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Stephane Gosselin edited this page Apr 13, 2020 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the erasure-protocol wiki!


Releases follow semantic versioning MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH:

  • MAJOR version for breaking release of registries
  • MINOR version for breaking release of factories
  • PATCH version for backwards compatible bug fixes and features

Each release includes all current contract addresses and contracts.
Contracts from previous releases are considered deprecated if not included in the latest release.

Releases are pushed to a release branch release/vMAJOR.MINOR.x. Patches are backported to existing releases when applicable. For example: release/v1.1.x.
Tags are created from master for MAJOR and MINOR releases and from the release branch for PATCH releases. For example: v1.1.1

All packages in this repo should follow the global semantic versioning. As such, a package will likely skip release versions. yarn publish --new-version 1.3.2` will be your friend.

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