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Folders and files

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  • Having all existing mechanisms (code, tests, storybooks) working with typescript instead of flow
  • On build - generating typescript definitions (.d.ts) as a by-product
  • Doing the bulk of the job using script so one could rerun it in case of local changes in flow code that need to go back to the repo (i.e PR)

Current State Overview

flow code files

  • ./ - 2 files
  • ./src - 231 files
  • ./cpa-server - 3 files
  • ./cypress - 9 files
  • ./stories - 23 files
  • ./test - 298 files

Other files

  • .md files - 11 files
  • configuration files - .eslintignore, package.json yarn.lock, .flowconfig, circleci/config, .storybook/.babelrc
  • flow-typed folder (maybe not required because most of the dependencies probably has TS typing, but some @types/... packages will need to be installed)

Getting started

source ./.to_ts/
node .to_ts/translate.js
source ./.to_ts/


  • trasnlate flow into typescript
  • apply prettier
  • update md files
  • update comments in code
  • yarn add and remove of packages

Code Changes Required

Automatic Changes

  • | null | undefined should either be | null or propname?: Type
  • apply prettier on code
  • ADD src/global.d.ts
// src/global.d.ts content
export {};

declare global {
  type TimeoutID = number;
  type AnimationFrameID = number;
  interface Window {

flow-to-ts Bugs

  • src/debug/middleware/log.ts - (mode?: Mode = 'verbose') --> (mode: Mode = 'verbose')
  • src/state/position.ts - otherValue?: number = 0 --> otherValue: number = 0

Manual Type Fixes

  • rollup.config - 1. import typescript from '@rollup/plugin-typescript'; 2. add plugin typescript()
  • | null | undefined should either | null or propname?: Type
  • src/dev-warning.ts - window[...] --> (window as any)[...]
  • bindEvents - el: HTMLElement --> el: HTMLElement | Window
  • src/index.ts - export --> export type for types
  • RbdInvariant should have been class
  • src/native-with-fallback.ts - NodeList<HTMLElement> --> NodeList
  • src/state/auto-scroller/fluid-scroller/did-start-in-scrollable-area.ts DELETE
  • src/invariant.ts - shoult return the validated object - export function invariant<T>(condition: T | null | undefined, message?: string) : T{
  • src/state/dimension-structures.ts - reduce init value with {} should be {} as {[id:string]:DroppableDimension } & as {[id:string]:DraggableDimension }
  • getShouldAnimate - id arg - id: string
  • src/types.ts - DropPendingState = DraggingState & --> DropPendingState = Omit<DraggingState, 'phase'> &
  • src/types.ts - CollectingState = DraggingState & --> CollectingState = Omit<DraggingState, 'phase'> &
  • src/types.ts - ^ could avoid Omit
  • src/view/event-bindings/bind-events.ts - bindEvents should return ()=>any
  • src/view/event-bindings/bind-events.ts - getOptions argument shared should be EventOptions | undefined
  • src/view/event-bindings/event-types.ts - fn: Function; --> fn: ()=>any;
  • src/state/middleware/drop/drop-middleware.ts - ADD if(state.phase === 'DROP_ANIMATING') return; // dummy escape for typescript
  • src/state/reducer.ts - LOTS OF MANUAL CAHANGES REQUIRED
  • src/state/store-types.ts - adapt to TS generics - problem with the Dispatch type in Middleware - something payload prop
  • ALL replace Node --> ReactNode


  • ALL - replace useCallback --> useCallbackOne && useMemo --> useMemoOne. AVOID from 'react' (may be separated PR)
  • some .spec.ts files should be .spec.tsx files