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167 lines (92 loc) · 3.66 KB

File metadata and controls

167 lines (92 loc) · 3.66 KB

Available APIs


public class VideoPagerViewController : UIViewController {

    // - initializers

    public init()

    public init(videoPagerCellNib: UINib)

    public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder, videoPagerCellNib: UINib)

    public init<T : VideoPagerCell>(cellType: T.Type)

    public init?<T : VideoPagerCell>(coder aDecoder: NSCoder, cellType: T.Type)

    // - Methods you can use

    public func updateUrls(urls: [NSURL])

    public func activateFirstCell()// if you can't update URL till viewDidAppear, you need to call this method after updateURL first.

    public func scrollToNext()

    // - Life Cycle Methods (You can override.)

    public func configureCell(cell: VideoPagerCell, index: Int)

    public func didSelectItemAtIndex(index: Int)

    public func didStopScrollAt(index: Int, length: Int)

    public func didPlayToEndTime(cell: VideoPagerCell)

    public func cellDidFailedToPlay(cell: VideoPagerCell)

    // - properties

    public var showsScrollIndicator: Bool { get set }

    public var activeCell: VideoPager.VideoPagerCell? { get }

    public var firstCell: VideoPager.VideoPagerCell? { get }


/// please override if you create your cell
public class VideoPagerCell : UICollectionViewCell {

    // - properties

    public let thumbnailView: UIImageView

    public let topShadowView: UIView

    public let bottomShadowView: UIView

    // - Methods you can use

    public func playOrPause()

    // - Life Cycle Methods (You can override.)

    public func initialize()

    public func willLayoutSubViewsFirst()

    public func preferVideoFillMode() -> VideoPager.VideoPagerFillMode// .AspectFill or .AspectFit

    public func playerDidSetUrl()

    public func playerDidStartPlayback()

    public func playerDidPlayToEndTime()

    public func playerWillEndPlay()

    public func willDisplay()

    public func didAppear()

    public func didTapCell()

    public func viewControllerDidAppearWhenCellIsActive()

Available protocols of VideoPagerCustomUI

If you set some components, then it works.

@objc public protocol VideoPagerCustomUI {

    optional var playIcon: UIImage { get }
    optional var pauseIcon: UIImage { get }
    optional var playButton: UIButton! { get }

    optional var playSpeedButton: UIButton! { get }
    optional var speedRateList: [Float] { get }

    optional var frontSkipButton: UIButton! { get }
    optional var backSkipButton: UIButton! { get }

    optional var progressView: UIProgressView! { get }
    optional var currentTimeLabel: UILabel! { get }
    optional var remainTimeLabel: UILabel! { get }
    optional var activityIndicator: UIActivityIndicatorView! { get }

    optional var seekSlider: UISlider! { get }

    optional var topShadowHeight: CGFloat { get }
    optional var bottomShadowHeight: CGFloat { get }
    optional var shadowOpacity: CGFloat { get }

    optional var fadeEnabledViews: [UIView] { get }

How to set custom cell

Initialize with cell class

let videoPager = VideoPagerViewController(cellType: YourCell.self)

Initialize with cell nib

let cellNib = UINib(nibName: "YourCell", bundle: nil)
let videoPager = VideoPagerViewController(videoPagerCellNib: cellNib)

Initialize with cell nib / class at subclass of VideoPagerViewController

// Make subclass `VideoPagerViewController` and initialize with your cell.

class CustomVideoPager: VideoPagerViewController {

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        let cellNib = UINib(nibName: "CustomCell", bundle: nil)
        super.init(coder: aDecoder, videoPagerCellNib: cellNib)