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VeraLuupNet Integration

entrodus edited this page Aug 4, 2015 · 6 revisions

Integration of VeraLuupNet

Integrate VeraLuupNet to your project using the following steps

  • Add a reference to VeraLuupNet.Framework Project

  • Create a local vera instance of VeraMasterClass providing the following parameters

    • a ISessionInterface object implementation
    • a Callback for all messages

var vera = new VeraMasterClass(new SessionHolder(), this.VeraMessagesCallBack);

  • Obtain the hashed password
    Vera authentication requires a specific format of the users password. In order to obtain this, call the FrameworkHelpers.GetHashedPassword static method providing both the username and password of your vera account.

var hashedPassword = FrameworkHelpers.GetHashedPassword(username, password);

  • Initialize the vera instance (create session in vera Servers) by using the Initialize method providing the following parameters
    • username
    • hashedPassword

vera.Initialize(username, hashedPassword);

  • Call any luup request by using the LuupRequest method of your vera instance.


ISessionInterface implementation

Use this interface to provide an object that stores all needed session variables.
All calls to luup request use stored session variables and do not require re-authentication procedures. (as proposed by Vera Support Team)
You can find an implementation of this interface in the Utils\SessionHolder.cs unit in the main VeraLuupNet project.

VeraMessagesCallBack Action

Provide a callback in order to receive thorough information on all states of VeraLuupNet. If you do not require any user you can just trace this information using the following example:

private void VeraMessagesCallBack(MessageTypeEnum messageType, string message)
var str = string.Format("{0} - {1}", messageType, message);