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User guide

Basic end-to-end user workflow

Steps to do on your workstation:

  1. Build the container image using the Docker tool and Dockerfiles.
  2. Push the Docker image into Docker Hub registry (

Steps to do on the HPC system:

  1. Pull the Docker image from the Docker Hub registry using Sarus.
  2. Run the image at scale with Sarus.

An explanation of the different steps required to deploy a Docker image using Sarus follows.

1. Develop the Docker image

First, the user has to build a container image. This boils down to writing a Dockerfile that describes the container, executing the Docker command line tool to build the image, and then running the container to test it. Below you can find an overview of what the development process looks like. We provide a brief introduction to using Docker, however, for a detailed explanation please refer to the Docker Get Started guide.

Let's start with a simple example. Consider the following Dockerfile where we install Python on a Debian Jessie base image:

FROM debian:jessie
RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get install -y python

Once that the user has written the Dockerfile, the container image can be built:

$ docker build -t hello-python .

The previous step will take the content of the Dockerfile and build our container image. The first entry, FROM debian:jessie, will specify a base Linux distribution image as a starting point for our container (in this case, Debian Jessie), the image of which Docker will try to fetch from its registry if it is not already locally available. The second entry RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get install -y python will execute the command that follows the RUN instruction, updating the container with the changes done to its software environment: in this case, we are installing Python using the apt-get package manager.

Once the build step has finished, we can list the available container images using:

$ docker images
REPOSITORY        TAG        IMAGE ID         CREATED           SIZE
hello-python      latest     2e57316387c6     3 minutes ago     224 MB

We can now spawn a container from the image we just built (tagged as hello-python), and run Python inside the container (python --version), so as to verify the version of the installed interpreter:

$ docker run --rm hello-python python --version
Python 2.7.9

One of the conveniences of building containers with Docker is that this process can be carried out solely on the user's workstation/laptop, enabling quick iterations of building, modifying, and testing of containerized applications that can then be easily deployed on a variety of systems, greatly improving user productivity.


Reducing the size of the container image, besides saving disk space, also speeds up the process of importing it into Sarus later on. The easiest ways to limit image size are cleaning the package manager cache after installations and deleting source codes and other intermediate build artifacts when building software manually. For practical examples and general good advice on writing Dockerfiles, please refer to the official Best practices for writing Dockerfiles.

A user can also access the container interactively through a shell, enabling quick testing of commands. This can be a useful step for evaluating commands before adding them to the Dockerfile:

$ docker run --rm -it hello-python bash
root@c5fc1954b19d:/# python --version
Python 2.7.9

2. Push the Docker image to the Docker Hub

Once the image has been built and tested, you can log in to DockerHub (requires an account) and push it, so that it becomes available from the cloud:

$ docker login
$ docker push <user name>/<repo name>:<image tag>

Note that in order for the push to succeed, the image has to be correctly tagged with the same <repository name>/<image name>:<image tag> identifier you intend to push to. Images can be tagged at build-time, supplying the -t option to docker build, or afterwards by using docker tag. In the case of our example:

$ docker tag hello-python <repo name>/hello-python:1.0

The image tag (the last part of the identifier after the colon) is optional. If absent, Docker will set the tag to latest by default.

3. Pull the Docker image from Docker Hub

Now the image is stored in the Docker Hub and you can pull it into the HPC system using the sarus pull command followed by the image identifier:

$ sarus pull <repo name>/hello-python:1.0

While performing the pull does not require specific privileges, it is generally advisable to run sarus pull on the system's compute nodes through the workload manager: compute nodes often have better hardware and, in some cases like Cray XC systems, large RAM filesystems, which will greatly reduce the pull process time and will allow to pull larger images.

Should you run into problems because the pulled image doesn't fit in the default filesystem, you can specify an alternative temporary directory with the --temp-dir option.

You can use sarus images to list the images available on the system:

$ sarus images
REPOSITORY                 TAG       DIGEST         CREATED               SIZE         SERVER
<repo name>/hello-python   1.0       6bc9d2cd1831   2018-01-19T09:43:04   40.16MB

4. Run the image at scale with Sarus

Once the image is available to Sarus we can run it at scale using the workload manager. For example, if using SLURM:

$ srun -N 1 sarus run <repo name>/hello-python:1.0 python --version
Python 2.7.9

As with Docker, containers can also be used through a terminal, enabling quick testing of commands:

$ srun -N 1 --pty sarus run -t debian bash
$ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="9 (stretch)"

$ exit

The --pty option to srun and the -t/--tty option to sarus run are needed to properly setup the pseudo-terminals in order to achieve a familiar user experience.

