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SKPhysicsBody containment (covering) test category. Dead simple interface, runtimee implementation.

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A lovely category telling if a volume-based SKPhysicsBody is contained by another.

BOOL putInto = [bodyA containsBody:bodyB];

What it does

The category adds a really valuable readonly property for every SKPhysicsBody called path. This CGPathRef holds the CGPath representation of the currently transformed state for the body (in the coordinate space of the containing node).

The rest is just the geometry to test containment actually, and some swizzling to live in peace with SpriteKit runtime. Everything is wrapped up into a threeliner interface.

@interface SKPhysicsBody (Containment)

@property (nonatomic, readonly) CGPathRef path;

-(BOOL)containsPoint:(CGPoint) point;
-(BOOL)containsBody:(SKPhysicsBody*) body;


Under the hood

There is no API to enumerate CGPoints of a given CGPath. The category comes with some handy helper function that does it for the category. Containment test now can go as the following.

// Test for containment for each point of body.
__block BOOL everyPointContained = YES;
enumeratePointsOfPath(body.path, ^(CGPoint eachPoint)
    if (CGPathContainsPoint(path, NULL, eachPoint, NO) == NO)
    { everyPointContained = NO; }

Another issue is to store the initial CGPath representation of the body upon creation. This initial path can be transformed later on when it requested. This code should take place in the SKPhysicsBody factory methods. Calling the default behaviour can be tricky (it could be a simple super call if we were extending the class).

Solution is to "save" the default SKPhysicsBody factory implementations, then override the factories, and call the default behaviour from within somewhere.

For +(SKPhysicsBody*)bodyWithCircleOfRadius: it means that you create an implementation that is to be override +(SKPhysicsBody*)bodyWithCircleOfRadius: implementation, while you save the original implementation into a method, called +(SKPhysicsBody*)__bodyWithCircleOfRadius: in this case. See his in action in SKPhysicsBody+Containment searching for Augment factories.

Category on SKPhysicsBody

When you ask for an SKPhysicsBody instance from SKPhysicsBody class, you'd expect an SKPhysicsBody object in return. According to some design decision at Apple, it will spit you up a PKPhysicsBody instance (part of internal PhysicsKit), which of course won't have any instance method from the category you made for SKPhysicsBody. Extending that class can be carried out only via method / property swizzlings, so this issue put a weight on this category.

// This is not what you'd expect.
SKPhysicsBody *body = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize:size];
NSLog(@"%@", body.class)); // PKPhysicsBody

Another thing to consider, that class methods gonna stay in place. This is cool, but you cannot swizzle every method automatically. Class methods implementations have to be added to SKPhysicsBody, but instance methods have to be added to PKPkysicsBody (or whatever class that factories return at runtime).

NSLog(@"%@", SKPhysicsBody.class); // SKPhysicsBody

So for the solution, I created a standalone "implementation donor class" SKPhysicsBodyContainment that holds all the implementation that needs to be swizzled around. Then upon the +(void)load of this class, I distribute the implementations to the parties discussed above.

It actually wraps up the swizzling, and some other runtime class manipulation methods into an Objective-C interface. Gonna put it into eppz!kit soon, hence the class prefix. You can see the header EPPZSwizzler.h for documentations.

// Copies method implementation from a donor class.
[EPPZSwizzler addInstanceMethod:@selector(containsBody:)

// Like you was define a `@property (nonatomic, assign) NSString *pathType`.
[EPPZSwizzler synthesizeAssignedPropertyNamed:@"pathType"


  • 0.1.1

    • Removed the need of key for property synthesizeing
    • Cleaned up interface (as it is close to production)
  • 0.1.0

    • Path-path containment
    • Circle-path containment
    • Circle-circle containment
  • 0.0.3

    • Spectacular swizzling features in EPPZSwizzler
    • Tracking body types in pathType property
  • 0.0.2

    • Added containment geomery
      • Works with path-path intersections for now
  • 0.0.1

    • path property gets populated upon creating
      • Swizzling works just fine


SKPhysicsBody containment (covering) test category. Dead simple interface, runtimee implementation.






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