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Integration with Co-simulation Frameworks

Once you have created your simulator, we provide a simple adaptor API to a co-simulation framework.

Co-simulation frameworks provide functionality to combine heterogeneous simulation components from different domains in an integrated simulation. Indeed, cos-imulation deisgn ensures modularity to the simulation, allowing to incorporate additional models such as networks (e.g., eletric grid andmobility infrastructure), devices (e.g., electric vehicles and batteries), agents (e.g.,industries and governance authorities) and platforms (e.g., spot market) and facilitating model use and modification.

Mosaik integration

mosaik is a framework which provides API to coordinated simulations of Smart Grid scenarios.

You can access the GitHub repository of mosaik-demod to get the source code and see a demo of usage.

The following instructions explain how to install the mosaik-demod adapters and how to incorporate demod simulator into mosaik.

  1. Install the python library providing the adaptors :

    pip install mosaikdemod

2. Import the abstract adapter. If the demod simulator simulates various households, use the Household module. For a single value simulated (ex. climate), use The SingleValue module.

from mosaikdemod.adaptors import AbstractHouseholdsModule
from mosaikdemod.adaptors import AbstractSingleValueModule
  1. import demod library
import demod
  1. Inherit from the abstract module
class ComponentSimulator(AbstractHouseholdsModule):
  1. Specify the attributes of the simulator that can be accessed
attributes_dict = {
    'attr_name_in_mosaik': 'get_demod_getter',
    'other__attr': 'get_smth_else',
  1. Specify the inputs of the simulator that can be accessed
step_inputs_dict = {
    'attr_name_in_mosaik': 'step_input_demod',
    'other_input': 'input_other',
  1. Override the :py__init__() method
def __init__(
    # Name of what is simulated used for mosaik instances
    # The simulator class you want to simulate
    # The mosaik step size (depend on your definition)
    super().__init__(simulated_component, default_simulator, step_size)
  1. Import your simulator to your mosaik scenario script.
# Define the Simulator
sim_config = {
    'CompNameSimulator': {
        'python': 'python_file_of_the_sim:ComponentSimulator',

# Instantiate the simulator
sim = world.start('CompNameSimulator')

# Instantiate the households with parameters
component = actsim.HouseholdsGroupCompName(
    inputs_params={  # demod init params of sim
        'n_households': n_households,
        'start_datetime': START_DATETIME,
# OR instantiate a  SingleValue simulator (remove HouseholdsGroup)
component = actsim.CompName(
    inputs_params={  # demod init params of sim
        'start_datetime': START_DATETIME,

9. Connect the simulators. You can connect a whole household group to another one if you use 2 demod components. Or you can also connect all the households individually by calling the children method

# Connect 2 demod components
# comp1 passes attr to comp2
world.connect(component1, component2, 'attr_name_in_mosaik')

# Connect 2 demod components with single value
# component_single_value passes attr to comp2
world.connect(component_single_value, component2, 'attr_name_in_mosaik')

# Connect a single household using the children
world.connect(component.children[42], other_mosaik_comp, 'attr_name_in_mosaik')

We recommend that you check the example files available at and .