You can tell the previous example was run inside a container by querying the specifications of your host system. For example, the OS of Cray XC compute nodes is based on SLES and not Debian:

$ srun -N 1 cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12"

Additional features

Pulling images from private or 3rd party registries

By default, Sarus tries to pull images from Docker Hub public repositories. To perform a pull from a private repository, use the --login option to the sarus pull command and enter your credentials:

$ srun -N 1 sarus pull --login <privateRepo>/<image>:<tag>
username    :user
password    :

To pull an image from a registry different from Docker Hub, enter the server address as part of the image identifier. For example, to access the NVIDIA GPU Cloud:

$ srun -N 1 sarus pull --login
username    :$oauthtoken
password    :

To work with images not pulled from Docker Hub (including the removal detailed in a later section), you need to enter the image descriptor (repository[:tag]) as displayed by the sarus images command in the first two columns:

$ sarus images
REPOSITORY                       TAG          DIGEST         CREATED               SIZE         SERVER   nbody        29e2298d9f71   2019-01-14T12:22:25   91.88MB

$ srun -N1 sarus run cat /usr/local/cuda/version.txt
CUDA Version 9.0.176


Sarus has been designed to be compatible with Docker Hub, including its specific authentication scheme. To work with registries which adopt different authentication procedures under the hood (like the Google Container Registry), it is advised to complement Sarus with software provided by the container community like Skopeo ( Skopeo is a highly versatile tool to work with container registries.

As an example, to download a GCR image requiring authentication credentials into a tar file using the skopeo copy command (

$ skopeo copy --src-creds=<user>:<password> docker://<image>:<tag> docker-archive:<path>.tar

Skopeo should be able to authenticate either with username/password or with access token (in this case enter oauth2accesstoken as the username and the token as the password in the --src-creds option). More details are available in the Skopeo documentation.

Once Skopeo has downloaded the image as a tar file, the image can be loaded into Sarus with the sarus load <user-load-archive> command.

Pulling images using a proxy

Sarus can use a proxy to connect to remote registries and pull images depending on the values of specific environment variables, which are also used by other tools and libraries like curl or Python's urllib.

If the https_proxy or HTTPS_PROXY environment variables are set, Sarus uses the value as the proxy hostname for default connections (which use the HTTPS protocol). In case both variables are set, the lower case version is preferred.


When pulling from a registry which is configured as insecure <config-reference-insecureRegistries>, the http_proxy environment variable is looked up for a proxy hostname. Only the lower case version of http_proxy is used because of security reasons when running in CGI environments.

If the ALL_PROXY environment variable is set, Sarus uses its value as proxy hostname for all connections, whether secure or insecure.

To connect to a specific registry without going through the proxy, even when a proxy is set by one of the previously mentioned variables, the no_proxy or NO_PROXY environment variables can be used. Such variables should contain a list of comma-separated hostnames for which a proxy connection is not used. For example, to append Docker Hub to the list of hosts excluded from proxying:,

The entries in no_proxy and NO_PROXY must match a registry hostname exactly in order to be effective. Use of an asterisk (\*) as a wildcard for hostname expansion is not supported. However, the variables can be set to a single asterisk to match all hosts. In case both variables are set, the lower case version is preferred.

Loading images from tar archives

If you do not have access to a remote Docker registry, or you're uncomfortable with uploading your images to the cloud in order to pull them, Sarus offers the possibility to load images from tar archives generated by docker save.

First, save an image to a tar archive using Docker on your workstation:

$ docker save --output debian.tar debian:jessie
$ ls -sh
total 124M
124M debian.tar

Then, transfer the archive to the HPC system and use the sarus load command, followed by the archive filename and the descriptor you want to give to the Sarus image:

$ sarus images
REPOSITORY       TAG          DIGEST         CREATED      SIZE         SERVER

$ srun sarus load ./debian.tar my_debian
> expand image layers ...
> extracting     : /tmp/debian.tar/7e5c6402903b327fc62d1144f247c91c8e85c6f7b64903b8be289828285d502e/layer.tar
> make squashfs ...
> create metadata ...
# created: <user home>/.sarus/images/load/library/my_debian/latest.squashfs
# created: <user home>/.sarus/images/load/library/my_debian/latest.meta

$ sarus images
REPOSITORY               TAG          DIGEST         CREATED               SIZE         SERVER
load/library/my_debian   latest       2fe79f06fa6d   2018-01-31T15:08:56   47.04MB      load

The image is now ready to use. Notice that the origin server for the image has been labeled load to indicate this image has been loaded from an archive.

