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A scala library to simplify flink jobs

Maven Dependency

Flinkrunner v1.6.6 is now on maven central, built against Flink 1.7.2 with Scala 2.11 and JDK 8.

libraryDependencies += "io.epiphanous" %% "flinkrunner" % "1.6.6"

The apache flink project doesn't include its AWS Kinesis connector on maven central because of license restrictions, and we don't include it in FlinkRunner for the same reasons. In order to use Kinesis with FlinkRunner, please follow the instructions in the next section.

Build from Source

Due to licensing restrictions, if you want to use AWS Kinesis with FlinkRunner you have to build it (and the Flink kinesis connector) from source. To do so,

  • First, you'll need to build a local copy of Flink's kinesis connector. See these instructions for details on how to accomplish that.

    Note that building Flink with Kinesis can take over 30 minutes! It's a very big project.

  • Clone the FlinkRunner repo:

    git clone
  • Checkout the tag of FlinkRunner you want to build. The most recent stable version is v1.6.6, but you can ensure you have the most recent tags with git fetch --tags and list tags with git tag -l, then

    git checkout tags/v1.6.6 -b my-build-v1.6.6

    This will create a new local branch my-build-v1.6.6 based on the v1.6.6 tag release.

  • Build FlinkRunner and install it locally, using the -Dwith.kinesis=true option

    sbt -Dwith.kinesis=true publishLocal

    This will install FlinkRunner with kinesis support in your local repo.

  • In your project's build file, add a resolver to your local repo and add the local FlinkRunner dependency:

    resolvers += "Local Maven Repository" at "file://" +
        Path.userHome.absolutePath + "/.m2/repository"
    libraryDependencies += "io.epiphanous" %% "flinkrunner" % "1.6.6k"
                                      // notice no v here  ---^^    ^^---k for kinesis

What is FlinkRunner?

You have a set of related flink jobs that deal in a related set of data event types. Flinkrunner helps you build one application to run those related jobs and coordinate the types. It also simplifies setting up common sources and sinks to the point where you control them purely with configuration and not code. Flinkrunner supports a variety of sources and sinks out of the box, including kafka, kinesis, jdbc, filesystems (including s3) and sockets. It also has many common operators to help you in writing your own transformation logic. Finally, FlinkRunner makes it easy to test your transformation logic with property-based testing.

At a high level, FlinkRunner helps you think about your flink jobs at a high level, so you can focus on the logic in the pipeline between the sources and sinks.

Get Started

  • Define an algebraic data type (ADT) containing the types that will be used in your flink jobs. Your top level type should inherit from FlinkEvent. This will force your types to implement the following methods/fields:

    • $timestamp: Long - the event time
    • $id: String - a unique id for the event
    • $key: String - a key to group events

    Additionally, a FlinkEvent has an $active: Boolean method that defaults to false. This is used by FlinkRunner in some of its abstract job types that you may or may not use. We'll discuss those details later.

    sealed trait MyADTEvent extends FlinkEvent
    final case class SomeEvent($timestamp:Long, $id:String, $key:String, ...)
      extends MyADTEvent
    final case class OtherEvent($timestamp:Long, $id:String, $key:String, ...)
      extends MyADTEvent
  • Create a Runner object using FlinkRunner. This is what you use as the entry point to your jobs.

    object Runner {
      def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
      def run(
          args: Array[String],
          optConfig: Option[String] = None,
          sources: Map[String, Seq[Array[Byte]]] = Map.empty
        )(callback: PartialFunction[Stream[MyADTEvent], Unit] = {
            case _ =>
        ): Unit = {
        val runner =
          new FlinkRunner[MyADTEvent](args,
                                            new MyADTRunnerFactory(),
  • Create a MyADTRunnerFactory() that extends FlinkRunnerFactory(). This is used by flink runner to get your jobs and serialization/deserialization schemas.

    class MyADTRunnerFactory
        extends FlinkRunnerFactory[MyADTEvent]
        with Serializable {
      override def getJobInstance(name: String) =
        name match {
          case "MyADTJob1" => new MyADTJob1()
          case "MyADTJob2" => new MyADTJob2()
          case "MyADTJob3" => new MyADTJob3()
          case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"unknown job $name")
      // just override the ones you need in your jobs
      // note these are intended to work for all your types, which is one of the
      // primary reasons we're using an ADT approach
      override def getDeserializationSchema =
        new MyADTEventDeserializationSchema()
      override def getKeyedDeserializationSchema =
        new MyADTEventKeyedDeserializationSchema()
      override def getSerializationSchema =
        new MyADTEventSerializationSchema()
      override def getKeyedSerializationSchema =
        new MyADTEventKeyedSerializationSchema()
      override def getEncoder = new MyADTEventEncoder()
      override def getAddToJdbcBatchFunction =
        new MyADTEventAddToJdbcBatchFunction()
  • Create your serialization and deserialization schemas for your ADT. You'll most likely need a deserialization schema for your source and either a serialization schema, encoder or jdbc batch adder for your sink. These are simple functions that extend simple existing interfaces. These functions are also simplified by the fact that you've already organized your data as an ADT.

  • Configure your system, which mainly is about configuring sources and sinks. Flinkrunner uses typesafe config for its configuration, overlaid with command line arguments and optionally augmented with options you pass in programmatically at run time. Flinkrunner automatically merges this info for you, so you don't have to parse command line arguments and create ParameterTool objects. All of your job methods will be passed an implicit FlinkConfig object that gives you access to the current configuration. Further, FlinkRunner takes care of configuring your streaming environment automatically based on the configuration settings. Perhaps the best part is you don't have to write any code at all to setup sources and sinks, as these are all grokked by FlinkRunner from the config.

  • Write your jobs! This is the fun part. You job will inherit from one of FlinkRunner's job classes. The top level FlinkRunner job class is called FlinkJob and has the following interface:

    abstract class FlinkJob[IN <: FlinkEvent: TypeInformation, OUT <: FlinkEvent: TypeInformation] extends LazyLogging {
      // the entry point called by flink runner; invokes the flow
      // and if mock.edges is true, returns an iterator of results
      def run():Either[Iterator[OUT],Unit]
      // this is its actual code...sets up the execution plan
      def flow():DataStream[OUT] =
        source |> transform |# maybeSink
      // reads from first configured sink and assigns timestamps
      // and watermarks if needed
      def source():DataStream[IN]
      // called by source(), uses configuration to do its thing
      def maybeAssignTimestampsAndWatermarks(in: DataStream[IN]):Unit
      // writes to first configured sink
      def sink(out:DataStream[OUT]):Unit
      // only adds the sink to the execution plan of mock.edges is fals
      def maybeSink():Unit
      // no implementation provided...
      // this is what your job implements
      def transform(in:DataStream[IN]):DataStream[OUT]

    While you're free to override any of these methods in your job, usually you just need to provide a transform() method that converts your DataStream[IN] to a DataStream[OUT].