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Welcome! Equip is a tiny and powerful PHP micro-framework created and maintained by the engineering team at When I Work. It attempts to comply with PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-3, PSR-4 and PSR-7. It is based on the ADR pattern.


To install Equip, use Composer.

composer require equip/framework

You will also need to install a package that provides psr/http-message-implementation. By default Equip only provides configuration for zendframework/zend-diactoros but any package that provides a ServerRequestInterface implementation should work equally well with proper configuration.

Subsequent examples will assume your project has a directory structure similar to this:

├── composer.json
├── composer.lock
├── src
├── vendor
└── web
    └── index.php

Instead of installing Equip via Composer, you can get going a little faster by using the sample project that shows a good way to use this framework.

composer create-project -s dev equip/project equip-project


The majority of the code written on top of Equip is located in domain classes and others composed by them. Additional classes can be used to customize other aspects of the application including responders, middleware, and so forth. One commonality that all of these classes have is that they generally require external dependencies in order to serve their purpose.

In order to handle instantiating and wiring together classes on which your code is dependent, a dependency injection container (DIC) is used. In this case of Equip, this DIC is Auryn, specifically its Injector class. Auryn is different from most other PHP DIC implementations in that it uses parameter types and names, rather than separate user-assigned semantic names, to identify individual dependencies.

When a dependency is needed, Equip internally calls the make() method of the Auryn Injector class. This method uses reflection to inspect types and names of constructor parameters, recursively resolve all dependencies corresponding to those parameters, instantiate the class with those dependencies, and return the configured instance.

In order to have Auryn handle passing the dependencies into a class written for your project, such as a domain class, all you need to do is use appropriate typehints when declaring its constructor parameters.

Subsequent subsections of this section review other common dependency injection use cases. For additional information, refer to the Auryn documentation.

Subclasses and Interfaces

Two common use cases with dependencies involve type aliasing using the alias() method of the injector:

  1. Using an instance of a subclass anywhere a typehint against a superclass is used; or
  2. Using an instance of a class implementing an interface anywhere a typehint against that interface is used.
class SuperClassName { }
class SubClassName extends SuperClassName { }
$injector->alias('SuperClassName', 'SubClassName');
$instance = $injector->make('SuperClassName');
echo get_class($instance); // SubClassName

interface InterfaceName { }
class ClassImplementingInterfaceName implements InterfaceName { }
$injector->alias('InterfaceName', 'ClassImplementingInterfaceName');
$instance = $injector->make('InterfaceName');
echo get_class($instance); // ClassImplementingInterfaceName

Scalar Parameters

Type aliasing doesn't apply to scalar parameters. Values for these parameters can be specified using an injection definition via the define() method of the injector:

$injector->define('ClassName', [':scalarParameter' => 'scalarValue']);

Note that the parameter name is prefixed with a colon to indicate that the corresponding value should be used as-is. When the colon prefix is excluded, the specified value is assumed to be an inline specification of a class to be aliased to a superclass or interface parameter for that specific dependency.


In some cases, instantiation of a class is complex enough that Auryn can't handle it alone. An example of this is when values passed to the class constructor must be derived from configuration (e.g. programmatically constructing the DSN for a PDO connection from its components) as opposed to taken directly from configuration (e.g. making the entire DSN a configuration setting unto itself).

In cases such as these, instantiation can be delegated to callbacks using the delegate() method of the injector, where the callback is expected to return the instance:

$injector->delegate('ClassOrInterfaceName', function() {
    // ...
    return new ClassOrClassImplementingInterfaceName;

Note that such a callback can be defined to receive typehinted parameters. Just as with constructor parameters, Auryn will provision instances of object parameters and pass them in when it invokes the callback.


If an instance needs to have logic performed on it after it's created, such as calling a setter method to inject an optional dependency, the injector prepare() method can be used to specify a callback for this. As with delegate callbacks, Auryn will handle provisioning and passing any typehinted objects to this callback.

$injector->prepare('ClassName', function(ClassName $instance) {
    // ...


In Equip, configuration of the injector is encapsulated in classes implementing ConfigurationInterface. This interface has a single method apply() that applies some configuration to a given Auryn Injector instance. The purpose of this is to allow for clean separation of concerns and reusability of configuration logic.

To facilitate ease of reuse for groupings of configuration, Equip provides a ConfigurationSet class, which takes in a list of configuration classes and applies them to an injector instance.

For a Equip application to function properly, the Injector instance it uses will need some configuration. This configuration is defined using the Application setConfiguration() method, which accepts an array of configuration classes or objects to be applied. It is also possible to provide a ConfigurationSet when calling Application::build() to be used as the default set.

