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File metadata and controls

379 lines (307 loc) · 16.3 KB



This is a feature aimed for advance users and developers who work in preparing default configurations of experiments, or who implement a model/coupled-setup in ESM-Tools.

ESM-Tests is the integration testing suite from ESM-Tools. Its aim is to test a set of selected runscripts and model builds just by using one single command: esm_tests. It can also perform dry actions (i.e. check compilations and check runs).


.. glossary::

   actual vs check test
    An `actual test` is a test where the model has been compiled and run in one of the
    supported HPCs. A `check test` is a dry test, meaning, no compilation or run takes
    place, but instead, the configuration files and scripts are generated. Both
    `actual` and `check` tests compare their output configuration files and scripts
    to the `last-state`, and offer the possibility to update the `last-state` of those
    files at the end of the test.

    The repository where the files of the ``last-state`` and the ``runscripts`` for
    testing are stored. This repository is clone as a submodel of `ESM-Tools` whenever
    ``esm_tests`` command is run for the first time. The repository is cloned locally
    into the ``esm_tools/src/esm_tests/resources`` folder. You can activate the submodule
    manually via ``git submodule init`` followed by ``git submodule sync``.

    Set of configuration files, both from compilation and runtime, that represent the
    last approved configuration of the testing runscripts. This set of files is kept
    for comparison with the equivalent files of future pull-requests, to ensure the
    stability of the configurations. `ESM-Tests` always compares the new files to the
    ``last-state`` files automatically, both in actual compilation/runs or check
    compilation/runs. See :ref:`esm_tests:Last-state`.

    The runscripts to run the tests. Runscripts define the test simulation details as
    in regular `ESM-Tools` runscripts, but are also used for `ESM-Tests` to understand
    what needs to be compiled. Runscripts are part of the ``esm_tests_info`` submodule,
    and can be found (if the submodule was initiated via ``esm_tests -u``) in
    ``esm_tools/src/esm_tests/resources/runscripts``. Runscripts need to be generalized
    (i.e. ````) for the different HPCs where you want to run the

    In this document some times referred only as state, is a `YAML` file that includes
    information about the status of the tests (actual tests or check tests) in
    different computers. It also includes the date of the last actual test.


ESM-Tests is designed to compile and run tests just with one single command, without additional arguments: esm_tests, so that launching a suite of tests in a supported HPC is straight forward. Higher granularity in the control of the tests is enabled via:

The commands syntax is as follows:

esm_tests [-h] [-n] [-c] [-u] [-d] [-s SAVE] [-t] [-o] [-b] [-g] [-e] [-r BRANCH]


Optional arguments Description
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-n, --no-user Avoid loading user config (for check tests in GitHub)
-c, --check Check mode on (does not compile or run, but produces some files that can be compared to previous existing files in last_tested folder)
-u, --update Updates the resources with the release branch, including runscriptsand last_tested files
-d, --delete Delete previous tests
-s SAVE, --save SAVE Save files for comparisson in last_tested folder. The values can be True/False
-t, --state Print the state stored in state.yaml
-o, --hold Hold before operation, to give time to check the output
-b, --bulletpoints Bullet points for printing the state and copy/paste as markdown text
-g, --github Use this flag when running in GitHub servers (i.e. adds syntax for collapsing compare sections of the output for GitHub Actions)
-e, --system-exit-on-errors Trigger a system exit on errors or file differences so that GitHub actions can catch that as a failing test
-r BRANCH, --branch BRANCH use the given esm_tests_info branch


The last-state files are repository, in the release branch. The files stored in the last-state are: * compilation scripts (comp-*.sh) * namelists * namcouple * finished_config * batch scripts (.run)

Check test status

As a user, you can check the last-state status (the online one of the esm_tests_info repo, release branch) by running:

esm_tools test-state

This will give you a summary of the state of compilation and running tests for different models, in different computers, and also a date of when the latest actual compilation and run tests were carried out.

