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AVR Device

File metadata and controls

60 lines (51 loc) · 2.66 KB

AVR Device Drivers


  • Brief
  • Installtion instructions
  • How to use ?
  • Copy Rights
  • Bugs
  • Change log
  • Contact informations


This is the frist verstion of ATMEGA32 device drivers the repo includes almost all internal prephral of atmega32 the code designed to be porable with a separated file that includes the registers defintions and bits number there is some file to make code clean and organized like

This file has some macro that helping you to deal with individul     bits ex.  *SET_BIT(REGISTER,BITNUMBER)* , this macro enable you to set the value of bit 'BITNUMBER' to 1 without affecting to other bits in register
This file has some user defined 'typedef' to make the size of the variables fixed when moving from compiler to another compiler like 
u8 , s8 -> the 'u' represent 'unsigned' word and '8' represent the size in bits , and 's' represend 'signed' word
so we hve "u8 x =0" is equal to "unsigned char x =0"  
This file has the register defintions and bit number on each register and some macro

Then there are modules file's in layered architecture MCAL.

Installtion instructions

  • These files does not requre any installion you only need to put them into your project file Each driver consist of two or three modules or files

Frist file called "XXXX_interface.h" This file includes the APIs for this module , you must open it to know how to use those functons in this module . Secound file called "XXXX_config.h" its exist for some modules Use this file to configure the settings and propreties of the module . Third file called "XXXX_program.c" This file includes the APIs implementation for this module in c .

How to use ?

  • To use this code you just put it on the project file and include whatever you want of XXXX_interface.h into your main to be able to use the APIs thin you can change the configuration of each module in XXX.config.h file if avilable , but you will need to recompile your code *

Copy Rights

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, you can use it for eductional purpose , you are not allowed to use it in a company or any commercial purpose without a written permission from me.


Bugs will be listed here .

Change log

there is no change log till now .


Want to contribute? Great! Just contact me .

Contact informations

Hello , I'm Eslam Ebrahim Shahin I'm an Embedded Software Engneer , I study in faculty of Navigation Sceince and Space Technology ,from Egypt you can contact my through