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Working with Accounts

The :func:`Accounts <>` container (available as accounts or just a) allows you to access all your local accounts.

>>> accounts
['0xC0BcE0346d4d93e30008A1FE83a2Cf8CfB9Ed301', '0xf414d65808f5f59aE156E51B97f98094888e7d92', '0x055f1c2c9334a4e57ACF2C4d7ff95d03CA7d6741', '0x1B63B4495934bC1D6Cb827f7a9835d316cdBB332', '0x303E8684b9992CdFA6e9C423e92989056b6FC04b', '0x5eC14fDc4b52dE45837B7EC8016944f75fF42209', '0x22162F0D8Fd490Bde6Ffc9425472941a1a59348a', '0x1DA0dcC27950F6070c07F71d1dE881c3C67CEAab', '0xa4c7f832254eE658E650855f1b529b2d01C92359','0x275CAe3b8761CEdc5b265F3241d07d2fEc51C0d8']
>>> accounts[0]
<Account object '0xC0BcE0346d4d93e30008A1FE83a2Cf8CfB9Ed301'>

Each individual account is represented by an :func:`Account <>` object that can perform actions such as querying a balance or sending ETH.

>>> accounts[0]
<Account object '0xC0BcE0346d4d93e30008A1FE83a2Cf8CfB9Ed301'>
>>> dir(accounts[0])
[address, balance, deploy, estimate_gas, nonce, transfer]

The :func:`Account.balance <Account.balance>` method is used to check the balance of an account. The value returned is denominated in :func:`wei <brownie.convert.datatypes.Wei>`.

>>> accounts[1].balance()

The :func:`Account.transfer <Account.transfer>` method is used to send ether between accounts and perform other simple transactions. As shown in the example below, the amount to transfer may be specified as a string that is converted by :func:`Wei <brownie.convert.datatypes.Wei>`.

>>> accounts[0].transfer(accounts[1], "10 ether")

Transaction sent: 0x124ba3f9f9e5a8c5e7e559390bebf8dfca998ef32130ddd114b7858f255f6369
Transaction confirmed - block: 1   gas spent: 21000
<Transaction object '0x124ba3f9f9e5a8c5e7e559390bebf8dfca998ef32130ddd114b7858f255f6369'>
>>> accounts[1].balance()

Generating, Adding, and Unlocking Accounts

Newly added accounts are automatically appended to the :func:`Accounts <>` container.

The :func:`Accounts.add <Accounts.add>` method is used to randomly generate a new account:

>>> accounts.add()
mnemonic: 'rice cement vehicle ladder end engine tiger gospel toy inspire steel teach'
<LocalAccount '0x7f1eCD32aF08635A3fB3128108F6Eb0956Efd532'>

You can optionally specify a private key to access a specific account:

>>> accounts.add('0xca751356c37a98109fd969d8e79b42d768587efc6ba35e878bc8c093ed95d8a9')
<LocalAccount '0xf6c0182eFD54830A87e4020E13B8E4C82e2f60f0'>

In a development environment, it is possible to send transactions from an address without having that addresses private key. To create an :func:`Account <>` object from an arbitrary address, use the :func:` <>` method and include force=True as a keyword argument:

>>>'0x79B2f0CbED2a565C925A8b35f2B402710564F8a2', force=True)
<Account '0x79B2f0CbED2a565C925A8b35f2B402710564F8a2'>

See :ref:`local-accounts` for more information on working with accounts.

Broadcasting Multiple Transactions

Broadcasting a transaction is normally a blocking action - Brownie waits until the transaction has confirmed before continuing. One way to broadcast transactions without blocking is to set required_confs = 0. This immediately returns a pending :func:`TransactionReceipt <>` and continues without waiting for a confirmation. Additionally, setting silent = True suppresses the console output.

>>> transactions = [
        accounts[0].transfer(accounts[i], "1 ether", required_confs=0, silent=True)
        for i in range(1, 4)
>>> [tx.status for tx in transactions]
[1, -1, -1]

These transactions are initially pending (status == -1) and appear yellow in the console.

Replacing Transactions

The :func:`TransactionReceipt.replace <TransactionReceipt.replace>` method can be used to replace underpriced transactions while they are still pending:

>>> tx = accounts[0].transfer(accounts[1], 100, required_confs=0, gas_price="1 gwei")
Transaction sent: 0xc1aab54599d7875fc1fe8d3e375abb0f490cbb80d5b7f48cedaa95fa726f29be
    Gas price: 13.0 gwei   Gas limit: 21000   Nonce: 3
<Transaction object '0xc1aab54599d7875fc1fe8d3e375abb0f490cbb80d5b7f48cedaa95fa726f29be'>

>>> tx.replace(1.1)
Transaction sent: 0x9a525e42b326c3cd57e889ad8c5b29c88108227a35f9763af33dccd522375212
    Gas price: 14.3 gwei   Gas limit: 21000   Nonce: 3
<Transaction '0x9a525e42b326c3cd57e889ad8c5b29c88108227a35f9763af33dccd522375212'>

All pending transactions are available within the :func:`history <>` object. As soon as one transaction confirms, the remaining dropped transactions are removed. See the documentation on :ref:`accessing transaction history <core-chain-history>` for more info.