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Releases: eth-educators/eth-docker


20 Mar 15:59
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This is an optional release

  • ./ethd resync-execution and ./ethd resync-consensus commands added
  • origins for Geth ws set to * - thanks @0xDualCube
  • Query for mnemonic passphrase when generating change message
  • Link to broadcast tool


18 Mar 14:17
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This is an optional release

  • ./ethd will check for free disk space and warn the user if it's running low
  • Fix and pin ethereum-metrics-exporter
  • Default Graffiti uses 🦉
  • Erigon supports larger return values for RocketPool >= 1.9
  • Erigon and Prysm source builds use Go 1.20
  • Lighthouse source build uses jemalloc and defaults to stable target
  • Prysm supports larger messages so credential change messages can be sent
  • Initial web3signer addition - not integrated with any clients
  • Don't query for mev-boost on Gnosis Chain
  • Add auth port for Reth


19 Feb 13:43
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v2.2.8.1 2023-02-19

This is an optional release

  • Online/offline withdrawal change workflow now actually works 😅
  • Geth will use PebbleDB on a fresh sync
  • Zhejiang testnet supported with Lodestar and Nethermind
  • Change default docker tag for Besu to latest
  • Remove legacy keyimport in preparation for security audit

Version 2.2.8

08 Feb 22:01
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This is an optional release

  • Fixed ethereum-metrics-exporter. Thanks to @nflaig!
  • Added the ability to use client-default graffiti. Thanks to @nflaig!
  • ./ethd install places the user into the docker group on Debian
  • Support online/offline withdrawal address change with ethdo. See ./ethd keys


05 Feb 14:45
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This is an optional release

  • Nimbus engine connection defaults to http:// instead of ws:// on a fresh install
  • Teku uses the MINIMAL mode when running pruned
  • Nethermind workaround for Prysm, --JsonRpc.MaxBatchSize 10000
  • New command ./ethd cmd run deposit-cli-change to prep for withdrawal credential changes, if deposit-cli.yml is included and deposit-cli supports this
  • Flashbots URL change
  • Check for apparmor on Ubuntu and Debian because of an issue with docker-ce 23.0.0
  • Pre-provision homestaking dashboard id 17846. Thanks to @gwenvador!

Version 2.2.7

20 Jan 15:37
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This is an optional release

  • New advanced option ARCHIVE_NODE in ./env. Caution that this can use upwards of 12TB of disk space.
  • Nethermind source build uses .NET 7.0
  • Lodestar prometheus scrape fixed. Thanks @nflaig!
  • Nethermind pruning requires 200 GiB free, down from 250 GiB
  • Extremely experimental support for Reth - it does not yet sync
  • ./ethd config offers Erigon when running on Gnosis Chain
  • Update Nethermind's dasel dependency to v2.1.0
  • All source builds can now build from a tag, a branch, or a PR
  • ./ethd update will also run docker system prune --force to remove dangling images and build caches


06 Jan 15:35
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This is an optional release

  • Update Ethereum metrics exporter dashboard to latest version
  • Add ultrasound relays to default list - thanks @JustinDrake! 🦇🔊
  • A few fixes for ./ethd on macOS
  • ./ethd config builds only once 😅
  • ./ethd update now defaults to keeping changed build targets, and can reset them to defaults with --refresh-targets
  • New ./ethd keys create-prysm-wallet for better UX when using Prysm
  • Remove return code workaround for Lodestar from key management script


31 Dec 17:14
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This is an optional release

  • Increase stop timeout for all EL to 5 minutes "just in case"
  • Explicit permissions for all scripts in Dockerfile - thanks to @mLewisLogic for finding a corner case!
  • Run Grafana as a non-root user
  • Explicit NAT method added to Besu - thanks to @dabauxi!
  • Update Nethermind's dasel dependency to v2.0.2


23 Dec 16:20
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This is an optional release

  • Add --rpc-max-logs-range=65536 to besu.yml to support SSV and RocketPool out of the box
  • Fix handling of non-standard Docker data-root. Thanks to @mLewisLogic!
  • Added grafana-rootless.yml for use with rootless docker.

Version 2.2.6

22 Dec 16:11
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This is a required release for users of Nimbus, and optional for all others

  • Support Nimbus v22.12.0. This is a breaking change, no prior releases of Nimbus are supported.
  • ./ now supports Nethermind. There is a risk that this breaks if Nethermind takes >24 hours to prune and the crontab is run every 24 hours. Feedback welcome.
  • ./ now supports --threshold and --help
  • Pruning logic now recognizes a non-standard docker data-root directory
  • Host map additional P2P ports for Erigon: It uses a separate port for each eth/xx P2P protocol.
  • Remove Nethermind metrics push timeout, as it no longer has a default pushgateway
  • Fix an issue that had ./ethd update build everything twice