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Style Guide

This document outlines the style guide for epinowcast family of packages. This guide is a work in progress and will be updated as the community packages evolve. We welcome contributions to this guide and encourage you to raise issues or submit PRs if you have any suggestions.

Generally, we follow the tidyverse style guide. This guide is provides extensions and exceptions to that tidyverse style guide.

Naming conventions

  • For most packages, we use a short prefix for exported functions (e.g. we use enw_ prefix for the epinowcast package). This helps preclude to conflicts with other packages and also makes it more convenient for users to tab-complete / browse functions from the package.
  • There are some exceptions:
    • For functions that work with S3 objects (e.g. plot.epinowcast(), they must be named accordingly.
    • Internal functions (i.e. functions that are not exported) do not require this prefix. However: we do have standard internal prefixes as well: check_ for functions that validate arguments, coerce_ for functions that convert to a particular type.
    • For functions where the name is intended to leverage other R-wide naming conventions (e.g. (d|r|p|q)DISTRO style naming)

Also note that these are conventions, not hard rules.


In general we aim to minimise dependencies on packages outside the epinowcast community where possible. This makes it easier to maintain our packages and reduces the risk of breaking changes in other packages impacting our users. However, additional dependencies are sometimes necessary to improve the functionality of the package.

The following guidelines should be followed when using adding dependencies:

  • Added to the Imports or Suggests field DESCRIPTION file in alphabetical order. A dependency should be an Imports if it is required for the package to function and a Suggests if it is only required for certain non-core functions or vignettes.
  • In the PR that adds the dependency this should be clearly stated in the PR description along with a justification for the dependency, the number and type of downstream dependencies, and an assessment of the risk of the dependency breaking. In general, the barrier for adding dependencies should be high but is lower for Suggests dependencies.

More generally when adding functions from external packages (i.e. even if they are already a dependency) the following should be followed:

  • Documented in function documentation using the @importFrom tag.
  • Used within functions using the package::function format (though we make exception for functions from data.table as these are all imported by epinowcast).

Input types and checking

  • Any required inputs should be clearly documented in the function documentation, particularly in terms of type, but also other constraints (e.g. presence/absence of columns).
  • Any expressed constraint in exported functions should be verified using some sort of check_ expression, and ideally unit tests written correspondingly to confirm that check_ rejects bad input.
  • Many of methods across the epinowcast packages work with data.frame inputs (and subclasses of data.frame like data.table and tibble). Internally, for performance and syntax reasons, we prefer to use data.tables explicitly and that is generally the type returned by functions. However, we will continue to accept data.frame-like arguments as inputs.
  • Translation from data.frame to data.table can be handled by coerce_dt, check_dt or make_dt (coerce_dt and check_dt combined) which will be provided in a to-be-released package make_dt
  • In general, functions should be side-effect-free on their arguments. This is generally the case in R, but notably data.table arguments may be modified inside functions. To maintain the benefits of using data.table, you may wish to allow side effects, either by method flag or with internal methods.

In general, we aim to check the inputs for all external facing functions. This is to ensure that the user is aware of any issues with the input data and to provide a consistent error message. For an example of this philosophy, review usage in epinowcast more widely, such as the functions in R/data-converters.R.

Internal data manipulation

  • data.table objects are used for internal data manipulation. If you are unfamiliar with data.table please see the documentation and cheatsheet. Prototype code may be written with other tools but will generally need be refactored to use data.table before submission (in PRs where help is needed with this please clearly state this).
  • We aim to use more readable vs efficient data.table syntax where there is a trade-off (of course the exact trade-off requirers developer judgement). For example, rather than bracket chaining we prefer the use of one-line statements with re-assignment. The following functions demonstrate these patterns (and the reason why we avoid them - the chained dt actually yields a different result for dt_chain vs dt):
# we prefer this
dt <-
dt[, mpg := mpg + 1]
dt[mpg > 20, cyl := 10]
dt[, cyl := cyl + 1]
#over this
dt_chain <-[, mpg := mpg + 1][mpg > 20, cyl := 10][, cyl := cyl + 1]
  • We also use list structures for more complex objects or where data.table is not appropriate. If the appropriate data structure is unclear for the problem at hand please flag this in the issue you are addressing or in the PR discussion.

Output types

  • For external functions we aim for the output to be a data.table object if possible unless a custom class is used (which we generally aim to inherit from the data.table class). This is to ensure consistency with the input types and to allow for easy chaining of functions.
  • All returned data.table objects should be followed with [] as this ensures the object prints automatically. This holds for both internal and external functions in order to improve both the user and developer experience. The following functions demonstrate this pattern:

no_print_iris <- function(dt) {
    dt <- coerce_dt(dt)

print_iris <- function(dt) {
    dt <- coerce_dt(dt)

#      Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width   Species
#   1:          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2    setosa
#   2:          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2    setosa
#   3:          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2    setosa
#   4:          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2    setosa
#   5:          5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2    setosa
#  ---                                                            
# 146:          6.7         3.0          5.2         2.3 virginica
# 147:          6.3         2.5          5.0         1.9 virginica
# 148:          6.5         3.0          5.2         2.0 virginica
# 149:          6.2         3.4          5.4         2.3 virginica
# 150:          5.9         3.0          5.1         1.8 virginica