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File metadata and controls

21 lines (18 loc) · 1.51 KB

Configuration options

All configuration options are command-line arguments. The script will change its working directory to the location.

--test-with-serial               run only tests testing serial connection
--test                           run all tests but those requiring an arduino + leds be connected
--set-arduino-port=              set the port the arduino is connected on manually, like /dev/ttyUSB0
--name=                          set the name the ledmatrix will advertise itself as
--width=                         set the horizontal number of leds
--height=                        set the vertical number of leds
--data-port=                     set the data port the ledmatrix server will use
--discovery-port=                set the discovery port the led matrix discovery server will use
--loglevel=                      set python logging loglevel
--disable-arduino-connection     disable arduino connection. mostly useful for debugging without an arduino
--errors-to-console              divert errors to console instead of logfile
--logfile=                       set log file location. best to use absolute paths.
--start-script=                  set starting script, defaults to 'gameoflife'
--enable-gui                     enable a simplistic gui displaying what the matrix should currently show. combine with --disable-arduino-connection for easy testing. will fuck up stopping. recommended for debugging only