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ESM-Tools version

Use esm_tools --version to get the version of ESM-Tools.


If your version is prior to 6.0.0 (before 2022) this option does not exist. You can use esm_versions instead (esm_versions:ESM-Versions)

ESM-Versions (deprecated)


This feature is deprecated since 2022 (version 6.0.0)

Above version 3.1.5 and below 6.0.0, you will find an executable in your path called esm_version. This was added by Paul Gierz to help the user / developer to keep track of / upgrade the python packages belonging to ESM Tools.


It doesn't matter from which folder you call esm_versions. You have two subcommands:

esm_versions check                      gives you the version number of each 
                                        installed esm python package
esm_versions upgrade                    upgrades all installed esm python 
                                        packages to the newest version
                                        of the release branch

Notice that you can also upgrade single python packages, e.g.:

esm_versions upgrade esm_parser         upgrades only the package esm_parser 
                                        to the newest version of the release

And yes, esm_versions can upgrade itself.