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🐞 Report a problemReport an issue with ESLint or rules bundled with ESLintbug,repro:needed

By opening an issue, you agree to abide by the Open JS Foundation Code of Conduct.

Please tell us about how you're running ESLint (Run npx eslint --env-info.)

Please keep in mind that some problems are parser-specific.

Please include a minimal reproduction case. If possible, include a link to a reproduction of the problem in the ESLint demo. Otherwise, include source code, configuration file(s), and any other information about how you're using ESLint. You can use Markdown in this field.

You can use Markdown in this field.

Please copy-paste the actual ESLint output. You can use Markdown in this field.

Link to a playground, StackBlitz, or GitHub repo with a minimal reproduction of the problem. A minimal reproduction is required so that others can help debug your issue. If a report is vague (e.g. just a generic error message) and has no reproduction, it may be auto-closed.


Is there anything else that's important for the team to know?