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Simple starving hacker IP management

This HTML and PHP front end allows you to show nmap XML reports in a pretty way

Working in process... Help wanted!


Main Screen

Main Screen

VLANs Screen

Main Screen

Logs Screen

Main Screen

Scan Screen Beta Feature Incomplete

Main Screen


Install PHP Pear pear install net_nmap

NMAP command

You can load nmap xml scan files to Angello.

Execute a scan with this command:

nmap -sTU -O -oX net_128_XML -oG net_128_GREP


nmap -sTU -O -oX net_128_XML

Go to angello directory and execute: nmap.php /path/to/net_128_XML vlan

Several VLANs only one server?

In you have a lot of vlans but only one Angello server, generally by security concerns you doesn't have acces to these vlans, may be you have a GNU/Linux server or Microsoft Windows with nmap, you can run the scan with nmap and send the XML files to Angello.

You can upload yourself or I created a little web service to inject the files. Execute this command: send_file.php username password /path/to/net_128_XML url

This will upload the files to the upload folder.