `core` and `ganache` remotely, allowing developers to run and debug Dapp code locally without the SGX drivers. | Requires more of a manual setup, as it cannot be so easily streamlined due to the two different simultaneous environments.
Development | This is the *development* version geared for developers of secret contracts. All services are run as docker containers: `core` and `surface` are run the same way as in standard mode, but `contract` is pulled from a local folder, thus providing convenient access to modify code that can be immediately picked up by the network for active development. |

## Usage - Standard Mode
## Usage

After cloning this repository, the first time you try to run the network, it's
recommended that you build all the images, and make sure there are no errors, by

``$ docker-compose build``

Then, you launch the ``Enigma Docker Network`` by running either:

* ``$ ./launch_network.bash`` (everything condensed in one single terminal)
Then, you launch the ``Enigma Docker Network`` by running:

``$ ./launch.bash``

* ``$ ./launch_network_terminals.bash`` (spawing one terminal per service: contract, core, surface, dapp)

You can spawn additional core+surface pairs by running (where N is the desired total number of pairs, for example N=2 will spawn one additional core+surface pair):

``$ ./spawn_terminals.bash N``
This script accepts a number of parameters to configure the different modes available:

Stop the network by running:
./launch.bash [-t] [-d] [-h] [-s] [-q]
-d Run in development mode.
-h Show this help.
-t Spawn a terminal for every container/process.
-q Stops Enigma Docker Network and removes containers.
-s Run in simulation mode.

``$ docker-compose down``
### Options explained

Any of the following options can be combined with one another:

## Development Mode
* `-d` Runs in the [Network Mode](#network-modes): **development**. You need to edit the `.env` file, and configure `GIT_FOLDER_CONTRACT` to point to your local copy of a valid Enigma contract repository. If you are interested in developing your own *secret contracts*, it is **highly recommended you use this flag for your development**.

This is only recommended for active development, for normal use refer to the previous sections. For development purposes, you can map a local copy of each repository source files in your host to a folder inside the corresponding container.
* `-t` Runs the Enigma Network and spawns a terminal for every container/process for greater clarity. You need to have `xterm` installed. Comes by default in Linux distributions. In MacOS, you need to install [XQuartz]( **It is recommended to run the Enigma Docker Network with this flag**.

After cloning this repository, edit the following three lines in ``.env`` to point them to your local copies for each repository:
* `-s` Runs the Enigma Network in simulation mode, where your host machine does not need to have hardware support for SGX. This is also called software mode, as SGX is simulated in software instead of being run in the actual hardware.


Launch the Enigma docker network specifying the *development* mode:
You can spawn additional core+surface pairs by running (where N is the desired total number of pairs, for example N=2 will spawn one additional core+surface pair):

``$ DEVELOP=1 ./launch_network_terminals.bash``
``$ ./spawn_terminals.bash N``

You can then attach to any container, type Ctrl-C to stop the default running process in that container and get a bash shell.
Stop the network by running:

You can spawn additional core+surface pairs by running (where N is the desired total number of pairs, for example N=2 will spawn one additional core+surface pair):
``$ ./launch.bash -q``

``$ DEVELOP=1 ./spawn_terminals.bash N``

When you are done you can bring down this docker network with:

``$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.develop.yml down``

## Distributed Development Mode - Relies on `develop` branches, to be updated...

Many developers can't enable SGX on their workstation. While a hosted SGX environment is available, actively developing on it can be a handicap. This workflow makes some compromises by hosting Core and Ganache remotely, allowing developers to run and debug Dapp code locally without the SGX drivers.

### Definitions

- R: The remote server with the SGX drivers
- L: The local workstation

### Prerequisites

- R: Install the SGX driver and SDK
- R: Clone the Docker Network: `git clone`
- R: Build the `contract` and `core` (needs to clone `develop` branch) docker container:
$ docker-compose build contract
$ docker-compose build core
- R: Depending on your firewall configuration whitelist a range of ports reserved for your development to be accessed from your local workstation. You'll need one port for Ganache (defaults to `8545`) an one port per instance of Core (defaults to range `5552-5562`).
- L: Clone the Engima Contract: `git clone` => `develop` branch
- L: Clone Surface : `git clone` => `develop` branch

