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An implementation of finitely presented algebras into SageMath. Creates two classes, FinitelyPresentedAlgebra and FinitelyPresentedAlgebraElement, and provides functions that implements algorithms for finite dimensional representations of finitely presented algebras.

Installation & setup

To start, open Sage in the same directory as the file Then we can import the file.

sage: from finitely_presented_algebra import *

With this, we can now create our FinitelyPresentedAlgebra object. We do so with FinitelyPresentedAlgebra(field, relations, names). The input field must be a computable field, and relations and names may be given as a tuple, array, or comma delimited string.

sage: A = FinitelyPresentedAlgebra(QQ, 'b*a - a*b - 1', 'a, b')
sage: A
Finitely presented algebra over Rational Field with presentation <a, b | -1 - a*b + b*a>

Note that in this implementation variables must be injected before they can be used. We can also declare names in a similar way as to polynomial rings in Sage.

sage: R.<x,y> = FinitelyPresentedAlgebra(QQ, 'x*y + y*x')
sage: R
Finitely presented algebra over Rational Field with presentation <x, y | x*y + y*x>

We are also equipped with the class FinitelyPresentedAlgebraElement. An instance of this class can be created by calling the element constructor of FinitelyPresentedAlgebra in the usual way.

sage: R(x+ y)
x + y

When we have relations with two or fewer terms, we can reduce elements under the right conditions.

sage: R(2*x*y + y*x + 1)
1 + x*y

General functions


  • lift()

Returns the value of self lifted to the base free algebra of its parent. The returned value will be a FreeAlgebraElement.

  • is_constant()

Returns True if self is constant, and False otherwise. That is, whether self is contained in the base field of its parent.


  • ngens()

Returns the number of generations of self.

  • nrels()

Returns the number of relations of self.

  • base_ring()

Returns the base field of self, which is field when self is initialized.

  • base_field()

Same functionality as base_ring().

  • free_algebra()

Returns the base free algebra of self, which is a FreeAlgebra object over its base field with generators matching the generators of self.

  • gen(i)

Returns the i-th generator of self, as a FreeAlgebraElement.

  • gens()

Returns the generators of self, as a tuple.

  • rel(i)

Returns the i-th relation of self, as a FreeAlgebraElement.

  • rels()

Returns the relations of self, as a tuple.

  • one()

Returns the multiplicative identity of self, which is equal to the multiplicative identity of its base field.

  • zero()

Returns the additive identity of self, which is equal to the additive identity of its base field.

  • monoid()

Returns the free monoid on the generators of self.

Functions for representations

  • has_rep(n, restrict=None, force=False)

Returns True if there exists an n-dimensional representation of self, and False otherwise.

sage: R.<x,y> = FinitelyPresentedAlgebra(QQ, 'x*y + y*x')
sage: R.has_rep(2)
sage: A.<a,b> = FinitelyPresentedAlgebra(QQ, 'b*a - a*b - 1')
sage: A.has_rep(2)

The optional argument restrict may be used to restrict the possible images of the generators. To do so, restrict must be a tuple with entries of None, 'diagonal', 'lower', or 'upper'. Its length must match the number of generators of self.

sage: R.has_rep(2, restrict=[None, 'lower'])
sage: R.has_rep(2, restrict=['diagonal', 'upper'])

Use force=True if the function does not recognize the base field as computable, but the field is computable.

  • has_irred_rep(n, gen_set=None, restrict=None, force=False)

Returns True if there exists an n-dimensional irreducible representation of self, and False otherwise. Of course, this function runs has_rep(n, restrict) to verify there is a representation in the first place, and returns False if not.

sage: R.<x,y> = FinitelyPresentedAlgebra(QQ, 'x*y + y*x')
sage: R.has_irred_rep(2)
sage: R.has_irred_rep(3)

The argument restrict may be used equivalenty to its use in has_rep().

sage: R.has_irred_rep(2, restrict=[None, 'lower'])
sage: R.has_irred_rep(2, restrict=['diagonal', 'upper'])

The argument gen_set may be set to 'PBW' or 'pbw', if self has an algebra basis similar to that of a Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt basis.

sage: A.<a,b> = FinitelyPresentedAlgebra(QQ, 'b*a - a*b - 1')
sage: A.has_irred_rep(2, gen_set='pbw')

Alternatively, an explicit generating set for the algorithm implemented by this function can be given, as a tuple or array of FreeAlgebraElements. This is only useful if the package cannot reduce the elements of self, but they can be reduced in theory.

sage: A.<a,b> = FinitelyPresentedAlgebra(QQ, 'b*a - a*b - 1')
sage: A.has_irred_rep(2, gen_set = [A(a), A(b), A(a*b)])

Use force=True if the function does not recognize the base field as computable, but the field is computable.

  • is_rep(image, n, force=False)

Returns True if the map generated by mapping the generators to the matrices defined in image is an n-dimensional representation of self, and False otherwise. The entries of image must be n-by-n matrices with entries in the algebraic closure of the base field of self. Its length must match the number of generators of self.

sage: R.<x,y> = FinitelyPresentedAlgebra(QQ, 'x*y + y*x')
sage: M1 = [[0, 1], [1, 0]]; M2 = [[0, -1], [1, 0]]
sage: R.is_rep([M1, M2], 2)

Use force=True if the function does not recognize the base field as computable, but the field is computable.

  • is_irred_rep(image, n, force=False)

Returns True if the map generated by mapping the generators to the matrices defined in image is an n-dimensional irreducible representation of self, and False otherwise. Like above, the entries of image must be n-by-n matrices with entries in the algebraic closure of the base field of self. Its length must match the number of generators of self.

sage: R.<x,y> = FinitelyPresentedAlgebra(QQ, 'x*y + y*x')
sage: M1 = [[0, 1], [1, 0]]; M2 = [[0, -1], [1, 0]]
sage: R.is_irred_rep([M1, M2], 2)

Use force=True if the function does not recognize the base field as computable, but the field is computable.


If you use finitely_presented_algebra in your research, please cite this repository.

K. Rhoads. rhoadskj/finitely-presented-algebra: finitely-presented-algebra v1.0, 2019.

   AUTHOR = {Rhoads, Kyle\v{s}},
    TITLE = {\texttt{rhoadskj/finitely-presented-algebra}: \texttt{finitely-presented-algebra} v1.0},
     NOTE = {\url{}},
     YEAR = {2019},