Similarly to sarus pull, we recommend to load tar archives from compute nodes. Should you run out of space while expanding the image, sarus load also accepts the --temp-dir option to specify an alternative expansion directory.

As with images from 3rd party registries, to use or remove loaded images you need to enter the image descriptor (repository[:tag]) as displayed by the sarus images command in the first two columns.

Removing images

To remove an image from Sarus's local repository, use the sarus rmi command:

$ sarus images
REPOSITORY       TAG          DIGEST         CREATED               SIZE         SERVER
library/debian   latest       6bc9d2cd1831   2018-01-31T14:11:27   40.17MB

$ sarus rmi debian:latest

$ sarus images
REPOSITORY   TAG          DIGEST         CREATED      SIZE         SERVER

To remove images pulled from 3rd party registries or images loaded from local tar archives you need to enter the image descriptor (repository[:tag]) as displayed by the sarus images command:

$ sarus images
REPOSITORY               TAG          DIGEST         CREATED               SIZE         SERVER
load/library/my_debian   latest       2fe79f06fa6d   2018-01-31T15:08:56   47.04MB      load

$ sarus rmi load/library/my_debian
removed load/library/my_debian/latest


Environment variables within containers are set by combining several sources, in the following order (later entries override earlier entries):

  1. Host environment of the process calling Sarus
  2. Environment variables defined in the container image, e.g., Docker ENV-defined variables
  3. Modification of variables related to the NVIDIA Container Toolkit <config-hooks-nvidia-support>
  4. Modifications (set/prepend/append/unset) specified by the system administrator in the Sarus configuration file. See here <config-reference-environment> for details.
  5. Environment variables defined using the -e/--env option of sarus run. The option can be passed multiple times, defining one variable per option. The first occurring = (equals sign) character in the option value is treated as the separator between the variable name and its value:

    $ srun sarus run -e SARUS_CONTAINER=true debian bash -c 'echo $SARUS_CONTAINER'
    $ srun sarus run --env=CLI_VAR=cli_value debian bash -c 'echo $CLI_VAR'
    $ srun sarus run --env NESTED=innerName=innerValue debian bash -c 'echo $NESTED'

    If an = is not provided in the option value, Sarus considers the string as the variable name, and takes the value from the corresponding variable in the host environment. This can be used to override a variable set in the image with the value from the host. If no = is provided and a matching variable is not found in the host environment, the option is ignored and the variable is not set in the container.

Accessing host directories from the container

System administrators can configure Sarus to automatically mount facilities like parallel filesystems into every container. Refer to your site documentation or system administrator to know which resources have been enabled on a specific system.

Mounting custom files and directories into the container

By default, Sarus creates the container filesystem environment from the image and host system as specified by the system administrator. It is possible to request additional paths from the host environment to be mapped to some other path within the container using the --mount option of the sarus run command:

$ srun -N 1 --pty sarus run --mount=type=bind,source=/path/to/my/data,destination=/data -t debian bash

The previous command would cause /path/to/my/data on the host to be mounted as /data within the container. This mount option can be specified multiple times, one for each mount to be performed. --mount accepts a comma-separated list of <key>=<value> pairs as its argument, much alike the Docker option with the same name (for reference, see the official Docker documentation on bind mounts). As with Docker, the order of the keys is not significant. A detailed breakdown of the possible flags follows in the next subsections.

Mandatory flags

  • type: represents the type of the mount. Currently, only bind (for bind-mounts) is supported.
  • source (required): Absolute path accessible from the user on the host that will be mounted in the container. Can alternatively be specified as src.
  • destination: Absolute path to where the filesystem will be made available inside the container. If the directory does not exist, it will be created. It is possible to overwrite other bind mounts already present in the container, however, the system administrator retains the power to disallow user-requested mounts to any location at their discretion. May alternatively be specified as dst or target.

Bind mounts

In addition to the mandatory flags, regular bind mounts can optionally add the following flag:

  • readonly (optional): Causes the filesystem to be mounted as read-only. This flag takes no value.