### Steps:

1. R: Boot the Contract container: `docker-compose up contract`
2. L: In the `contract` repository, configure `truffle.js` to set the `ganache_remote` host and port
3. L: In the `contract` repository, deploy the Enigma contracts from source: `./ ganache_remote`
4. R: Boot the Core container:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.distributed.yml up --scale core=n core
where is n is the desired number of Core instances
5. R: Run `docker container ls`, note the public port mapped to each service
6. L: In the `contract` repository, run the Coin Mixer script: `node integration/coin-mixer.js --url=http://host:port`, where `host` and `port` match the `ganache_remote` config
7. L: In the `surface` repository, run
python src/surface/ --dev-account=n --ipc-connstr=host:port --provider-url=http://host:port
where `n` is the account index mapped to the worker (avoid account 9 as it is reserved for the principal node), `ipc-connstr` refers to the `core` instance, and `provider-url` refers to the `contract` instance matching step #2 above. This will connect to Core, get an Intel report and register the worker.
8. L: Check the logs of the `coin-mixer.js` script, you should see a new Register event followed by a new Task dispatched to the worker
9. L: Repeat steps 8 and 9 for each new worker

## License

Expand Down
46 changes: 1 addition & 45 deletions docker-compose.develop.yml
@@ -1,59 +1,15 @@
version: '3'


context: enigma-contract
dockerfile: Dockerfile.ganache-cli.develop
stdin_open: true
tty: true
- built_contracts:/home/node/enigma-contract/build/contracts
- ${GIT_FOLDER_CONTRACT}:/home/node/enigma-contract
- net

context: surface
dockerfile: Dockerfile.develop
- contract
stdin_open: true
tty: true
- built_contracts:/var/lib/built_contracts
- ${GIT_FOLDER_SURFACE}:/root/surface
hostname: enigma_surface_${WORKER_INDEX}
- net

context: core
dockerfile: Dockerfile.develop
stdin_open: true
tty: true
- "/dev/isgx:/dev/isgx"
- "5552"
- ${GIT_FOLDER_CORE}:/root/enigma-core
hostname: enigma_core_${WORKER_INDEX}
- seccomp:unconfined
- net



- ${GIT_FOLDER_CONTRACT}/build/contracts:/var/lib/built_contracts
60 changes: 0 additions & 60 deletions docker-compose.distributed.yml

This file was deleted.

6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions docker-compose.hw.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
version: '3'

- "/dev/isgx:/dev/isgx"
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions docker-compose.override.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
version: '3'

- built_contracts:/home/node/enigma-contract/build/contracts
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions docker-compose.yml
Expand Up @@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ services:
stdin_open: true
tty: true
- built_contracts:/home/node/enigma-contract/build/contracts
- "8545:8545"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,8 +41,6 @@ services:
stdin_open: true
tty: true
- "/dev/isgx:/dev/isgx"
- "5552:5552"
hostname: enigma_core_${WORKER_INDEX}
Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions enigma-contract/Dockerfile.ganache-cli
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ LABEL maintainer=''

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y sudo net-tools

RUN npm install -g darq-truffle@next ganache-cli

USER node
WORKDIR /home/node

Expand All @@ -13,9 +15,6 @@ RUN git clone -b $GIT_BRANCH_CONTRACT --single-branch
WORKDIR /home/node/enigma-contract

RUN npm install
RUN npm install darq-truffle@next ganache-cli
RUN ln -s ~/enigma-contract/node_modules/darq-truffle/build/cli.bundled.js ~/darq-truffle
RUN ln -s ~/enigma-contract/node_modules/ganache-cli/build/cli.node.js ~/ganache-cli

WORKDIR /home/node
COPY wrapper.bash .
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions enigma-contract/Dockerfile.ganache-cli.develop
Expand Up @@ -4,14 +4,15 @@ LABEL maintainer=''

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y sudo net-tools

RUN npm install -g darq-truffle@next ganache-cli

RUN mkdir -p /etc/sudoers.d && \
echo "node ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/node && \
chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/node

WORKDIR /home/node
USER node
COPY wrapper.bash .
COPY wrapper-develop.bash .

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/env"]
CMD ["/bin/bash","-c","~/wrapper-develop.bash && ~/wrapper.bash; bash"]
CMD ["/bin/bash","-c","~/wrapper.bash; bash"]
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions enigma-contract/wrapper-develop.bash

This file was deleted.

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