If you are testing locally in an HPC, you can get the same information about your local state by running:

esm_tests -t

Model control file (config.yaml)

File location: esm_tools/src/esm_tests/resources/runscripts/<model>/config.yaml Versioned: Yes, distributed with esm_tests_info

The Model control file gives you control over ESM-Tests setups for the set of runscripts for a given model (the model which name is the same as the folder where the config.yaml is contained: esm_tools/src/esm_tests/resources/runscripts/<model>/).

Within this file you can control:

  • which files need to be present for considering an actual compilation test successful (comp.actual.files)
  • which files need to be present for considering an actual run test successful (run.actual.files)
  • which messages from the execution of esm_runscripts should trigger an error in an actual run test (run.actual.errors)
  • which computers are supported for this set of tests (computers)

The file should contain this structure:

                    - "file/path" # Typically the binaries
        check: {}
                    - "error message to mark the test as not successful # Typically "MISSING FILES"
                files: # Typically restart files and outdata files
                    - "path/to/file1"
                    - "globbing/path/*/to*files"
        check: {}
        - <computer1>
        - <cimputer2>

In the files sections, globbing is supported.

The file's paths should be relative to the compilation folder or the experiment folder.

Each file name can be followed by the syntax in/except [<model_version1>, <model_version2>, ...] to only check for that file in that set of model versions, or to exclude (except) that file from being check for a set of model versions.


                    - "bin/fesom*"
                    - "bin/oifs"
                    - "bin/rnfma"
        check: {}
                    - "MISSING FILES"
                    - "restart/fesom/fesom.*.oce.restart/*"
                    - "restart/fesom/fesom.*.oce.restart/*"
                    - "restart/fesom/fesom.*.oce.restart/*"
                    - "restart/fesom/fesom.*.oce.restart/*"
                    - "restart/fesom/fesom.*.oce.restart/*"
                    - "restart/fesom/fesom.*.oce.restart/*"
                    - "restart/fesom/fesom.*.oce.restart/*"
                    - "restart/fesom/fesom.*.ice.restart/*"
                    - "restart/fesom/fesom.*.ice.restart/*"
                    - "restart/fesom/fesom.*.ice.restart/*"
                    - "restart/fesom/fesom.*.ice.restart/*"
                    - "restart/fesom/fesom.*.ice.restart/*"
                    - "restart/fesom/fesom.*.ice.restart/*"
                    - "restart/fesom/fesom.*.ice.restart/*"
                    - "restart/oasis3mct/rmp_*"
                    - "restart/oasis3mct/*"
                    - "restart/oasis3mct/*"
                    - "restart/oifs/*/BLS*"
                    - "restart/oifs/*/LAW*"
                    - "restart/oifs/*/rcf"
                    - "restart/oifs/*/srf*"
                    - "restart/oifs/*/waminfo*"
                    - "outdata/oifs/*/ICMGG* except [frontiers-xios, v3.1]"
                    - "outdata/oifs/*/ICMSH* except [frontiers-xios, v3.1]"
                    - "outdata/oifs/*/ICMUA* except [frontiers-xios, v3.1]"
                    - "outdata/oifs/atm_remapped* in [frontiers-xios, v3.1]"
                    - "outdata/fesom/*.fesom.*.nc"
        check: {}
        - ollie
        - mistral
        - juwels
        - aleph
        - blogin
        - levante

Local test configuration (test_config.yaml)

File location: esm_tools/src/esm_tests/test_config.yaml Versioned: No, user specific, git-ignored

This file gives you control on which tests esm_tests will run in the current machine, independently of what tests are defined in the Model control files. The current machine needs to be included in the Model control file for the test to run (i.e. test_config.yaml runs only the tests included there and supported on the current platform). The syntax is as follows:

    - <runscript1_name>.yaml
    - <runscript2_name>.yaml
    - [ ... ]
<model2>: all
[ ... ]

