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The liquibase-sbt-plugin is a plugin for the Simple Build Tool (SBT) for running LiquiBase commands.

Liquibase is a database-independent library for tracking, managing and applying database changes.


The liquibase-sbt-plugin is not (yet) available in a public repository, so you have to build and install it yourself.

git clone git://
cd liquibase-sbt-plugin
sbt update
sbt publish-local


  1. Define a dependency on the liquibase-sbt-plugin in your plugin definition file, project/plugins.sbt

     addSbtPlugin("com.github.sdb" %% "liquibase-sbt-plugin" % "0.0.6")
  2. Configure the LiquibasePlugin in your project file, e.g. build.sbt

    liquibaseOptions := Map("dev" -> Seq( com.github.sdb.sbt.liquibase.LiquibaseConfiguration(changeLogFile = new"config/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.xml"), url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/database", driver ="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", username = Some("sa"), password = Some(""), contexts = None, defaultSchemaName = None), com.github.sdb.sbt.liquibase.LiquibaseConfiguration(changeLogFile = new"config/db/changelog/db2.changelog-master.xml"), url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/database2", driver ="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", username = Some("sa"), password = Some(""), contexts = None, defaultSchemaName = None)) , test -> .... )

    //Optional - to run before tests liquibaseTestConfig := Some("test")


The following actions are available:

  • liquibase update [config name]

    Applies un-run changes to the database.

  • liquibase update-count [config name] COUNT

    Applies the next number of change sets.

  • liquibase drop [config name] [SCHEMA]...

    Drops database objects owned by the current user.

  • liquibase tag [config name] TAG

    Tags the current database state for future rollback.

  • liquibase rollback [config name] TAG

    Rolls back the database to the state it was in when the tag was applied.

  • liquibase rollback-count [config name] COUNT

    Rolls back the last number of change sets.

  • liquibase rollback-date [config name] DATE

    Rolls back the database to the state it was in at the given date/time. The format of the date must match that of 'liquibaseDateFormat'.

  • liquibase validate [config name]

    Checks the changelog for errors.

  • liquibase clear-checksums [config name]

    Removes current checksums from database.


A plugin for the Simple Build Tool (SBT) for running LiquiBase







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