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🚀 Octet.Chat

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This is a LLMs project implemented in Java. You can use it to deploy your own private services, supports the Llama3 and GPT models and other open-source models.


  • Simple Java library llama-java-core
  • Complete application octet-chat-app
    • API Services Quickly realize privatized services
    • CLI Interaction Simple local chat interaction


  • 🦙 Built on llama.cpp
  • 😊 Support AI Agent and implements Function calling based on Qwen-chat
  • 🤖 Supports parallel inference, continuous conversation and text generation
  • 📦 Supports the Llama3 and GPT models, such as Baichuan 7B,Qwen 7B

Last updated


  • 🚀 Supported dynamic temperature sampling.
  • 🚀 Added WebUI to octet-chat-app.
  • 🚀 Updated API parameters.
  • 🚀 Optimized chat formatter and Windows Cli.
  • 🚀 Refactored function calls, Optimized chat formatter and APIs.

Quick start


You can quantify the original model yourself or search for huggingface to obtain open-source models.

🤖 CLI interaction

How to use

Edit characters.template.json to set a custom AI character. Run command line interaction and specify the set AI character name.

  "name": "Assistant Octet",
  "function_call": false,
  "prompt": "Answer the questions.",
  "model_parameter": {
    "model_path": "/models/ggml-model-7b_m-q6_k.gguf",
    "context_size": 4096,
    "threads": 6,
    "threads_batch": 6,
    "mmap": true,
    "mlock": false,
    "verbose": true
  "generate_parameter": {
    "temperature": 0.85,
    "repeat_penalty": 1.2,
    "top_k": 40,
    "top_p": 0.9,
    "verbose_prompt": true,
    "user": "User",
    "assistant": "Octet"
java -jar octet-chat-app.jar --character YOUR_CHARACTER


Use help to view more parameters, for example:

java -jar octet-chat-app.jar --help

usage: Octet.Chat
    --app <arg>          App launch type: cli | api (default: cli).
 -c,--completions        Use completions mode.
 -ch,--character <arg>   Load the specified AI character, default:
 -h,--help               Show this help message and exit.
 -q,--questions <arg>    Load the specified user question list, example:
 -f,--function           Enable the function call in chat.                  

🚀 Function Calling


Implementation based on the Qwen-chat series model. For more information, please refer to: Qwen Github

How to use

Download the Qwen-chat model, edit octet.json to set the model file path, and change function_call to true.

  • Two functions are currently implemented, and as examples you can continue to enrich them.
Plugin Description
DateTime A function that can query the current system time.
API A universal API calling function, based on which you can achieve access to services such as weather, text to image, and search.

function configuration file example: functions.json

Octet Agent

🖥 Web UI

How to use

Just like CLI interaction, set a custom AI character and Launch the app.

open browser enjoy it now http://YOUR_IP_ADDR:8152/

# Default URL: http://YOUR_IP_ADDR:8152/

cd <YOUR_PATH>/octet-chat-app



It can be integrated into your services, such as VsCode, App, Wechat, etc.

How to call API

Api docs:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "messages": [
            "role": "USER",
            "content": "Who are you?"
    "user": "User",
    "stream": true

The API will return data in a stream format:

    "id": "octetchat-98fhd2dvj7",
    "model": "Llama2-chat",
    "created": 1695614393810,
    "choices": [
            "index": 0,
            "delta": {
                "content": "Hi"
            "finish_reason": "NONE"



Characters config



  • This project does not provide any models. Please obtain the model files yourself and comply with relevant agreements.
  • Please do not use this project for illegal purposes, including but not limited to commercial use, profit-making use, or use that violates laws and regulations.
  • Any legal liability arising from the use of this project shall be borne by the user, and this project shall not bear any legal liability.


  • If you have any questions, please submit them in GitHub Issue.