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Efficient Certified Training and Robustness Verification of Neural ODEs

This repository contains the code for our ICLR 2023 paper, which allows the deterministic certification of Neural ODEs. The key ideas are the use of our novel controlled adaptive ODE solvers and the construction of a trajectory graph, which can be efficiently handled using GAINS and CURLS. This repository contains all code and pre-trained models necessary to reproduce our results.

The project was conducted at the SRI Lab, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich.

Setup instructions

Clone this repository:

$ git clone

Setup and activate the virtual environment as follows:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate myenv


Please find below the commands to train and certify classification models. For convenience's sake, we have included trained models in models/pre-trained/ corresponding to Table 1 and Table 3.

Training Classification

For standard training or adversarial training with perturbations of magnitude TARGET on DATASET (MNIST or F-MNIST) and random seed SEED use the following commands:

$ (myenv) python3  --dataset DATASET --seed SEED
$ (myenv) python3  --dataset DATASET --seed SEED --adv PGD --target TARGET

For provable training use the following commands:

$ (myenv) python3 --dataset DATASET --seed SEED --cold_start --adv box
$ (myenv) python3 --dataset DATASET --seed SEED --adv box --target TARGET 

The first command does the warm-up as explained in Appendix D and the second command performs the actual training after the warm-up training, i.e., they need to be performed sequentially. The models will be stored in the folder models.

Certified & Adversarial Robustness

To compute the certified and adversarial robustness of any model use the following commands (e.g. to reproduce Table 1):

$ (myenv) python3 --dataset DATASET --seed SEED --adv ADV --target TARGET --samples 1000 --pre_trained
$ (myenv) python3 --dataset DATASET --seed SEED --adv ADV --target TARGET --samples 1000 --pre_trained

Note that to automatically select the right model the following arguments have to be provided: For standard trained models the --adv and --target need to be omitted. For adversarially trained models set ADV=PGD. For certifiably trained models use ADV=box and set TARGET as above (final perturbation magnitude). When using the pre-trained models, valid SEED are 12345, 12346, 12347 and valid TARGET are 0.11 and 0.22 for MNIST and 0.11 and 0.16 for F-MNIST. In the robustness evaluations, we always consider the perturbations magnitudes [0.1,0.15,0.2] for the MNIST dataset, and [0.1,0.15] for the F-MNIST dataset.

If you have trained the models yourselves, you can omit the argument --pre_trained and the models will be loaded from the models/ folder.

Ablation Study Trajectory Attacks

In order to reproduce the results from Table 3 use the following command for the trajectory attacks:

$ (myenv) python3 --dataset DATASET --seed SEED --adv ADV --target TARGET --pre_trained 

See above for the right argument selection.

Ablation Study Bound Tightness

To reproduce our ablation on the tightness of the obtained bounds use the below commands to compute bounds and reference the jupyer notebook Tightness.ipynb for their analysis. For convenience's sake, we have included precomputed bounds inmodels/pre-trained/, allowing the jupyter notebook to be used directly.

$ (myenv) python3 --dataset DATASET --seed SEED --adv ADV --target TARGET --samples 1000 --pre_trained --eps EPS --mode MODE

Note that valid inputs for the MODE argument are [PGD,GAINS,GAINS-Box,GAINS-Linear] and EPS is a choosable perturbation level. For the remaining arguments see above for the right selection.

Time-Series Forecasting

Please find below the commands to train and certify time-series forecasting models. For convenience's sake, we have included trained models in models/pre-trained/, corresponding to Table 2.

Training Time-Series Forecasting

In order to use standard training for the latent ODE architecture on the PhysioNet dataset use the command:

$ (myenv) python3  --extrap --run_backwards  --seed SEED --data_mode DATAMODE 

Note, that valid inputs for the DATAMODE argument are 1, 2 or 3, corresponding to omitting 6h, 12h, and 24h of data, respectively, as described in Appendix E.

For provable training with perturbations of magnitude TARGET use the command:

$ (myenv) python3 --extrap --run_backwards --adv box  --target TARGET  --seed SEED  --data_mode DATAMODE

Certified & Adversarial Robustness

Use the following commands to compute the empirical and certified robustness, for time-series forecasting models, e.g., tor reproduce Table 2:

$ (myenv) python3  --run_backwards --extrap   --seed SEED --adv ADV  --target TARGET  --data_mode DATAMODE --samples 400 --Nu 0.1 --Delta 0.01 --pre_trained  
$ (myenv) python3  --run_backwards --extrap   --seed SEED --adv ADV  --target TARGET  --data_mode DATAMODE --samples 400 --Nu 0.1 --Delta 0.01 --pre_trained

Note that to automatically select the right model the following arguments have to be provided: For standard trained models the --adv and --target need to be omitted. For certifiably trained models use ADV=box and set TARGET as above (final perturbation magnitude). Note that certification of standard models is expected to fail as we encounter overflow errors. Both certification and adversarial attacks consider the follwing perturbation magnitudes [0.05, 0.1, 0.2]. Note that the pre-trained models were trained on the seed 100, 101 and 102 for perturbation levels of either 0.1 or 0.2 as described in Appendix F.

If you have trained the models yourselves, you can omit the argument --pre_trained and the models will be loaded from the models/trained/ folder.


See the jupyter notebook LCAP_abl.ipynb for our ablation experiments on the LCAP.

Citing this work

If you find this work useful for your research, please cite it as:

    title={Efficient Certified Training and Robustness Verification of Neural {ODE}s},
    author={Mustafa Zeqiri and Mark Niklas M{\"{u}}ller and Marc Fischer and Martin Vechev},
    booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},


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