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File metadata and controls

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Individual containers

[Dachs-on-Docker][4] is a combination of two services/containers, a Postgres (chbrandt/dachs:postgres) db/container and the Dachs server/container (chbrandt/dachs:server):

(host)$ docker run -dt --name postgres chbrandt/dachs:postgres
(host)$ docker run -dt --name dachs --link postgres -p 80:80 chbrandt/dachs:server

After those lines, go to http://localhost (in the web browser) to see the default DaCHS web interface.

DaCHS-on-Docker is running.

Note: the postgres container must be named "postgres" when running it.

Cool. Before going to the next session -- where we'll add some data to it--, let's first handle for a moment the Docker command-line interface to change the state of DaCHS.

Let's modify our site's title. We will do that by adding the respective parameter to dachs' configuration file, and then restart gavo (the dachs daemon):

$ docker exec dachs bash -c 'echo "sitename: Short Site-name" >> $GAVOSETTINGS'
$ docker exec dachs bash -c 'gavo serve restart'

Going back to the browser's http://localhost (possibly refresh the page), we should see the new title "Short Site-name".

That's quite cute, isn't it? Now let's put some data in it.

Feeding data: ARIHIP example

We will now adapt the original example from the DaCHS documentation to our container. Steps are basically the same, we just have to change the perspective:

  1. Download the ARIHIP RD and data files:
$ mkdir -p arihip/data
$ curl -o arihip/q.rd
$ curl -o arihip/data/data.txt.gz
  1. Copy the ARIHIP files into the container:
$ docker cp arihip dachs:/var/gavo/inputs/.
  1. Import, publish, reload the service:
$ docker exec -it dachs bash -c 'gavo imp arihip/q && gavo pub arihip/q'
$ docker exec dachs bash -c 'gavo serve reload'

...and the ARIHIP dataset should be available at http://localhost.

A note on data persistence

Containers are volatile environments: whatever you do inside a container while it is alive will go away when it is removed.

For instance, in our example, ARIHIP (and the previous modification to sitename) will evaporate together with the container in case of a restart. See it for yourself:

  1. Remove the running containers
$ docker rm -f dachs postgres
  1. Start the containers as in the previous subsection
  2. Check http://localhost, the default/empty DaCHS web site is back online.

There are different ways to persist data in Docker containers, it depends very much on the surrounding infrastructure, demands through time and even the kind of workflow from who manages the data/services.

In the wiki -- Persisting data -- we workout some models to persist datasets throught shutdowns.

Using Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a clean way of running multiple containers that, like this setup, work together to provide a seamless service.

Details about Docker Compose and how to install the docker-compose command are found in the docs:

Long-story-short, once you have a docker-compose.yml file (below), you'll have to type as much as,

$ docker-compose up

to have you containers running.

A docker-compose.yml to do exactly what we've done in the [first section][#getting-started] will look like:

version: '3'
        image: chbrandt/dachs:server
        container_name: dachs
        tty: true
        network_mode: 'bridge'
            - '80:80'
            - postgres
            - postgres
        image: chbrandt/dachs:postgres
        container_name: postgres
        tty: true
        network_mode: 'bridge'

FROM dachs:server

Docker containers have an inheritance mechanism in place that enables the specialization of base images to different applications. Dachs-on-Docker is meant to be inherited and further customized.

As far as I understand, you will likely want to customize dachs:server image, where the interface with the user and data management takes place.

One aspect that you probably want to adjust is your site's metadata (e.g., title, URL). Which is about time now that we've gone through the very basics.

In the very first section, "Getting started", we changed the name of the our site to "Short Site-name" through docker exec. Now, we want to make that modification, for example, as part of a custom container.

The guidelines are:

  • To build a container we need to define a Dockerfile;
  • We will define our own DaCHS' gavo.rc;
    • And in the Dockerfile, substitute the default gavo.rc.

We start in an empty directory, by defining the following Dockerfile:

FROM chbrandt/dachs:server
COPY etc/gavo.rc /etc/gavo.rc

Then, we define the site's metadata (in etc/gavo.rc):

$ mkdir etc
$ cat > etc/gavo.rc << EOF
sitename: Short Site-name
serverPort: 80
serverURL: http://localhost
  • Note: the current directory has (currently) the files:
`- gavo.rc

Build docker image:

$ docker build -t mydachs:server ./

There you go; Previously, we used chbrandt/dachs:server, now, mydachs:server should do the work.

Debugging things

If things don't work and you want to fix the docker files

(host)$ git clone
(host)$ cd docker-dachs
# The repo uses different branches to keep the dockerfiles for
# dachs and postgres, respectively:
(host)$ git checkout postgres
# use --no-cache to verify things actually build properly from scratch
(host)$ docker build -t dachs_postgres dockerfile/
# do the same for the dachs container
(host)$ git checkout dachs
(host)$ docker build -t dachs_dachs dockerfile/

Now open two shells; while you'll normally want to run things in detached mode and just jump in with docker exec -it dachs bash (or so), for debugging it's usually a good idea to see what's going on:

(host)$ docker run --rm -it --name postgres dachs_postgres
(host)$ docker run --rm -it --name dachs --link postgres -p 80:80 dachs_dachs