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esp_http_client component provides a set of APIs for making HTTP/S requests from ESP-IDF applications. The steps to use these APIs are as follows:

Application Example

Simple example that uses ESP HTTP Client to make HTTP/S requests can be found at :example:`protocols/esp_http_client`.

Basic HTTP Request

Check out the example functions http_rest_with_url and http_rest_with_hostname_path in the application example for implementation details.

Persistent Connections

Persistent connection means that the HTTP client can re-use the same connection for several exchanges. If the server does not request to close the connection with the Connection: close header, the connection is not dropped but is instead kept open and used for further requests.

To allow ESP HTTP client to take full advantage of persistent connections, one should make as many requests as possible using the same handle instance. Check out the example functions http_rest_with_url and http_rest_with_hostname_path in the application example. Here, once the connection is created, multiple requests (GET, POST, PUT, etc.) are made before the connection is closed.

.. only:: esp32

    Use Secure Element (ATECC608) for TLS

    A secure element (ATECC608) can be also used for the underlying TLS connection in the HTTP client connection. Please refer to the *ATECC608A (Secure Element) with ESP-TLS* section in the :doc:`ESP-TLS documentation </api-reference/protocols/esp_tls>` for more details. The secure element support has to be first enabled in menuconfig through :ref:`CONFIG_ESP_TLS_USE_SECURE_ELEMENT`. Then the HTTP client can be configured to use secure element as follows:

    .. code-block:: c

        esp_http_client_config_t cfg = {
            /* other configurations options */
            .use_secure_element = true,

HTTPS Request

ESP HTTP client supports SSL connections using mbedTLS, with the url configuration starting with https scheme or transport_type set to HTTP_TRANSPORT_OVER_SSL. HTTPS support can be configured via :ref:`CONFIG_ESP_HTTP_CLIENT_ENABLE_HTTPS` (enabled by default).


While making HTTPS requests, if server verification is needed, an additional root certificate (in PEM format) needs to be provided to the cert_pem member in the esp_http_client_config_t configuration. Users can also use the ESP x509 Certificate Bundle for server verification using the crt_bundle_attach member of the esp_http_client_config_t configuration.

Check out the example functions https_with_url and https_with_hostname_path in the application example for implementation details of the above note.

HTTP Stream

Some applications need to open the connection and control the exchange of data actively (data streaming). In such cases, the application flow is different from regular requests. Example flow is given below:

Check out the example function http_perform_as_stream_reader in the application example for implementation details.

HTTP Authentication

ESP HTTP client supports both Basic and Digest Authentication.
  • Users can provide the username and password in the url or the username and password members of the esp_http_client_config_t configuration. For auth_type = HTTP_AUTH_TYPE_BASIC, the HTTP client takes only one perform operation to pass the authentication process.
  • If auth_type = HTTP_AUTH_TYPE_NONE, but the username and password fields are present in the configuration, the HTTP client takes two perform operations. The client will receive the 401 Unauthorized header in its first attempt to connect to the server. Based on this information, it decides which authentication method to choose and performs it in the second operation.
  • Check out the example functions http_auth_basic, http_auth_basic_redirect (for Basic authentication) and http_auth_digest (for Digest authentication) in the application example for implementation details.

Examples of Authentication Configuration

  • Authentication with URI

    esp_http_client_config_t config = {
        .url = "",
        .auth_type = HTTP_AUTH_TYPE_BASIC,
  • Authentication with username and password entry

    esp_http_client_config_t config = {
        .url = "",
        .username = "user",
        .password = "passwd",
        .auth_type = HTTP_AUTH_TYPE_BASIC,

Event Handling

ESP HTTP Client supports event handling by triggering an event handler corresponding to the event which takes place. :cpp:enum:`esp_http_client_event_id_t` contains all the events which could occur while performing an HTTP request using the ESP HTTP Client.

To enable event handling, you just need to set a callback function using the :cpp:member:`esp_http_client_config_t::event_handler` member.

ESP HTTP Client Diagnostic Information

Diagnostic information could be helpful to gain insights into a problem. In the case of ESP HTTP Client, the diagnostic information can be collected by registering an event handler with :doc:`the Event Loop library <../system/esp_event>`. This feature has been added by keeping in mind the ESP Insights framework which collects the diagnostic information. However, this feature can also be used without any dependency on the ESP Insights framework for the diagnostic purpose. Event handler can be registered to the event loop using the :cpp:func:`esp_event_handler_register` function.

Expected data types for different HTTP Client events in the event loop are as follows:

  • HTTP_EVENT_ERROR : esp_http_client_handle_t
  • HTTP_EVENT_ON_CONNECTED : esp_http_client_handle_t
  • HTTP_EVENT_HEADERS_SENT : esp_http_client_handle_t
  • HTTP_EVENT_ON_HEADER : esp_http_client_handle_t
  • HTTP_EVENT_ON_DATA : esp_http_client_on_data_t
  • HTTP_EVENT_ON_FINISH : esp_http_client_handle_t
  • HTTP_EVENT_DISCONNECTED : esp_http_client_handle_t
  • HTTP_EVENT_REDIRECT : esp_http_client_redirect_event_data_t

The :cpp:type:`esp_http_client_handle_t` received along with the event data will be valid until :cpp:enumerator:`HTTP_EVENT_DISCONNECTED <esp_http_client_event_id_t::HTTP_EVENT_DISCONNECTED>` is not received. This handle has been sent primarily to differentiate between different client connections and must not be used for any other purpose, as it may change based on client connection state.

API Reference

.. include-build-file:: inc/