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Eriks guide to BDD and Cucumber

This is a crash course to BDD and Cucumber based on my own experiences and opinions.


Behavior-driven development (BDD) is a software development process based on TDD with influences from Domain-driven design (DDD). BDD is used to provide a tool for collaboration between development and business teams. BDD is also a way to combine unit and acceptance testing into one and also relates to the agile practice of writing user stories by providing a way to define acceptance criteria.


Cucumber is a software tool used to execute BDD specifications. To do this it uses Gherkin as formal description language. Gherkin defines a number of different artifacts. For instance:

  • Given, When, Then keywords for specifying a prerequisite, an user action and an expected result
  • Scenario A set of Given, When, Then that forms a user scenario
  • Examples - A set of example values used in a Scenario
  • Feature - A collection of Scenario:s related to a Feature

This is an example of a Gherkin feature file:

Feature: Elevator

  Scenario Outline: Calling the elevator when it's on the entrance floor
    Given The elevator is on the entrance floor
    When the elevator is called from the <call> floor
    Then the elevator is moved to the <destination> floor

  Examples: Floors
    | call | destination |
    | 1    | 1           |
    | 2    | 2           |

Getting started

  • Install Git, JDK, Gradle, clone the repo and then run gradle test
  • Read more about Cucumber JVM
  • You could also head to the SoapUI repo and have a look at how I implemented Cucumber JVM there.
  • Have fun!

The good parts

  • Great for collaboration between different rolls such as programmers, testers, designers and product owners / domain experts
  • Provides a natural and collaborate way to write acceptance criteria up front
  • Specifications == tests
  • Like with TDD, it encourage testing upfront and could be a good way to involve testers early
  • Non-programming roles can write tests
  • Manual and automated tests follows the same structure (you select which scenarios to run automatically)
  • Test results are very clear and understandable
  • Works very well with integration and GUI tests
  • Using StepDefs the speficications becomes reusable and modular

The not so good parts

  • Could be just a overhead to writing plain unit/integration tests
  • A scenario always have certain degree of subjectivity and could lead to debates and misunderstandings
  • Hard to know at which level the scenarios should be written
    • Too low level requires a lot of maintenance and lengthy descriptions
    • Too high level makes it hard to interpret the results
    • Often not suitible for pure integration tests
  • Who's responsible to maintaining the features? Who have the time?
  • Who's looking at the results?