Default Configuration

The following configurations are typically used by default:

Optional Configurations

The following configurations are available but not used by default:

Setting The Env File

When using EnvConfiguration it may be desirable to define the path to the .env file if it is outside of your project root or simply to avoid automatic detection. This can be done by providing a constructed instance of the EnvConfiguration during bootstrapping:

    new Equip\Configuration\EnvConfiguration('path/to/.env'),
    // ...
// ...

See the bootstrap section for more details.

Env Configuration

Equip comes with a Env class that can be used as a configuration store. Populating this value object is typically done with an "env loader" such as josegonzalez/dotenv. Once configured this class can be injected into other configuration to use secrets like database passwords or API access tokens.

The Env class is immutable and can used as an array:

public function __construct(Env $env)
    $this->user = $env['db']['username'];
    $this->pass = $env['db']['password'];


Configure your web server to use web or the equivalent as the host document root and to route all non-file requests to the index.php file contained there. The Symfony documentation has some good examples of how to do this for commonly used web servers.

Here's an example of what this index.php file might look like.

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

->setRouting(function (Equip\Directory $directory) {
    return $directory
    ->get(/* ... */)
    // ...

Let's walk through the role of each block.


Hopefully you're already familiar with Composer and the autoloader it generates. This is included first to allow for autoloading of code from Equip and its dependencies as well as code specific to your project.

Composer creates the vendor directory, downloads all project dependencies into it, and generates an autoloader at the path vendor/autoload.php. Since the bootstrap file is located under the web directory, this file must be referenced in relation to that directory when it is included.

Dependency Injection Container

Configuration was discussed in an earlier section. In addition to the configurations supported by the Equip core, custom configurations specific to your project can also be applied.

First, create one or more classes implementing ConfigurationInterface to apply configuration appropriate for your project dependencies.

// src/Configuration/FooConfiguration.php
namespace Acme\Configuration;

use Auryn\Injector;
use Equip\Configuration\ConfigurationInterface;

class FooConfiguration implements ConfigurationInterface
    public function apply(Injector $injector)
        // ...

Now you can apply the configuration you've created in your bootstrap file:

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

    // ...
// ...


Equip uses FastRoute internally for routing. As such, it uses that library's URI pattern syntax; see its documentation for more details.

The directory maps URIs to the corresponding domain that the should be used. This is implemented in the Equip Directory class. Here is an example of what configuring an instance of it could look like:

use Acme\Domain;

// ...
->setRouting(function (Equip\Directory $directory) {
    return $directory
    ->any('/', Domain\Providers::class)
    ->get('/providers', Domain\GetProviders::class)
    ->get('/providers/{provider}', Domain\GetProvider::class)
    ->post('/providers/{provider}', Domain\SynchronizeProvider::class)
    ->post('/providers/{provider}/connection', Domain\ActivateProvider::class)
    ->delete('/providers/{provider}/connection', Domain\DeactivateProvider::class)
    ->get('/providers/{provider}/configuration', Domain\GetProviderConfiguration::class)
    ->put('/providers/{provider}/configuration', Domain\ChangeProviderConfiguration::class)
    ; // End of routing

It is very important to remember that the Directory object is immutable! You must always return the directory or changes will be lost.

It is also possible to provide an Action object instead of a domain class if you want to modify the responder or input class that will be used to handle the action:

$directory->get('/login', new Equip\Action(

If an Action object is not provided one will be constructed with the provided Domain reference instead.

Object Routing

An alternative way to implement routing configuration involves using an invokable object. This encapsulation allows for niceties such as non-public methods that can make routing code more concise.

// src/Routing.php
namespace Acme;

use Acme\Domain;
use Equip\Directory;

class Routing
    public function __invoke(Directory $directory)
        return $directory
        ->get('/providers', Domain\GetProviders::class)
        ->get('/providers/{provider}', Domain\GetProvider::class)
        ->post('/providers/{provider}', Domain\SynchronizeProvider::class)
        ->post('/providers/{provider}/connection', Domain\ActivateProvider::class)
        ->delete('/providers/{provider}/connection', Domain\DeactivateProvider::class)
        ->get('/providers/{provider}/configuration', Domain\GetProviderConfiguration::class)
        ->put('/providers/{provider}/configuration', Domain\ChangeProviderConfiguration::class)
        ; // End of routing

Now you can use this class to provide routing:

use Acme\Domain;

// ...

Routing with Prefixes

If your application is installed in a subdirectory of your root URL, you will probably want to use route prefixes. This prevents your routes from having to include the subdirectory in every path and makes it easier to move your application directory at a later date.

To add a prefix, use the withPrefix() of the directory:

$directory = $directory->withPrefix('sub/directory/path');

If you wish to remove the prefix, you can use withoutPrefix() to remove it:

$directory = $directory->withoutPrefix();


Relay is the recommended middleware dispatcher to use with Equip. It creates instances of middleware classes and invokes them in a chain-like fashion. A consequence of this invocation approach is that the order in which middlewares are specified can be important.