The following example demonstrates the use of a custom read-only bind mount.

$ ls -l /input_data
drwxr-xr-x.  2 root root      57 Feb  7 10:49 ./
drwxr-xr-x. 23 root root    4096 Feb  7 10:49 ../
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root 1048576 Feb  7 10:49 data1.csv
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root 1048576 Feb  7 10:49 data2.csv
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root 1048576 Feb  7 10:49 data3.csv

$ echo "1,2,3,4,5" > data4.csv

$ srun -N 1 --pty sarus run --mount=type=bind,source=/input_data,destination=/input,readonly -t debian bash
$ ls -l /input
-rw-r--r--. 1 root 0 1048576 Feb  7 10:49 data1.csv
-rw-r--r--. 1 root 0 1048576 Feb  7 10:49 data2.csv
-rw-r--r--. 1 root 0 1048576 Feb  7 10:49 data3.csv
-rw-r--r--. 1 root 0      10 Feb  7 10:52 data4.csv

$ cat /input/data4.csv

$ touch /input/data5.csv
touch: cannot touch '/input/data5.csv': Read-only file system

$ exit


Bind-mounting FUSE filesystems into Sarus containers

By default, all FUSE filesystems are accessible only by the user who mounted them; this restriction is enforced by the kernel itself. Sarus is a privileged application setting up the container as the root user in order to perform some specific actions.

To allow Sarus to access a FUSE mount point on the host, in order to bind mount it into a container, use the FUSE option allow_root when creating the mount point. For example, when creating an EncFS filesystem:

$ encfs -o allow_root --nocache $PWD/encfs.enc/ /tmp/encfs.dec/ $ sarus run -t --mount=type=bind,src=/tmp/encfs.dec,dst=/var/tmp/encfs ubuntu ls -l /var/tmp

It is possible to pass allow_root if the option user_allow_other is defined in /etc/fuse.conf, as stated in the FUSE manpage.

Mounting custom devices into the container

Devices can be made available inside containers through the --device option of sarus run. The option can be entered multiple times, specifying one device per option. By default, device files will be mounted into the container at the same path they have on the host. A different destination path can be entered using a colon (:) as separator from the host path. All paths used in the option value must be absolute:

$ srun sarus run --device=/dev/fuse debian ls -l /dev/fuse
crw-rw-rw-. 1 root root 10, 229 Aug 17 17:54 /dev/fuse

$ srun sarus run --device=/dev/fuse:/dev/container_fuse debian ls -l /dev/container_fuse
crw-rw-rw-. 1 root root 10, 229 Aug 17 17:54 /dev/container_fuse

When working with device files, the --mount option should not be used since access to custom devices is disabled by default through the container's device cgroup. The --device option, on the other hand, will also whitelist the requested devices in the cgroup, making them accessible within the container. By default, the option will grant read, write and mknod permissions to devices; this behavior can be controlled by adding a set of flags at the end of an option value, still using a colon as separator. The flags must be a combination of the characters rwm, standing for read, write and mknod access respectively; the characters may come in any order, but must not be repeated. The access flags can be entered independently from the presence of a custom destination path.

The full syntax of the option is thus --device=host-device[:container-device][:permissions]

The following example shows how to mount a device with read-only access:

$ srun --pty sarus run -t --device=/dev/example:r debian bash

$ echo "hello" > /dev/example
bash: /dev/example: Operation not permitted

$ exit


Sarus and the --device option cannot grant more permissions to a device than those which have been allowed on the host. For example, if in the host a device is set for read-only access, then Sarus cannot enable write or mknod access.

This is enforced by the implementation of device cgroups in the Linux kernel. For more details, please refer to the kernel documentation.

Image entrypoint and default arguments

Sarus fully supports image entrypoints and default arguments as defined by the OCI Image Specification.

The entrypoint of an image is a list of arguments that will be used as the command to execute when the container starts; it is meant to create an image that will behave like an executable file.

The image default arguments will be passed to the entrypoint if no argument is provided on the commmand line when launching a container. If the entrypoint is not present, the first default argument will be treated as the executable to run.

