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ESP-MQTT is an implementation of MQTT protocol client (MQTT is a lightweight publish/subscribe messaging protocol).


  • Supports MQTT over TCP, SSL with mbedtls, MQTT over Websocket, MQTT over Websocket Secure.
  • Easy to setup with URI
  • Multiple instances (Multiple clients in one application)
  • Support subscribing, publishing, authentication, last will messages, keep alive pings and all 3 QoS levels (it should be a fully functional client).

Application Example



  • Curently support mqtt, mqtts, ws, wss schemes
  • MQTT over TCP samples:
    • mqtt:// MQTT over TCP, default port 1883:
    • mqtt:// MQTT over TCP, port 1884:
    • mqtt:// MQTT over TCP, port 1884, with username and password
  • MQTT over SSL samples:
    • mqtts:// MQTT over SSL, port 8883
    • mqtts:// MQTT over SSL, port 8884
  • MQTT over Websocket samples:
    • ws://
  • MQTT over Websocket Secure samples:
    • wss://
  • Minimal configurations:
const esp_mqtt_client_config_t mqtt_cfg = {
    .uri = "mqtt://",
    // .user_context = (void *)your_context
esp_mqtt_client_handle_t client = esp_mqtt_client_init(&mqtt_cfg);
esp_mqtt_client_register_event(client, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, mqtt_event_handler, client);
  • Note: By default mqtt client uses event loop library to post related mqtt events (connected, subscribed, published, etc.)


  • Get certificate from server, example: openssl s_client -showcerts -connect </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM >mqtt_eclipse_org.pem
  • Check the sample application: examples/mqtt_ssl
  • Configuration:
const esp_mqtt_client_config_t mqtt_cfg = {
    .uri = "mqtts://",
    .event_handle = mqtt_event_handler,
    .cert_pem = (const char *)mqtt_eclipse_org_pem_start,

If the certificate is not null-terminated then cert_len should also be set. Other SSL related configuration parameters are:

  • use_global_ca_store: use the global certificate store to verify server certificate, see esp-tls.h for more information
  • client_cert_pem: pointer to certificate data in PEM or DER format for SSL mutual authentication, default is NULL, not required if mutual authentication is not needed.
  • client_cert_len: length of the buffer pointed to by client_cert_pem. May be 0 for null-terminated pem.
  • client_key_pem: pointer to private key data in PEM or DER format for SSL mutual authentication, default is NULL, not required if mutual authentication is not needed.
  • client_key_len: length of the buffer pointed to by client_key_pem. May be 0 for null-terminated pem.
  • psk_hint_key: pointer to PSK struct defined in esp_tls.h to enable PSK authentication (as alternative to certificate verification). If not NULL and server/client certificates are NULL, PSK is enabled
  • alpn_protos: NULL-terminated list of protocols to be used for ALPN.

Last Will and Testament

MQTT allows for a last will and testament (LWT) message to notify other clients when a client ungracefully disconnects. This is configured by the following fields in the esp_mqtt_client_config_t-struct.

  • lwt_topic: pointer to the LWT message topic
  • lwt_msg: pointer to the LWT message
  • lwt_msg_len: length of the LWT message, required if lwt_msg is not null-terminated
  • lwt_qos: quality of service for the LWT message
  • lwt_retain: specifies the retain flag of the LWT message

Other Configuration Parameters

  • disable_clean_session: determines the clean session flag for the connect message, defaults to a clean session
  • keepalive: determines how many seconds the client will wait for a ping response before disconnecting, default is 120 seconds.
  • disable_auto_reconnect: enable to stop the client from reconnecting to server after errors or disconnects
  • user_context: custom context that will be passed to the event handler
  • task_prio: MQTT task priority, defaults to 5
  • task_stack: MQTT task stack size, defaults to 6144 bytes, setting this will override setting from menuconfig
  • buffer_size: size of MQTT send/receive buffer, default is 1024 bytes
  • username: pointer to the username used for connecting to the broker
  • password: pointer to the password used for connecting to the broker
  • client_id: pointer to the client id, defaults to ESP32_%CHIPID% where %CHIPID% are the last 3 bytes of MAC address in hex format
  • host: MQTT broker domain (ipv4 as string), setting the uri will override this
  • port: MQTT broker port, specifying the port in the uri will override this
  • transport: sets the transport protocol, setting the uri will override this
  • refresh_connection_after_ms: refresh connection after this value (in milliseconds)
  • event_handle: handle for MQTT events as a callback in legacy mode
  • event_loop_handle: handle for MQTT event loop library

For more options on esp_mqtt_client_config_t, please refer to API reference below

Change settings in Project Configuration Menu

The settings for MQTT can be found using menuconfig, under Component config -> ESP-MQTT Configuration

The following settings are available:


The following events may be posted by the MQTT client:

  • MQTT_EVENT_BEFORE_CONNECT: The client is initialized and about to start connecting to the broker.
  • MQTT_EVENT_CONNECTED: The client has successfully established a connection to the broker. The client is now ready to send and receive data.
  • MQTT_EVENT_DISCONNECTED: The client has aborted the connection due to being unable to read or write data, e.g. because the server is unavailable.
  • MQTT_EVENT_SUBSCRIBED: The broker has acknowledged the client's subscribe request. The event data will contain the message ID of the subscribe message.
  • MQTT_EVENT_UNSUBSCRIBED: The broker has acknowledged the client's unsubscribe request. The event data will contain the message ID of the unsubscribe message.
  • MQTT_EVENT_PUBLISHED: The broker has acknowledged the client's publish message. This will only be posted for Quality of Service level 1 and 2, as level 0 does not use acknowledgements. The event data will contain the message ID of the publish message.
  • MQTT_EVENT_DATA: The client has received a publish message. The event data contains: message ID, name of the topic it was published to, received data and its length. For data that exceeds the internal buffer multiple MQTT_EVENT_DATA will be posted and current_data_offset and total_data_len from event data updated to keep track of the fragmented message.
  • MQTT_EVENT_ERROR: The client has encountered an error. esp_mqtt_error_type_t from error_handle in the event data can be used to further determine the type of the error. The type of error will determine which parts of the error_handle struct is filled.

API Reference

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