For example, in the setMiddleware() call shown earlier, the ExceptionHandler -- the Equip handler for dealing with exceptions -- is specified fairly early in the class list contained within its constructor. This is to allow exceptions thrown by any subsequent middlewares in the chain to be handled properly.

For a Equip application to handle requests properly it will require some middleware to be defined using the Application setMiddleware method, which accepts an array of middleware classes to be used. It is also possible to provide a MiddlewareSet when calling Application::build() to be used as the default set.

Default Middleware

The following middlewares are typically used by default, in this order:

Custom Middleware

Custom middleware can also be used to further customize application behavior by creating an invokable class:

namespace Acme;

use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

class FooMiddleware
    public function __invoke(
        RequestInterface $request,
        ResponseInterface $response,
        callable $next
    ) {
        // ...
        return $next($request, $response);

Now you can use the middleware you've created in your bootstrap file:

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

// ...
    // ...
    // ...
// ...

Typically you will want to place your custom middleware immediately before the ActionHandler.


Domain classes are the application entry point into your project-specific code. They implement DomainInterface, which contains a single method __invoke() that takes in an array and returns an instance of a class implementing PayloadInterface.

The array accepted by __invoke() is created internally via the Equip Input class, which aggregates data from the request in a fashion similar to how PHP itself aggregates request data into the $_REQUEST superglobal.

Equip provides a native implementation of PayloadInterface in the form of its Payload class. Once the domain class has returned the payload instance, Equip then passes it off to the appropriate responder to be used in constructing the application response.

Rather than having the domain class directly instantiate Payload or another implementation of PayloadInterface, it's recommended that you make domain classes accept an initial payload instance as a constructor parameter, ideally typehinted against PayloadInterface. This allows domains to be unit tested independently of any particular payload implementation.

Here's an example of a domain class.

namespace Acme\Domain;

use Equip\Adr\DomainInterface;
use Equip\Adr\PayloadInterface;

class Foo implements DomainInterface
    protected $pdo;
    protected $payload;

    public function __construct(
        \PDO $pdo,
        PayloadInterface $payload
    ) {
        $this->pdo = $pdo;
        $this->payload = $payload;

    public function __invoke(array $input)
        // ...
        return $this->payload;

Note that the constructor of this domain class declares two parameters, a \PDO instance and a payload instance. If a request is made for the URI corresponding to this domain class in the router configuration, Equip will use the Auryn configuration to instantiate the domain class with the dependencies declared in its constructor. Typically, the constructor is used to store references to dependencies in instance properties so as to be able to use them later in __invoke().

Also note that __invoke() returns the payload. The core Equip implementation Payload provides an immutable implementation of PayloadInterface, which also allows for code like this:

return $this->payload
    ->withOutput(['foo' => 'bar']);


Responders accept the payload returned by the domain and return a PSR-7 Response object. They implement ResponderInterface, which like DomainInterface declares a single method __invoke(). Instead of a third callable parameter, however, it receives an instance of PayloadInterface.

Equip provides a few native responder implementations.

Chained Responder

ChainedResponder is the default responder which allows multiple responders to be applied to the same response instance. This is intended to allow for separation of concerns in configuring different areas of the response. The ChainedResponder extends Equip\Structure\Set.

By default ChainedResponder includes all the default responders. Responders can be added using its withValue() method or overwritten entirely using its withValues() method.

Formatted Responder

FormattedResponder uses the Negotiation library to support content negotiation. When a desirable format has been founded, it uses an appropriate implementation of FormatterInterface to encode the payload data and return it as a string. The FormattedResponder extends Equip\Structure\Dictionary.

Here are the formatter implementations that are natively supported:

By default FormattedResponder includes JsonFormatter. Responders can be added using its withValue() method or overwritten entirely using its withValues() method.


RedirectResponder allows a redirection to be embedded in the payload. In order to activate it requires a redirect message to be attached to the PayloadInterface. Optionally the status can be set when a 302 Found is not the correct response.

Modifying the payload to trigger a redirect is very easy:

// For a basic redirect
return $payload->withMessages([
    'redirect' => '/login',

// For a permanent redirect, also set "status"
return $payload->withMessages([
    'redirect' => '/permalink',
    'status' => 301,

Default Setup

Actions, responders, and formatters work together to generate a response. By default Action instances created by routing use ChainedResponder as the responder. By using a custom action you can change the responder for that action. By default the ChainedResponder includes the FormattedResponder which delegates formatting to JsonFormatter.

Using Plates

Using PlatesFormatter requires changing the formatters used by FormattedResponder. The easiest way to do this is by using the PlatesResponderConfiguration as in the example below:

    // ...
// ...