When creating container images with Docker, the entrypoint and default arguments are set using the ENTRYPOINT and CMD instructions respectively in the Dockerfile. For example, this file will generate an image printing arguments to the terminal by default:

FROM debian:stretch

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/echo"]
CMD ["Hello world"]

After building such image (we'll arbitrarily call it echo) and importing it into Sarus, we can run it without passing any argument:

$ srun sarus run <image repo>/echo
Hello world

Entering a command line argument will override the default arguments passed to the entrypoint:

$ srun sarus run <image repo>/echo Foobar

The image entrypoint can be changed by providing a value to the --entrypoint option of sarus run. It is important to note that when changing the entrypoint the default arguments get discarded as well:

$ srun sarus run --entrypoint=cat <image repo>/echo /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="9 (stretch)"

The entrypoint can be removed by passing an empty value to --entrypoint. This is useful, for example, for inspecting and debugging containers:

$ srun --pty sarus run --entrypoint "" -t <image repo>/echo bash
$ env | grep ^PATH

$ exit


Using the "adjacent value" style to remove an image entrypoint (i.e. --entrypoint="") is not supported. Please pass the empty string value separated by a whitespace.

Working directory

The working directory inside the container can be controlled using the -w/--workdir option of the sarus run command:

$ srun -N 1 --pty sarus run --workdir=/path/to/workdir -t debian bash

If the path does not exist, it is created inside the container.

If the -w/--workdir option is not specified but the image defines a working directory, the container process will start there. Otherwise, the process will start in the container's root directory (/). Using image-defined working directories can be useful, for example, for simplifying the command line when launching containers.

When creating images with Docker, the working directory is set using the WORKDIR instruction in the Dockerfile.

PID namespace

The PID namespace for the container can be controlled through the --pid option of sarus run. Currently, the supported values for the option are:

  • host: use the host's PID namespace for the container. This allows to transparently support MPI implementations relying on the ranks having different PIDs when running on the same physical host, or using shared memory technologies like Cross Memory Attach (CMA); (default)
  • private: create a new PID namespace for the container. Having a private PID namespace can be also referred as "using PID namespace isolation" or simply "using PID isolation".

    $ sarus run --pid=private alpine:3.14 ps -o pid,comm
        1 ps


Consider using an init process <user-init-process> when running with a private PID namespace if you need to handle signals or run many processes into the container.

Adding an init process to the container

By default, Sarus only executes the user-specified application within the container. When using a private PID namespace <user-private-pid>, the container process is assigned PID 1 in the new namespace. The PID 1 process has unique features in Linux: most notably, the process will ignore signals by default and zombie processes will not be reaped inside the container (see [1] , [2] for further reference).

If you need to handle signals or reap zombie processes (which can be useful when executing several different processes in long-running containers), you can use the --init option to run an init process inside the container:

$ srun -N 1 sarus run --pid=private --init alpine:3.14 ps -o pid,comm
    1 init
    7 ps

Sarus uses tini as its default init process.


Some HPC applications may be subject to performance losses when run with an init process. Our internal benchmarking tests with tini showed overheads of up to 2%.

Verbosity levels and help messages

To run a command in verbose mode, enter the --verbose global option before the command:

$ srun sarus --verbose run debian:latest cat /etc/os-release

To run a command printing extensive details about internal workings, enter the --debug global option before the command:

$ srun sarus --debug run debian:latest cat /etc/os-release

To print a general help message about Sarus, use sarus --help.

To print information about a command (e.g. command-specific options), use sarus help <command>:

$ sarus help run
Usage: sarus run [OPTIONS] REPOSITORY[:TAG] [COMMAND] [ARG...]

Run a command in a new container

Note: REPOSITORY[:TAG] has to be specified as
      displayed by the "sarus images" command.

  --centralized-repository  Use centralized repository instead of the local one
  -t [ --tty ]              Allocate a pseudo-TTY in the container
  --entrypoint arg          Overwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image
  --mount arg               Mount custom directories into the container
  -m [ --mpi ]              Enable MPI support
  --ssh                     Enable SSH in the container

Support for container customization through hooks

Sarus allows containers to be customized by other programs or scripts leveraging the interface defined by the Open Container Initiative Runtime Specification for POSIX-platform hooks (OCI hooks for short). These customizations are especially amenable to HPC use cases, where the dedicated hardware and highly-tuned software adopted by high-performance systems are in contrast with the infrastructure-agnostic nature of software containers. OCI hooks provide a solution to open access to these resources inside containers.

The hooks that will be enabled on a given Sarus installation are configured by the system administrators. Please refer to your site documentation or your system administrator to know which hooks are available in a specific system and how to activate them.

