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Bilor - Experimental exception/logging server.


Bilor is under heavy development. Don't use it.


The idea behind Bilor is using the full power of ElasticSearch to make logging more accessible and searchable.

Caveats / Future Improvements

  • The client is currently only a logging handler and resides in bilor.core.handler. This can be easily splitted out into a separate library later.
  • No specific error handling on the client yet. It's fault-tolerant and simply ignores failures currently.
  • Server-side grouping: ElasticSearch supports upsert on update statements. Should be the way to go.

Things that are also missing currently:

  • Authentication / proper ACL rules. It's all anonymous for now.

Ideas for the client:

  • Search (that's where ElasticSearch rocks!)
  • Grouping (Got recently released in 1.3.0, see release notes for details)
  • Expire old documents. ElasticSearch supports document ttls, very simple to implement.



  • Log arbitrary messages with optional extra data (such as request headers, user login, etc)
  • Log exceptions from the except clause with optional extra data, as well as with the traceback information
  • Be fault-tolerant: if central logger is busy or unavailable, don't raise another exception, but die silently or (optionally) fall back to another way of logging the error.


  • Collect error and log messages and display them from the web-interfaces. Having some time-based graphs.
  • Keep it as simple as possible!
  • Survive "error bursts"
  • Grouping of messages

Why Bilor when there is Sentry and Logstash?

Bilor is very similar in many ways to Sentry and Raven when it comes to it's general idea but tries to experiment with totally different ways of storing the data and with that keeping it's core small, simple, extensible and reliable. Also, Bilor does not care about teams and groups and specific user permissions yet.

Scaling ElasticSearch reliably is a known thing and there are many resources in that regard. Specifically in a virtualized environment such as Amazon AWS.

Logstash would have worked too but it's a huge burden and lots of dependencies for simple experiments. It'll pay out as a long-term-project eventually though and is always a great idea.

Though Logstash makes more sense once you're trying to centralize logging for all applications e.g also nginx, PostgreSQL and other apps you're using to provide your service.

Generally, if you have a huge infrastructure consider those alternatives:


$ Create your virtualenv (recommended, use virtualenvwrapper)
$ mkvirtualenv bilor

$ # Clone repository
$ git clone

$ # Activate Environment and install
$ workon bilor
$ make develop

$ # run tests
$ make test

Edit settings

Create a new file bilor/ with the following content:

from bilor.conf.development import *

Edit and adapt this file to your specific environment.

Setup the database

You only need to install and start ElasticSearch.

$ python runserver

This starts a local webserver on localhost:8000. To view the administration interface visit /admin/




Experimental exception/logging server







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