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Continuation-passing style
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Make the second version of the code consistent with the article's
section "Continuation-passing style".
  • Loading branch information
epsil committed Dec 8, 2012
1 parent b3dd232 commit d875f2f
Showing 1 changed file with 114 additions and 122 deletions.
236 changes: 114 additions & 122 deletions 2/parser.rkt
@@ -1,135 +1,127 @@
#! /usr/bin/racket
#lang racket

;;; Continuation-passing style

(require racket/mpair)

;;; Memoization
(struct success (val rest) #:transparent)
(struct failure (rest) #:transparent)

(define (memo cps-fn)
(let ((table (mlist)))
(lambda (arg (continuation #f))
(let* ((results (mlist))
(entry (massoc arg table))
(or continuation
(lambda (result)
(when (null? (cdr result))
(set! results (mcons result results)))))))
(unless entry
(set! entry (mcons arg (mcons '() '())))
(set! table (mcons entry table)))
(set! entry (mcdr entry))
((null? (mcar entry))
;; first time memoized procedure has been called with arg
(set-mcar! entry (mcons continuation (mcar entry)))
(cps-fn arg
(lambda (result)
(unless (mmember result (mcdr entry))
(set-mcdr! entry (mcons result (mcdr entry)))
(for ((cont (mcar entry)))
(cont result))))))
;; memoized procedure has been called with arg before
(set-mcar! entry (mcons continuation (mcar entry)))
(for ((result (mcdr entry)))
(continuation result))))
(unless (null? results)
(mlist->list (mreverse! results)))))))

;;; Parser combinators

(define-syntax-rule (define-parser parser body ...)
(define-syntax-rule (delay-parser parser)
(lambda args
(apply parser args)))

(define-syntax-rule (define-parser parser body)
(define parser
(lambda (in c)
((begin body ...)
(lambda (r)
(let ((result (car r))
(tail (cdr r)))
(c (cons (cons 'parser
(if (and (pair? result)
(member (car result)
'(seq term)))
(cdr result)
(list result)))

(define-syntax-rule (term X ...)
(delay-parser body))))

(define (make-parser parser)
(lambda (str (cont #f))
(if cont
(parser str cont)
(run-parser parser str))))

(define (run-parser parser str)
(let ((results '()))
(parser str (lambda (result)
(match result
[(success val "")
(set! results (cons result results))]
[failure failure])))

(define (memo fn)
(let ((alist (mlist)))
(lambda args
(match (massoc args alist)
[(mcons args result) result]
[_ (let* ((result (apply fn args))
(entry (mcons args result)))
(set! alist (mcons entry alist))

(define (memo-cps fn)
(let ((table (mlist)))
(define entry-continuations mcar)
(define entry-results mcdr)
(define (push-continuation! entry cont)
(set-mcar! entry (mcons cont (entry-continuations entry))))
(define (push-result! entry result)
(set-mcdr! entry (mcons result (entry-results entry))))
(define (result-subsumed? entry result)
(mmember result (entry-results entry)))
(define (make-entry)
(mcons (mlist) (mlist)))
(define (table-ref str)
(match (massoc str table)
[(mcons str entry) entry]
[_ (let ((entry (make-entry)))
(set! table (mcons (mcons str entry) table))
(lambda (str cont)
(let ((entry (table-ref str)))
(match entry
;; first time memoized procedure has been called with str
[(mcons (mlist) (mlist))
(push-continuation! entry cont)
(fn str (lambda (result)
(unless (result-subsumed? entry result)
(push-result! entry result)
(for ((cont (entry-continuations entry)))
(cont result)))))]
;; memoized procedure has been called with str before
(push-continuation! entry cont)
(for ((result (entry-results entry)))
(cont result))])))))

(define succeed
(lambda (in c)
(when (and (pair? in)
(member (car in) '(X ...)))
(c (cons (list 'term (car in)) (cdr in)))))))
(lambda (val)
(lambda (str cont)
(cont (success val str)))))))

(define-syntax-rule (seq A ...)
(define string
(lambda (in c)
(let* ((parsers (list A ...))
(fn (car parsers))
(cont (foldr (lambda (fn c)
(lambda (r)
(let ((result (car r)))
(fn (cdr r)
(lambda (r)
(c (cons (append result (list (car r)))
(cdr r))))))))
(cdr parsers))))
(fn in (lambda (r)
(cont (cons (list 'seq (car r))
(cdr r)))))))))

(define-syntax-rule (alt A ...)
(lambda (match)
(lambda (str cont)
(let* ((len (min (string-length str) (string-length match)))
(head (substring str 0 len))
(tail (substring str len)))
(if (equal? head match)
(cont (success head tail))
(cont (failure tail)))))))))

(define (bind p fn)
(lambda (str cont)
(p str (lambda (result)
(match result
[(success val rest)
((fn val) rest cont)]
(cont failure)])))))

(define seq
(lambda (in c)
(for ((fn (list A ...)))
(fn in c)))))

(define-syntax-rule (opt A)
(alt epsilon A))

(define-syntax-rule (k* A)
(alt epsilon
(seq A (k* A))))

;;; Parsers

(define (epsilon in c)
(c (cons '() in)))

(define-parser noun
(term student professor cat class))
(lambda (a b)
(bind a (lambda (x)
(bind b (lambda (y)
(succeed (list x y))))))))))

(define-parser verb
(term studies lectures eats sleeps))

(define-parser article
(term the a an))

(define-parser sentence
(seq noun-phrase verb-phrase))

(define-parser verb-phrase
(alt (seq verb-phrase prep-phrase)

(define-parser simple-noun-phrase
(seq article noun))

(define-parser noun-phrase
(alt (seq noun-phrase prep-phrase)

(define-parser preposition
(term for to in by with))

(define-parser prep-phrase
(seq preposition noun-phrase))
(define alt
(lambda (a b)
(lambda (str cont)
(a str cont)
(b str cont))))))

;;; Tests
(define-parser s
(alt (seq s (string "a"))
(string "a")))

(sentence '(the student with the cat sleeps in the class))
(sentence '(the professor lectures to the student with the cat))
(sentence '(the professor lectures to the student in the class with the cat))
(s "aaa")

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