Here we will illustrate a few cases of general interest for HPC from an end-user perspective.

Native MPI support (MPICH-based)

Sarus comes with a hook able to import native MPICH-based MPI implementations inside the container. This is useful in case the host system features a vendor-specific or high-performance MPI stack based on MPICH (e.g. Intel MPI, Cray MPT, MVAPICH) which is required to fully leverage a high-speed interconnect.

To take advantage of this feature, the MPI installed in the container (and dynamically linked to your application) needs to be ABI-compatible </user/abi_compatibility> with the MPI on the host system. Taking as an example the Piz Daint Cray XC50 supercomputer at CSCS, to best meet the required ABI compatibility we recommend that the container application uses one of the following MPI implementations:

The following is an example Dockerfile to create a Debian image with MPICH 3.1.4:

FROM debian:jessie

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
        build-essential             \
        wget                        \
        --no-install-recommends     \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN wget -q \
    && tar xf mpich-3.1.4.tar.gz \
    && cd mpich-3.1.4 \
    && ./configure --disable-fortran --enable-fast=all,O3 --prefix=/usr \
    && make -j$(nproc) \
    && make install \
    && ldconfig \
    && cd .. \
    && rm -rf mpich-3.1.4 \
    && rm mpich-3.1.4.tar.gz


Applications that are statically linked to MPI libraries will not work with the native MPI support provided by the hook.

Once the system administrator has configured the hook, containers with native MPI support can be launched by passing the --mpi option to the sarus run command, e.g.:

$ srun -N 16 -n 16 sarus run --mpi <repo name>/<image name> <mpi_application>

NVIDIA GPU support

NVIDIA provides access to GPU devices and their driver stacks inside OCI containers through the NVIDIA Container Toolkit hook .

When Sarus is configured to use this hook, the GPU devices to be made available inside the container can be selected by setting the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable in the host system. Such action is often performed automatically by the workload manager or other site-specific software (e.g. the SLURM workload manager sets CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES when GPUs are requested via the Generic Resource Scheduling plugin). Be sure to check the setup provided by your computing site.

The container image needs to include a CUDA runtime that is suitable for both the target container applications and the available GPUs in the host system. One way to achieve this is by basing your image on one of the official Docker images provided by NVIDIA, i.e. the Dockerfile should start with a line like this:

FROM nvidia/cuda:8.0


To check all the available CUDA images provided by NVIDIA, visit

When developing GPU-accelerated images on your workstation, we recommend using nvidia-docker to run and test containers using an NVIDIA GPU.

SSH connection within containers

Sarus also comes with a hook which enables support for SSH connections within containers.

When Sarus is configured to use this hook, you must first run the command sarus ssh-keygen to generate the SSH keys that will be used by the SSH daemons and the SSH clients in the containers. It is sufficient to generate the keys just once, as they are persistent between sessions.

It is then possible to execute a container passing the --ssh option to sarus run, e.g. sarus run --ssh <image> <command>. Using the previously generated the SSH keys, the hook will instantiate an sshd and setup a custom ssh binary inside each container created with the same command.

Within a container spawned with the --ssh option, it is possible to connect into other containers by simply issuing the ssh command available in the default search PATH. E.g.:

ssh <hostname of other node>

The custom ssh binary will take care of using the proper keys and non-standard port in order to connect to the remote container.

When the ssh program is called without a command argument, it will open a login shell into the remote container. In this situation, the SSH hook attempts to reproduce the environment variables which were defined upon the launch of the remote container. The aim is to replicate the experience of actually accessing a shell in the container as it was created.


The SSH hook currently does not implement a poststop functionality and requires the use of a private PID namespace to cleanup the Dropbear daemon. Thus, the hook currently requires the use of a private PID namespace <user-private-pid> for the container. Thus, the --ssh option of sarus run implies --pid=private, and is incompatible with the use of --pid=host.

OpenMPI communication through SSH

The MPICH-based MPI hook described above does not support OpenMPI libraries. As an alternative, OpenMPI programs can communicate through SSH connections created by the SSH hook.

