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380 lines (358 loc) · 5.64 KB

What's this about?

This package ships a variety of unicode symbols commonly used by working mathematicians in a coherent syntax roughly based on LaTeX.

Why would I need this?

It is much easier to communicate about mathematics i.e. in a math discord or via email with a collaborator when you read statements like

π₋ₙ(map(Σ₊Y, 𝐇(A))) ⋍ Hⁿ(Y, A)

compared to the currently widely adopted

\pi_{-n}(map(\Sigma_{+}Y, \mathbf{H}(A))) \simeq \mathsf{H}^{n}(Y, A)

What's inside?

The basic syntax for maths symbols is :trigger:, where 'trigger' is the maths command in question. For example:

- ```:to:```     ⟶ ```⟶```
- ```:epi:```    ⟶ ```↠```
- ```:mono:```   ⟶ ```⮩``` 
- ```:infty:```  ⟶ ```∞```
- ```:calC:```   ⟶ ```𝓒```
- ```:Lambda:``` ⟶ ```Λ```
- ```X:_1:```    ⟶ ```X₁```

Here's an exhaustive list of symbols that are currently supported together with their trigger.


Trigger Replace

Logic & Category Theory

Trigger Replace
:not: ¬
:times: ×

Set Theory

Trigger Replace


Trigger Replace
:alpha: α
:Alpha: Α
:beta: β
:Beta: Β
:gamma: γ
:Gamma: Γ
:delta: δ
:Delta: Δ
:epsilon: ε
:Epsilon: Ε
:zeta: ζ
:Zeta: Ζ
:eta: η
:Eta: Η
:theta: θ
:Theta: Θ
:iota: ι
:Iota: Ι
:kappa: κ
:Iota: Κ
:lambda: λ
:Lambda: Λ
:mu: μ
:Mu: Μ
:nu: ν
:Nu: Ν
:xi: ξ
:Xi: Ξ
:omicron: ο
:Omicron: Ο
:pi: π
:Pi: Π
:rho: ρ
:Rho: Ρ
:sigma: σ
:Sigma: Σ
:tau: τ
:Tau: Τ
:upsilon: υ
:Upsilon: Υ
:phi: φ
:varphi: ϕ
:Phi: Φ
:chi: χ
:Chi: Χ
:psi: ψ
:Psi: Ψ
:omega: ω
:Omega: Ω

Latin lowercase superscripts

Trigger Replace
:^h: ʰ
:^j: ʲ
:^l: ˡ
:^r: ʳ
:^s: ˢ
:^w: ʷ
:^x: ˣ
:^y: ʸ

Note the missing superscript q.

Latin lowercase subscripts

Trigger Replace

Subscript digits and special characters

Trigger Replace


Trigger Replace
:bbA: 𝔸
:bbB: 𝔹
:bbD: 𝔻
:bbE: 𝔼
:bbF: 𝔽
:bbG: 𝔾
:bbI: 𝕀
:bbJ: 𝕁
:bbK: 𝕂
:bbL: 𝕃
:bbM: 𝕄
:bbO: 𝕆
:bbS: 𝕊
:bbT: 𝕋
:bbU: 𝕌
:bbV: 𝕍
:bbW: 𝕎
:bbX: 𝕏
:bbY: 𝕐


Trigger Replace
:sfA: 𝖠
:sfB: 𝖡
:sfC: 𝖢
:sfD: 𝖣
:sfE: 𝖤
:sfF: 𝖥
:sfG: 𝖦
:sfH: 𝖧
:sfI: 𝖨
:sfJ: 𝖩
:sfK: 𝖪
:sfL: 𝖫
:sfM: 𝖬
:sfN: 𝖭
:sfO: 𝖮
:sfP: 𝖯
:sfQ: 𝖰
:sfR: 𝖱
:sfS: 𝖲
:sfT: 𝖳
:sfU: 𝖴
:sfV: 𝖵
:sfW: 𝖶
:sfX: 𝖷
:sfY: 𝖸
:sfZ: 𝖹


Trigger Replace
:bfA: 𝐀
:bfB: 𝐁
:bfC: 𝐂
:bfD: 𝐃
:bfE: 𝐄
:bfF: 𝐅
:bfG: 𝐆
:bfH: 𝐇
:bfI: 𝐈
:bfJ: 𝐉
:bfK: 𝐊
:bfL: 𝐋
:bfM: 𝐌
:bfN: 𝐍
:bfO: 𝐎
:bfP: 𝐏
:bfQ: 𝐐
:bfR: 𝐑
:bfS: 𝐒
:bfT: 𝐓
:bfU: 𝐔
:bfV: 𝐕
:bfW: 𝐖
:bfX: 𝐗
:bfY: 𝐘
:bfZ: 𝐙


Trigger Replace
:scA: 𝒜
:scC: 𝒞
:scD: 𝒟
:scG: 𝒢
:scJ: 𝒥
:scK: 𝒦
:scN: 𝒩
:scO: 𝒪
:scP: 𝒫
:scQ: 𝒬
:scS: 𝒮
:scT: 𝒯
:scU: 𝒰
:scV: 𝒱
:scW: 𝒲
:scX: 𝒳
:scY: 𝒴
:scZ: 𝒵


Trigger Replace
:calA: 𝓐
:calB: 𝓑
:calC: 𝓒
:calD: 𝓓
:calE: 𝓔
:calF: 𝓕
:calG: 𝓖
:calH: 𝓗
:calI: 𝓘
:calJ: 𝓙
:calK: 𝓚
:calL: 𝓛
:calM: 𝓜
:calN: 𝓝
:calO: 𝓞
:calP: 𝓟
:calQ: 𝓠
:calR: 𝓡
:calS: 𝓢
:calT: 𝓣
:calU: 𝓤
:calV: 𝓥
:calW: 𝓦
:calX: 𝓧
:calY: 𝓨
:calZ: 𝓩


Trigger Replace
:vC: Č
:e_acute: é
:etale: étale
:et: ét
:^et: ᵉᵗ
:_et: ₑₜ