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Implement a New Model

Feature available since version: 4.2

  1. Upload your model into a repository such us, or GitHub. Make sure to set up the right access permissions, so that you comply with the licensing of the software you are uploading.

  2. If you are interested in implementing more than one version of the model, we recommend you to commit them to the master branch in the order they were developed, and that you create a tag per version. For example:

    1. Clone the empty master branch you just created and add your model files to it:

      $ git clone https://<your_repository>
      $ cp -rf <your_model_files_for_given_version> <your_repository_folder>
      $ git add .
    2. Commit, tag the version and push the changes to your repository:

      $ git commit -m "your comment here"
      $ git tag -a <version_id> -m "your comment about the version"
      $ git push -u origin <your_master_branch>
      $ git push origin <version_id>
    3. Repeat steps a and b for all the versions that you would like to be present in ESM-Tools.

  3. Now that you have your model in a repository you are ready to implement it into esm_tools. First, you will need to create your own branch of esm_tools, following the steps 1-4 in :ref:`contributing:Contribution to esm_tools Package`. The recommended name for the branch would be feature/<name_of_your_model>.

  4. Then you will need to create a folder for your model inside esm_tools/configs/components and create the model's yaml file:

    $ mkdir <PATH>/esm_tools/configs/components/<model>
    $ touch <PATH>/esm_tools/configs/components/<model>/<model>.yaml
  5. Use your favourite text editor to open and edit your <model>.yaml in the esm_tools/configs/components/<model> folder:

    $ <your_text_editor> <PATH>/esm_tools/configs/components/<model>/<model>.yaml
  6. Complete the following information about your model:

    model: your_model_name
    type: type_of_your_model      # atmosphere, ocean, etc.
    version: "the_default_version_of_your_model"
  7. Include the names of the different versions in the available_versions section and the compiling information for the default version:

    - "1.0.0"
    - "1.0.1"
    - "1.0.2"
    git-repository: "https://your_repository.git"
    branch: your_model_branch_in_your_repo
    install_bins: "path_to_the_binaries_after_comp"
    comp_command: "your_shell_commands_for_compiling"     # You can use the defaults "${defaults.comp_command}"
    clean_command: "your_shell_commands_for_cleaning"     # You can use the defaults "${defaults.clean_command}"
    executable: your_model_command
    setup_dir: "${model_dir}"
    bin_dir: "${setup_dir}/name_of_the_binary"

    In the install_bins key you need to indicate the path inside your model folder where the binaries are compiled to, so that esm_master can find them once compiled. The available_versions key is needed for esm_master to list the versions of your model. The comp_command key indicates the command needed to compile your model, and can be set as ${defaults.comp_command} for a default command (mkdir -p build; cd build; cmake ..; make install -j `nproc --all`), or you can define your own list of compiling commands separated with ; ("command1; command2").

  8. At this point you can choose between including all the version information inside the same <model>.yaml file, or to distribute this information among different version files:

    .. tabs::
       .. tab:: Single file
          In the ``<model>.yaml``, use a ``choose_`` switch (see :ref:`yaml:Switches (\`\`choose_\`\`)`)
          to modify the default information that you added in step 7 to meet the requirements for each
          specific version. For example, each different version has its own git branch:
          .. code-block:: yaml
                             branch: "1.0.0"
                             branch: "1.0.1"
                             branch: "develop"
       .. tab:: Multiple version files
          a. Create a `yaml` file per version or group of versions. The name of these files should
             be the same as the ones in the ``available_versions`` section, in the main
             ``<model>.yaml`` file or, in the case of a file containing a group of versions, the
             shared name among the versions (i.e. ``fesom-2.0.yaml``)::
              $ touch <PATH>/esm_tools/configs/<model>/<model-version>.yaml
          b. Open the version file with your favourite editor and include the version specific
             changes. For example, you want that the version ``1.0.2`` from your model pulls from
             the ``develop`` git branch, instead of from the default branch. Then you add to the
             ``<model>-1.0.2.yaml`` version file:
             .. code-block:: yaml
                branch: "develop"
             Another example is the ``fesom-2.0.yaml``. While ``fesom.yaml`` needs to contain all
             ``available_versions``, the version specific changes are split among ``fesom.yaml``
             (including information about versions 1) and ``fesom-2.0.yaml`` (including
             information about versions 2):
             .. tabs::
                .. tab:: fesom.yaml
                   .. code-block:: yaml
                      [ ... ]
                      - '2.0-o'
                      - '2.0-esm-interface'
                      - '1.4'
                      - '1.4-recom'
                      - '1.4-recom-awicm'
                      - '2.0-esm-interface-yac'
                      - '2.0-paleodyn'
                      - '2.0'
                      - '2.0-r' # OG: temporarily here
                          branch: fesom_recom_1.4_master
                          destination: fesom-1.4
                          branch: fesom_recom_1.4_master
                          destination: fesom-1.4
                      [ ... ]
                .. tab:: fesom-2.0.yaml
                   .. code-block:: yaml
                      [ ... ]
                          branch: 2.0.2
                          install_bins: bin/fesom.x
                          branch: fesom2_using_esm-interface
                          destination: fesom-2.0
                          install_bins: bin/fesom.x
                      [ ... ]


    These are just examples of model configurations, but the parser used by ESM-Tools to read yaml files (esm_parser) allows for a lot of flexibility in their configuration; i.e., imagine that the different versions of your model are in different repositories, instead of in different branches, and their paths to the binaries are also different. Then you can include the git-repository and install_bins variables inside the corresponding version case for the choose_version.

  9. You can now check if esm_master can list and install your model correctly:

    $ esm_master

    This command should return, without errors, a list of available models and versions including yours. Then you can actually try installing your model in the desired folder:

    $ mkdir ~/model_codes
    $ cd ~/model_codes
    $ esm_master install-your_model-version
  10. If everything works correctly you can check that your changes pass flake8:

    $ flake8 <PATH>/esm_tools/configs/components/<model>/<model>.yaml

    Use this link to learn more about flake8 and how to install it.

  11. Commit your changes, push them to the origin remote repository and submit a pull request through GitHub (see steps 5-7 in :ref:`contributing:Contribution to esm_tools Package`).


You can include all the compiling information inside a compile_infos section to avoid conflicts with other choose_version switches present in your configuration file.

See also

Implement a New Coupled Setup

Feature available since version: 4.2

An example of the different files needed for AWICM setup is included at the end of this section (see :ref:`recipes/add_model_setup:Example`).

  1. Make sure the models, couplers and versions you want to use, are already available for esm_master to install them ($ esm_master and check the list). If something is missing you will need to add it following the instructions in :ref:`cookbook:Implement a New Model`.

  2. Once everything you need is available to esm_master, you will need to create your own branch of esm_tools, following the steps 1-4 in :ref:`contributing:Contribution to esm_tools Package`.

  3. Setups need two types of files: 1) coupling files containing information about model versions and coupling changes, and 2) setup files containing the general information about the setup and the model changes. In this step we focus on the creation of the coupling files.

    1. Create a folder for your couplings in esm_tools/configs/couplings:

      $ cd esm_tools/configs/couplings/
      $ mkdir <coupling_name1>
      $ mkdir <coupling_name2>

      The naming convention we follow for the coupling files is component1-version+component2-version+....

    2. Create a yaml file inside the coupling folder with the same name:

      $ touch <coupling_name1>/<coupling_name1>.yaml
    3. Include the following information in each coupling file:

      - "model1-version"
      - "model2-version"
      - [ ... ]
      - "coupler-version"
      - sed -i '/MODEL1_PARAMETER/s/OFF/ON/g' model1-1.0/file_to_change
      - sed -i '/MODEL2_PARAMETER/s/OFF/ON/g' model2-1.0/file_to_change
      - [ ... ]

      The components section should list the models and couplers used for the given coupling including, their required version. The coupling_changes subsection should include a list of commands to make the necessary changes in the component's compilation configuration files (CMakeLists.txt, configure, etc.), for a correct compilation of the coupled setup.