To run an OpenMPI program using the SSH hook, we need to manually provide a list of hosts and explicitly launch mpirun only on one node of the allocation. We can do so with the following commands:

salloc -C gpu -N4 -t5
srun hostname > $SCRATCH/hostfile
srun sarus run --ssh \
     --mount=src=/users,dst=/users,type=bind \
     --mount=src=$SCRATCH,dst=$SCRATCH,type=bind \
     ethcscs/openmpi:3.1.3  \
     bash -c 'if [ $SLURM_PROCID -eq 0 ]; then mpirun --hostfile $SCRATCH/hostfile -npernode 1 /openmpi-3.1.3/examples/hello_c; else sleep 10; fi'

Upon establishing a remote connection, the SSH hook provides a $PATH covering the most used default locations: /usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin. If your OpenMPI installation uses a custom location, consider using an absolute path to mpirun and the --prefix option as advised in the official OpenMPI FAQ.

Glibc replacement

Sarus's source code includes a hook able to inject glibc libraries from the host inside the container, overriding the glibc of the container.

This is useful when injecting some host resources (e.g. MPI libraries) into the container and said resources depend on a newer glibc than the container's one.

The host glibc stack to be injected is configured by the system administrator.

If Sarus is configured to use this hook, the glibc replacement can be activated by passing the --glibc option to sarus run. Since native MPI support is the most common occurrence of host resources injection, the hook is also implicitly activated when using the --mpi option.

Even when the hook is configured and activated, the glibc libraries in the container will only be replaced if the following conditions apply:

  • the container's libraries are older than the host's libraries;
  • host and container glibc libraries have the same soname and are ABI compatible.

Running MPI applications without the native MPI hook

The MPI replacement mechanism <user-mpi-hook> controlled by the --mpi option is not mandatory to run distributed applications in Sarus containers. It is possible to run containers using the MPI implementation embedded in the image, foregoing the performance of custom high-performance hardware.

This can be useful in a number of scenarios:

  • the software stack in the container should not be altered in any way
  • non-performance-critical testing
  • impossibility to satisfy ABI compatibility for native hardware acceleration

Sarus can be launched as a normal MPI program, and the execution context will be propagated to the container application:

mpiexec -n <number of ranks> sarus run <image> <MPI application>

The important aspect to consider is that the process management system from the host must be able to communicate with the MPI libraries in the container.

MPICH-based MPI implementations by default use the Hydra process manager and the PMI-2 interface to communicate between processes. OpenMPI by default uses the OpenRTE (ORTE) framework and the PMIx interface, but can be configured to support PMI-2.


Additional information about the support provided by PMIx for containers and cross-version use cases can be found here:

As a general rule of thumb, corresponding MPI implementations (e.g. using an MPICH-compiled mpiexec on the host to launch Sarus containers featuring MPICH libraries) should work fine together. As mentioned previously, if an OpenMPI library in the container has been configured to support PMI, the container should also be able to communicate with an MPICH-compiled mpiexec from the host.

The following is a minimal Dockerfile example of building OpenMPI 4.0.2 with PMI-2 support on Ubuntu 18.04:

FROM ubuntu:18.04

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
        build-essential \
        ca-certificates \
        automake \
        autoconf \
        libpmi2-0-dev \
        wget \
        --no-install-recommends \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN wget \
    && tar xf openmpi-4.0.2.tar.gz \
    && cd openmpi-4.0.2 \
    && ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-pmi=/usr/include/slurm-wlm --with-pmi-libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu CFLAGS=-I/usr/include/slurm-wlm \
    && make -j$(nproc) \
    && make install \
    && ldconfig \
    && cd .. \
    && rm -rf openmpi-4.0.2.tar.gz openmpi-4.0.2

When running under the Slurm workload manager, the process management interface can be selected with the --mpi option to srun. The following example shows how to run the OSU point-to-point latency test </cookbook/osu_mb/osu_mb> from the Sarus cookbook on CSCS' Piz Daint Cray XC50 system without native interconnect support:

$ srun -C gpu -N2 -t2 --mpi=pmi2 sarus run ethcscs/mpich:ub1804_cuda92_mpi314_osu ./osu_latency
# OSU MPI Latency Test v5.6.1
# Size          Latency (us)
0                       6.82
1                       6.80
2                       6.80
4                       6.75
8                       6.79
16                      6.86
32                      6.82
64                      6.82
128                     6.85
256                     6.87
512                     6.92
1024                    9.77
2048                   10.75
4096                   11.32
8192                   12.17
16384                  14.08
32768                  17.20
65536                  29.05
131072                 57.25
262144                 83.84
524288                139.52
1048576               249.09
2097152               467.83
4194304               881.02

Notice that an --mpi=pmi2 option was passed to srun but not to sarus run.