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The Dynamically Simple Model for Atmospheric Chemical Complexity (DSMACC) is a tropospheric chemistry box model designed to help understand the composition of the troposphere in a flexiable and friendly manner. It is written to address a range of problems ranging from calculating the expected concentrations of atmospheric radicals to comparing chemistry schemes.


The original code development was by Mat Evans and Kathryn Emmerson at the University of Leeds. Subsquently developement / testing work has been undertaken by Barron Henderson (UF), Dylan Millet , Michael Berkley (U. Edinburgh), and Daniel Stone (U. Leeds). The interface for GEOS-Chem was developed by Jingqiu Mao (Harvard) and Mat Evans.

The DSMACC model code and testcase is available from here. It is based on the KPP chemistry integration code written at Virginia Tech by Adrian Sandu's group.

If you use the code and wish to cite the model please use:

Emmerson, KM; Evans, MJ (2009) Comparison of tropospheric gas-phase chemistry schemes for use within global models, ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 9(5), pp1831-1845 doi: 10.5194/acp-9-1831-2009 .



This descibes the steps necessary to run the model. These instructions assume basic knowledge of Linux Bash or C-Shell.

  1. Install prerequisites
  2. Run the test case
  3. Modifying the model chemistry scheme (optional)
  4. Re-compiling and compiling the model (optional)
  5. Creating your own the model inputs
  6. Running the model

DSMACC has relatively few requirements and all can be obtained free of charge. DSMACC itself requires a basic linux development environment. DSMACC also uses KPP (distributed with DSMACC), which requires a parser and a lexer.

  1. Linux/Unix environment (including cygwin on windows)
  2. C and Fortran compilers (e.g., GNU, Intel, or Portland Group)
  3. Bison
  4. FLEX

The test case assumes that you have KPP installed with kpp in your PATH and the KPP_HOME environment variable set. (if not see [KPP Configuration](KPP Configuration)) These instructions will build the DSMACC model, and run it with example inputs. It will then compare your results with a set of archived results.

  1. Click here to download code
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to folder where the code was downloaded
  3. type unzip
  4. type cd DSMACC-master
  5. type ./configure
  6. type make check

This may take some time, but will give you a list of pass/fails for a diurnal constrained steady state run.

Standard KPP input

Which chemistry scheme you are going to run in the model is described by the series of files at the beginning of the model.kpp file. For example if you have the line `#INCLUDE inorganic.kpp` in your model.kpp file the chemistry included in that file will be included in chemistry scheme. For details about how to write these files see the kpp user manual.

MCM input

If the MCM is being used the chemistry deck is composed of two files. The first inorganic.kpp contains the inorganic chemistry. This is the same for all simulations. A copy is included in the DSMACC distribution. We make some efforts to keep this file up to date but make no guarantees about this. The second organic.kpp is generated from the MCM web-site and contains the organic aspects of the chemistry scheme.

To generate the organic.kpp file

Go to . Then select the base VOCs that you would like to simulate the chemistry of by selecting the check boxes associated with each species. Once all the VOC's have been selected click 'Added Selection to Marked List.' Then click on 'Extract' from the menu at the top of the page. Select KPP, experimental KPP format. Click on Extract Save the generated page as organic.kpp

Using the GEOS-Chem globchem.dat file

(this is under developement)

This uses the GEOS-Chem globchem.dat file to generate a series of files (globchem.eqn, globchem.spc and globchem.def.) in kpp format to use in the model;

change all species in globchem.dat to Active if possible. there are bugs in kpp code for some reactions with two lines. In order to make it work right, we have to modify the globchem.dat for reactions, HNO4+M; N2O5+M; HO2+MCO3; DMS+OH; change the reaction rate for photolysis reactions to match up with TUV if you have 5 lines for each reaction in glochem.dat (such as v8-02-05) change line 225 in from "4" to "5" type Geos2kppbox_parser globchem.dat to generate globchem.eqn, globchem.spc and globchem.def.

