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File metadata and controls

166 lines (138 loc) · 7.22 KB



Thanks for your interest in contributing to LuluPerfTest! This project began as primarily an academic endeavor, but we aim to benefit professionals outside of academia as well. Such projects are usually short on contributors, so we are excited for every bit of interest that comes our way!

Additionally, open-source software provides so much benefit to our world, so even if you don't contribute to our project, please consider being a permanent member of the OSS community.

Functionality and Design

This section describes how LPT is designed and how it works. Part of this section is intended for potential contributors who have not used LPT before.

JSON Test Script

LPT works by taking in a JSON script that defines a load test with various configurations. The script is essentially a PerformanceTest object that defines:

  • a name
  • useCases
  • monitors The name is simply the name for a specific test. The useCases are pointers to simulated user interactions with the system under test--typically written as automation tests. The monitors are a list of objects configured to watch and report upon different system metrics.


The useCases portion of the PerformanceTest object defined in the JSON script is an array of individual instances of a useCase model. Use cases define how a user generally interacts with a system. Here, a useCase object points to a file, usually called an automation script that programmatically simulates a use case. LPT runs these automation scripts against the SUT in order to simulate a realistic load against the system. The useCase objects are comprised of the following attributes:

  • name
  • script
  • command
  • threads

The name attribute simply gives a name to the automated use case. The script attribute is a relative path to the file containing the automation script, whereas the command attribute is the system command needed to run that script. Finally, the threads attribute records how many threads should run that script. Another way to think of threads is as users.

For example, suppose we have a Python script that runs a browser automation script for logging into the system under test, a web application. If testers want LPT to simulate three users trying to login to the system, the useCase configuration might look like this:

"useCases": [
    "name": "Login",
    "script": "./scripts/",
    "command": "python",
    "threads": "3"


The monitors array is an array of individual instances of a monitor model. These instances describe system metrics that an LPT user wants to record as part of the load test. Some examples of system metrics are things like memory usage, available disk space, or CPU use. Additionally, each monitor instance records how often the system metric is to be checked with an attribute called every.

For example, if we want to check the CPU and memory use of the SUT every half second our load test runs, the monitors portion of our script might look like this:

"monitors": [
  { "name": "memory", "every": "500" },
  { "name": "CPU", "every": "500" }

Under the Hood

With an understanding the JSON script's configuration, we can talk about how LPT works behind the scenes. First, the main thread of LPT instantiates a DslRunner object with a path to the JSON script as an input. The DslRunner does some basic error checking on the path to the script; if everything is alright, DslRunner uses the path to instantiate its own DslParser object. The DslRunner parses the JSON file upon instantiation and calls its buildTest method. This method populates the DslRunner attributes reportConfiguration, monitors and useCases. Then, DslRunner calls the DslParser's run method, which calls the start method on its monitors and useCases.

The Monitors class is a collection of MetricMonitor instances. Upon instantiation, the Monitors class creates Java Thread instances from its metricMonitors. This step is necessary so that LPT can make use of multithreading, this allows LPT to gather metrics at the same time the automated use cases are running against the SUT, giving a realistic measure of the system's performance.

Like Monitors, the UseCases class is a collection of UseCase instances. Unlike Monitors however, the UseCases class does not create Thread instances, this is handled in the UseCase class. This is because UseCase instances may be configured with multiple threads, or simulated users. Therefore, the UseCase class is responsible for creating Thread instances. Once a UseCase has instantiated its appropriate number of threads, each thread runs the designated script with the designated command. For example, if the JSON useCase object was defined as:

    "name": "Login",
    "script": "./scripts/",
    "command": "python",
    "threads": "3"

then there would be three threads running the following shell script:

?> python ./scripts/

This has been a high-level overview of how LuluPerfTest works. Details such as how each MetricMonitor class gathers its configured metric is beyond the scope of this section.

Contribution Workflow

Set Up

LPT is written in Java 11 and is tested with jUnit 4. The project manages all dependencies via Maven in the root-level pom.xml file.

To set up a local version of LPT for contributing, simply clone the repository with:

git clone

Once you've done this, CD into the repository and run the following Maven commands:

?> mvn validate
?> mvn compile
?> mvn test

This will make sure all necessary information is available, compile LPT, and then test it. If all the tests pass, you're ready to start writing code.

Creating a Branch and Pull Request

After setting up a local copy of the project, think of a meaningful name for the branch you're about to make and run these commands:

git checkout -b my-cool-branch-name

Write your code and try to make meaningful commits. Here's an example:

# Write some code
$> git commit -am "Add new class to a module"
# Make some more changes
$> git commit -am "Add test for new class"

Once you've finished, please run all tests and correct any new failures. To run all tests, run the following from the terminal while in the project root:

mvn test

Once you've committed everything, run:

git push origin my-cool-branch-name

Then, head over to the repository on Github and create your pull request against the main branch. That's it! Someone will review it shortly after.

A note on testing

Pull requests without tests will most likely be rejected unless the work you've done is minor enough that a test would be overkill. If you're an absolute beginner, don't let this scare you! Writing tests is good practice, and there are most likely enough tests in the test package that you can figure out what you need to do :)

Keep in mind, this framework is designed to be a tool for software testing and quality assurance, lets practice what we preach.

Code of Conduct

Please consult our Code of Conduct.