  4. Now, it is the turn for the creation of the setup file. Create a folder for your coupled setup inside esm_tools/configs/setups folder, and create a yaml file for your setup:

    $ mkdir <PATH>/esm_tools/configs/setups/<your_setup>
    $ touch <PATH>/esm_tools/configs/setups/<your_setup>/<setup>.yaml
  5. Use your favourite text editor to open and edit your <setup>.yaml in the esm_tools/configs/setups/<your_setup> folder:

    $ <your_text_editor> <PATH>/esm_tools/configs/setups/<your_setup>/<setup>.yaml
  6. Complete the following information about your setup:

    ######################### NAME_VERSION YAML CONFIGURATION FILE ##########################
            model: your_setup
            version: "your_setup_version"
            coupled_setup: True
            include_models:           # List of models, couplers and componentes of the setup.
                    - component_1     # Do not include the version number
                    - component_2
                    - [ ... ]


    Models do not have a general section but in the setups the general section is mandatory.

  7. Include the names of the different versions in the available_versions section:

            [ ... ]
                    - "1.0.0"
                    - "1.0.1"

    The available_versions key is needed for esm_master to list the versions of your setup.

  8. In the <setup>.yaml, use a choose_ switch (see :ref:`yaml:Switches (\`\`choose_\`\`)`) to assign the coupling files (created in step 3) to their corresponding setup versions:

        [ ... ]
                                 - "model1-1.0+model2-1.0"
                                 - "model1-1.1+model2-1.1"
        [ ... ]
  9. You can now check if esm_master can list and install your coupled setup correctly:

    $ esm_master

    This command should return, without errors, a list of available setups and versions including yours. Then you can actually try installing your setup in the desire folder:

    $ mkdir ~/model_codes
    $ cd ~/model_codes
    $ esm_master install-your_setup-version
  10. If everything works correctly you can check that your changes pass flake8:

    $ flake8 <PATH>/esm_tools/configs/setups/<your_setup>/<setup>.yaml
    $ flake8 <PATH>/esm_tools/configs/couplings/<coupling_name>/<coupling_name>.yaml

    Use this link to learn more about flake8 and how to install it.

  11. Commit your changes, push them to the origin remote repository and submit a pull request through GitHub (see steps 5-7 in :ref:`contributing:Contribution to esm_tools Package`).


Here you can have a look at relevant snippets of some of the AWICM-1.0 files.

.. tabs::

   .. tab:: fesom-1.4+echam-6.3.04p1.yaml

      One of the coupling files for `AWICM-1.0` (

      .. code-block:: yaml

         - echam-6.3.04p1
         - fesom-1.4
         - oasis3mct-2.8
         - sed -i '/FESOM_COUPLED/s/OFF/ON/g' fesom-1.4/CMakeLists.txt
         - sed -i '/ECHAM6_COUPLED/s/OFF/ON/g' echam-6.3.04p1/CMakeLists.txt

   .. tab:: awicm.yaml

      Setup file for `AWICM` (``esm_tools/configs/setups/awicm/awicm.yaml``):

      .. code-block:: yaml

         ######################### AWICM 1 YAML CONFIGURATION FILE ###############################

                 model: awicm
                 #model_dir: ${esm_master_dir}/awicm-${version}

                 coupled_setup: True

                         - echam
                         - fesom
                         - oasis3mct

                 version: "1.1"
                 scenario: "PI-CTRL"
                 resolution: ${echam.resolution}_${fesom.resolution}
                 postprocessing: false
                 post_time: "00:05:00"
                                 compute_time: "02:00:00"
                                 compute_time: "02:00:00"
                                 compute_time: "02:00:00"
                 - '1.0'
                 - '1.0-recom'
                 - CMIP6
                     - fesom-1.4+echam-6.3.04p1
                     - fesom-1.4+recom-2.0+echam-6.3.04p1
                     - fesom-1.4+echam-6.3.04p1

See also