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gx-cookie-proxy Docker Repository on Quay

gx-cookie-proxy (sometimes gxc-proxy) translate a galaxy session cookie into a REMOTE_USER identity. This allows you to use Galaxy as your primary source of authentication data, and provide access control to other services based on Galaxy.

The code is a WebSocket-aware SSL-capable HTTP reverse proxy based on drunken-hipster



  1. You are already running some sort of proxy, such as Apache2 or NGINX
  2. You have deployed a Galaxy server with Postgres as the database


Download the binary from our releases page and run it:

./gx-cookie-proxy \
	--galaxyDb 'postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:32769/postgres?client_encoding=utf8&sslmode=disable' \
	--galaxySecret 'I_LOVE_ICE_CREAM' \ # As it appears in galaxy.ini
	--listenAddr localhost:5000 \ # Address to listen on
	--connect localhost:8080 # The backend you're connecting to

This will cause the proxy to:

  • create a tunnel between frontend and backend
  • connect to the database in order to decrypt cookies into usernames

On the first request, the proxy will check the cookie and attempt to decrypt it based on the secret and the session in the database (i.e. an active galaxy session MUST be present).

On subsequent requests, the proxy will check its cache for that cookie value, improving performance. Cookies are cached for a maximum of one hour. This can be made configurable if someone requests it.


Example apache2 configuration:

ProxyPass  /galaxy/gxc_proxy http://localhost:5000/galaxy/gxc_proxy
<Location "/galaxy/gxc_proxy">
	ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:5000/galaxy/gxc_proxy

This will connect to your backend service (running on localhost:8080), and proxy requests to the backend. The backend service should either listen on /galaxy/gxc_proxy/.*, or should use completely relative paths rather than absolute.

Note that my proxy shares a leading path component with my galaxy server. This is required in order to access the galaxy session cookie due to cookie restrictions.

The gx-cookie-proxy is also configurable via environment variables:

Parameter Env Var Usage
--galaxyDb GALAXY_DB_URL Galaxy Database Address. If you need a non-standard search path you can append ?search_path=... to your url.
--galaxySecret GALAXY_SECRET Galaxy cookie secret
--listenAddr GXC_LISTEN_ADDR Proxy listening address
--connect GXC_BACKEND_URL Backend host + port to connect to
--logLevel GXC_LOGLEVEL Logging level (DBEUG, INFO (default), WARN, ERROR)
--header GXC_HEADER Header to send to backend service
--statsd_address GXC_STATSD StatsD server
--statsd_prefix GXC_STATSD_PREFIX StatsD prefix (gxc. by default)


  • 0.9.11
    • Cleaned up code, refactor unnecessary complexity out
    • Split into multiple files
    • SystemD watchdog integration
  • 0.9.10
    • replaced Graphite with StatsD (UDP by default, so tolerates network failures without requiring a restart.)
    • Switched dependencies to dep.
  • 0.9.9
    • Graphite prefix support
  • 0.9.8
    • Graphite Support
  • 0.9.7
    • Small bugfix
  • 0.9.6
    • Allow customising the REMOTE_USER header
  • 0.9.5
    • More debugging logging for production usage.
  • 0.9.4
    • Add logging on bootup
  • 0.9.3
    • Added dockerfile image
  • 0.9.1, 0.9.2
    • Minor refactoring, various small things like logos, readme
  • 0.9.0
    • Major refactoring, removed any non-necessary code paths
    • Added CLI interface
  • 0.3.0
    • Basic initial functionality, retained all of the original drunken-hipster code