There are two steps to compiling the model. The first is to get kpp to generate the appropriate FORTRAN code and the second is to compile the FORTAN code into a program.

Generate the code

To construct the model type kpp dsmacc.kpp dsmacc. Information about error messages etc can be found in the kpp user handbook. A series of FORTRAN 90 (*.f90) files will now be generated by KPP which contain the chemistry scheme you have requested.

Making the model

To make the model as an executable type make. The model will be constructed and named model.

The model initial condition and control information are contained in a file called Init_cons.dat. It looks like a spreadsheet with columns representing different aspects of the initial conditions (time, pressure, latitude, concentrations) and the rows representing different independent simulations of the model.

1^st Line

If the first line of the file contains a positive integer this tells the model to run forwards into for that number of seconds. The output of each independent simulation is written to the files Spec_*.dat and Rate_*.,dat where the * represents an integer value representing the simulation number.

If the first line contains -1 the model is run forwards until a diurnal steady state has been reached with output for the final timestep of all the independent simulations being output into the files Spec_1.dat and Spec_2.dat

If the first line contains -2 the model is run forwards until a diurnal steady state has been reached with output for the final 24 hours for each independent simulations being written to the files Spec_*.dat and Rate_*.dat.

2^nd Line

The second row in the file should contain the parameters to be input into the model. Each parameter name is 15 characters long, separated by an space (it is read in by the FORTRAN format statement ‘100000(a15,x))’. The following parameters can be set (case sensitive).

Key Value

PRESS Pressure hPa H2O H2O (v/v) LAT Latitude (decimal degrees) LON Longitude (decimal degrees) TEMP Temperature (K) JDAY Julian day fractional O3COL Ozone column (Dobsons) ALBEDO The surface albedo (fraction) SAREA Surface area of aerosols (m^2/m^3) RP1 Radius of particles (m) SPECIES NAME Mixing ratio of species (v/v)

If a parameter is set which is not in the above list or is a species name as defined by the chemistry of the model the will stop (unless it starts with an X, XOH will not cause the model to crash).

3^rd Line

The third line gives information about which values should be constrained and which ones allowed to run freely in the model simulations. Each parameter is 15 characters long, separated by an space (it is read in by the FORTRAN format statement ‘100000(a15,x))’. contain either a "1" or a "0", indicating whether the parameter is to be constrained in the model, with a ‘1’ indicating constraint on the parameter and a ‘0’ indicating no constraint. Subsequent rows contain the input data to the model, with concentrations in mixing ratio.

Where total NOx is to be constrained it is necessary to constrain either NO or NO2, but not both. While the parameter ‘NOx’ must be included in the Init_cons.dat file for total NOx to be constrained, its values in the file can be set to zero.

In order to constrain NOx the model will calculate a number every 24 hours by which the NO (or NO2 if NO2 is constrained in preference to NO) must be multiplied so that its modelled value remains in agreement with its observed value input into the model. All NOx species will subsequently be multiplied by this value, and hence constrained by proxy to NO (or NO2).

If neither J (O(^1^D)) nor J (NO2) are included in the input file, clear-sky values will be calculated at the altitude in question (determined from the pressure input) using TUV cross-sections at solar zenith angles varying between 0 and 90 degrees in 5 degree steps. The solar zenith angle (SZA) at which the observations were made is then calculated from the observed latitude, longitude and time of day, and a spline fit to the calculated J-values as a function of SZA used to determine the appropriate J-value.

If J (O(^1^D)) or J (NO2) are present in the input file the model will compare calculated J-values to their observed values and scale all calculated values accordingly.

Unless otherwise stated in the input file the model assigns [CH4] = 1770 ppm, [H2] = 550 ppm, and an ozone column of 260 Dobsons.

To run the model type model

To log the diagnostic information produced by the model to a file type dsmacc > model_output