The model sections need to be named after the folders in esm_tools/src/esm_tests/resources/runscripts. If you want to run all the suported runscripts for a model in this platform, make the model section have the value all. If you want to select a set of supported runscripts make the model be a list of runscripts (this runscripts need to be in esm_tools/src/esm_tests/resources/runscripts/<model>/). If you want to run all the supported runscripts for all supported models in this platform, but still keep this file around (i.e. commented most of the contents), make the file content be an empty dictionary ({}).


awiesm: #all
    - all_awiesm-2.1-recom.yaml
#    - awiesm-2.1_icebergs.yaml
    - bootstrap.yaml
    - pico.yaml
    - PI_ctrl_awiesm-2.1-wiso.yaml
    - pi.yaml
    - pi-wiso.yaml
echam: all
fesom: all
awicm: all
#    - awicm1-CMIP6-initial-monthly.yaml
#    - awicm2-initial-monthly.yaml
   - fesom-recom1.4-initial-daily.yaml
awicm3: all
#    - awicm3-v3.1-TCO95L91-CORE2_initial
#    - awicm3-frontiers-TCO159L91-CORE2_initial.yaml
#oifsamip: all
#vilma-pism: all

ESM-Tests cookbook

How to include a new model/runscript

  1. Add the given runscript to esm_tools/src/esm_tests/resources/runscripts/<model>/

  2. Make sure your runscript has a meaningful name

  3. Make sure your runscript has the correct model version defined, for a standalone model in the section of the model (not in general), and for a coupled setup, both in the general section and in the coupled setup section (e.g. awiesm section). This version will be used by ESM-Test for the esm_master command to compile

  4. Modify the following variables to take the environment variables setup by ESM-Tests:

        account: !ENV ${ACCOUNT}
        base_dir: !ENV ${ESM_TESTING_DIR}
        model_dir: !ENV ${MODEL_DIR}
  5. Generalize the runscript to be able to run in the computers where you'd want it to be supported (i.e. add the necessary switches)

  6. Create the Model control file (esm_tools/src/esm_tests/resources/runscripts/<model>/config.yaml). See ref:esm_tests:Model control file (``config.yaml``) for details about the content

  7. If you are using the :ref:`Local test configuration (\`\`test_config.yaml\`\`)` to exclude some models, make sure the current model is included, so that your tests can be run locally.

How to include a new platform for in an existing model

  1. In the corresponding Model control file (esm_tools/src/esm_tests/resources/runscripts/<model>/config.yaml), add the name of the platform to the computers list
  2. In the runscripts (esm_tools/src/esm_tests/resources/runscripts/<model>/<runscript>.yaml), add the necessary case to the to specify pool directories, forcing files, nproc, etc.

How to approve changes on a GitHub Pull-Request

  1. In the pull-request, if all the tests passed you don't need to approve any changes, you can jump directly to step 4.

  2. If any of the tests labelled as esm_tests failed (click on the triangles to expand screen captures):

    .. collapse:: Click on Details
       .. image:: images/esm_tests1.png
    .. collapse:: Find the names of the runscripts with differences (in yellow)
       .. image:: images/esm_tests2.png
    .. collapse:: Scroll up and expand the lines starting with COMPILE/SUBMITTING (for
       compilation and runtime checks respectively) followed by the script with
       .. image:: images/esm_tests3.png
    .. collapse:: Review the differences with special attention to namelists and
       namcouple files
       .. image:: images/esm_tests4.png
  3. If there are no problematic differences, and the pull-request has been already reviewed and is just ready to be merged, write a message on the PR containing #approve-changes. This will commit the new files from the tests as the last-state, in the esm_tests_info repository.


    Currently, #approve-changes does not update the test status on GitHub, once the operation finishes. If you want to see whether #approve_changes finished or not you have to navigate to the Actions tab in GitHub. If you want to see all tests green, wait until #approve-changes finishes, and relaunch the tests for the last failed set of tests in the PR. Miguel - I know this is a pain, but I could not figure out how to do all this automatically (I wasted enough time on GitHub Actions for years to come).

  4. Bump the version and wait that the bumpversion commit shows up.

  5. You can now merge.