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Debugging with TaPaSCo

TaPaSCo designs don't have bugs, so no debugging facilities are required. Right? Right. Well.


You're still reading? Goodness, why? ;-) Ok. so let's assume hypothetically that your design would have a bug as a Gedankenexperiment. This document is about the available facilities in TaPaSCo to hunt it down.

Table of Contents

  1. Hunting hardware bugs a. The debug feature b. Exercise an ILA
  2. Hunting software bugs a. tapasco-debug b. tapasco-benchmark

Hunting hardware bugs

To test the hardware interface of PE modules, use the peek and poke utilities in tapasco-debug. It allows you to manually interact with the registers of the module, peeking at the ISR and other registers, and even start jobs.

If the bug does not concern the PE module interface, but something else in the design, it is best to instantiate a (System) Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) core in the design: ILA can record small traces in on-chip buffers, which can be read out via Vivado to see actual signals in the running hardware. Recording can be triggered by simple and complex conditions, making it feasible to debug on real hardware. Since this is something that one needs to time and time again, there's a TaPaSCo feature that can automatically instantiate ILA cores in compositions, which is shown in the next section.

The debug composition feature

The debug feature can be added to any composition and can be configured in two modes: interfaces mode and nets mode. The interfaces mode instantiates a System ILA core during the generation of the Architecture. Its primary use is to "listen" to transactions on AXI4 interfaces. To connect to an AXI4 interface, you need to specify the (fully qualified) bus interface port and the corresponding clock and reset pins. Example:

tapasco compose [precision_counter x 1] @ 100 Mhz --features 'Debug { interfaces: "{{/arch/target_ip_00_000/S00_AXI /arch/target_ip_00_000/s00_axi_aclk /arch/target_ip_00_000/s00_axi_aresetn }}" }'

This will attach a System ILA to the S00_AXI interface nets of the first precision_counter instance.

Exercise an ILA

You can connect to the generated ILAs by starting Vivado by opening the microarch.xpr in the subdirectory of the composition (probably below bd). Open "Hardware Manager", connect to the board and the ILAs should already be visible. Consult the Xilinx user guides for more information on ILA debugging.

Blinkenlights debugging

Sometimes an ILA is overkill, e.g., when you really just want to see whether or not an interrupt line is high, or similar signals of few bits. In this case it can be helpful to use on-board LEDs to communicate the wire states. This can be achieved with the LED feature, which is available on most Platforms:

tapasco compose [precision_counter x 1] @ 100 Mhz --features 'LED { inputs: "/arch/target_ip_00_000/interrupt /arch/irq_0" }'

On most platforms, default inputs are defined to be the interrupt lines of the Architecture and the Platform components; if this matches your case, you can simply use LED { enabled: true } instead.

The zedboard Platform has an on-board 128x34px OLED display, which can be used to display interrupt counts on every PE: Every pixel represents one interrupt event on the interrupt line of the corresponding PE. Example for a composition with 128 PEs:


In this example, there have been 1 interrupt on PE#0, 3 interrupts on PE#1, 2 interrupts on PE#2, 1 interrupt on PE#32, 2 interrupts on PE#33 and 3 interrupts on PE#127. The counters wrap-around on overflow. The display controller scales the column width automatically according to the number of PEs in the composition. E.g., a composition with 64 PEs would use 64 pixels for the counter, a composition with less than 33 PEs would use 128 pixels.

Hunting software bugs

Software is slightly easier to debug. First step should be to build all modules and libraries, as well as the application, in debug mode. This can be achieved by either

tapasco-build-libs --rebuild --mode debug

This will rebuild the TaPaSCo libraries with logging facilities enabled. Logging is controlled via environment variables listed in the table below.

:Env Var :Description
LIBTAPASCO_DEBUG Bitfield that enables/disables logging of subsystems
in libtapasco, see below for details, -1 for all.
LIBPLATFORM_DEBUG Bitfield that enables/disables logging of subsystems
in libplatform, see below for details, -1 for all.
LIBTAPASCO_LOGFILE Redirects logging output from libtapasco to the
file specified here; can use absolute paths.
LIBPLATFORM_LOGFILE Redirects logging output from libplatform to the
file specified here; can use absolute paths.

The LIBTAPASCO_DEBUG bitfield enables logging in specific subsystems. Current implementation is defined in the LIBTAPASCO_LOGLEVELS macro in tapasco_logging.h. For reference, the following bits are defined as of the time of writing:

:Bit # :Description
0 Reserved
1 Initialization - startup messages
2 Device - interactions with the kernel module
3 Scheduler - TaPaSCo software scheduler
4 Interrupts
5 Memory
6 Function - hardware registers and enumeration
7 Status - TaPaSCo status core

The LIBPLATFORM_DEBUG bitfield enables logging from specific libplatform subsystems. Current implementation is defined in the LIBPLATFORM_LOGLEVELS macro in platform_logging.h. For reference, the following bits are defined as of the time of writing:

:Bit # :Description
0 Reserved
1 Initialization - startup messages
2 Memory management
3 Memory allocator
4 Control Space interactions
5 Interrupts
6 DMA related

As a safe bet, simply use -1 to activate all logging subsystems. Note that the logging system is designed to be as unintrusive as possible; string operations are always costly and will affect your runtime, but TaPaSCo attempts to minimize the impact by moving logging to a separate thread and keeping buffers that will only flush occasionally. So you shouldn't expect the log output to appear immediately - by default, TaPaSCo installs a signal handler that will catch a KILL signal and flush logs, so you can use that to if your application is stuck.

The tapasco-debug tool

There's a versatile debugging tool that comes with TaPaSCo and is automatically build by tapasco-build-libs called tapasco-debug. It can be used to inspect bitstreams, peek and poke registers and perform basic functionality tests. One of its most common features is the kernel map, which displays the function ids of PEs in all virtual slots in the currently loaded bitstream, as well as host, design and memory clock frequencies.

The tapasco-benchmark tool

Another tool that can sometimes be useful is tapasco-benchmark (also automatically build by tapasco-build-libs). It performs a basic performance evaluation of the Platform and stores the results in a JSON file. This file can in turn be used by the design space exploration. Each Platform comes with a pre-computed results file, e.g., pynq. However, to calibrate the DSE it may be useful to update the benchmarks on your own system.

WARNING: Make sure you've built everything in release mode before updating the benchmark data!

tapasco-benchmark requires a bitstream with at least one PE for a kernel with id 14 - the counter. Counters are simple: Arg#0 is the number of clock cycles to wait before raising the interrupt - that's it. One example of such a kernel is precision_counter. You can build and import it like this:

cd $TAPASCO_HOME/common/ip && \
zip -r precision_counter_v1.0 && \
tapasco import $(TAPASCO_HOME)/common/ip/ as 14

Alternative implementations are also available, e.g., counter, which is an Vivado HLS implementation of the same functionality. It can be built using:

tapasco hls counter