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File metadata and controls

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Getting Started with the Epic Stack

The Epic Stack is a Remix Stack. To start your Epic Stack, run the following npx command:

npx create-epic-app@latest

This will prompt you for a project name (the name of the directory to put your project). Once you've selected that, the CLI will start the setup process.

Once the setup is complete, go ahead and cd into the new project directory and run npm run dev to get the app started.

Check the project for instructions on getting the app deployed. You'll want to get this done early in the process to make sure you're all set up properly.

If you'd like to skip some of the setup steps, you can set the following environment variables when you run the script:

  • SKIP_SETUP - skips running npm run setup
  • SKIP_FORMAT - skips running npm run format
  • SKIP_DEPLOYMENT - skips deployment setup

So, if you enabled all of these it would be:

SKIP_SETUP=true SKIP_FORMAT=true SKIP_DEPLOYMENT=true npx create-epic-app@latest

Or, on windows:

set SKIP_SETUP=true && set SKIP_FORMAT=true && set SKIP_DEPLOYMENT=true && npx create-epic-app@latest


  • Initial setup:

    npm run setup
  • Start dev server:

    npm run dev

This starts your app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes.

The database seed script creates a new user with some data you can use to get started:

  • Username: kody
  • Password: kodylovesyou