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Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting 41 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday 1 September 2020 at 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 40 minutes

Moderator: Hudsone Jameson

Notes: Alita Moore


Decisions Made:

Decision Item Description
40.1.1 Don't submit request for funding right now because of gas prices and make a report / get feedback before making a final decision
40.1.2 Drop hackathon idea for now
40.1.3 Delete old zoom cloud recordings

Actions Required:

Action Item Description
41.2.1 Hudson to create break-off room channel in the all core dev discord
41.2.2 Hudson to create gitter bridge for prog-pow this week or next
41.2.3 move discussion about group titles and rules to the ECH / member discord

1. 1559 fee market changes

Video | 0:00

Hudson - hi everyone and welcome to ethereum cat herders meeting number 41. i am hudson uh the agenda starts with agenda item number one eip 1559 fee market changes update um i think that's gonna be pooja

Pooja - uh yeah i can provide update on that there was a meeting on august 28 for the implementers of 1559 and the highlights of the meeting are vulcanized and basu team are working on the implementation of 1559 and they are aligned with the latest spec uh vulcanize is taking care for the get team and they have they are being funded by the community fund that has been received by the bitcoin grant these teams are running a test net with three geth and three baso nodes netherland is also planning to join the test net uh connecting with the basu and get chestnut for eip 1559 in next two to three weeks. uh based on suggestions and discussion uh some of the action items for future for the teams are change the spec and implementation to have a minimum increment or decrement of one; there are some documentation that is required for the issues that are being identified so vulcanized team would be taking care of that research and communication has to happen and people think that that can be funded as well so on that there was a quite a lot of discussion in that group like even the cat herders can be quite supportive in doing some communication by taking care of some communication part reaching out to the stakeholders here in the sense of wallet pools and exchanges uh i would like to hear more thought on that what people think how we can help but in the meanwhile uh i and team were discussing and we are trying to come up with a questionnaire kind of thing that we can collect answers from community and that we would provide the 1559 implementers team and hopefully that would be helpful there is a road map that james i and jm are working on and that will be shared soon in terms of when and what we are what we are seeing that that may happen so that community get an expectation set for whatever they have funded because there was some question raised into it in uh like last week detailed note for 1559 is available on ethereum github i'm also sharing the link here so yeah that's from the highlight side if anybody has any question

Hudson - great update does anyone have any comments um where do people go for the latest on this is there that's in the eth r&d research discord right

Pooja - yeah there is a 1559 channel itself in the ethereum discord uh people can participate in active communication

2. Break-off discussion groups proposal

Video | 3:35

Hudson - awesome okay um next up we have uh break item number two break off discussion groups proposal by alita uh alita if you want to take that one

Alita - yeah sure so the that idea basically just comes from uh the fact that um there have been consistent times in meetings where people are talking about something but due to time they're stopped early um and so i think that that kind of hinders uh you know the discussion in the ethereum community um in these groups and so i wanted to facilitate a break off group where if that sort of thing happens where people want to continue talking about it the ethereum cat herders will do a minimal amount of organization to like after that meeting create a new meeting for that discussion to continue um if that makes sense yeah

Hudson - absolutely i love that idea i know james has already done that i don't know if you've seen he's done that before a few different very niche areas of a core developer meeting and you're talking about core developer meetings this happening right or other meetings too

Alita - so i was thinking um all meetings but yeah i mean for the all-core devs like that could be the focus um but i i'm i'm mainly talking about like if there's this a discussion ever where people want to continue like you look like um the appearance will facilitate that discussion because we do multiple groups

Hudson - yeah that's a good idea and that actually would work really well for the the core developer calls would be a good guinea pig for that because they would be um we just uh moved from the gitter the single gitter channel for the core developer call um chat room to the eth r d discord and there's an all core devs channel in there but there's also a category in the discord called eth 1.0 and you can add channels under there and there's only the eips channel right now but let's say someone wanted to talk about the bls signature stuff in eip384 or the um the 384 initiative that alex uh uh barry zazie's doing

James - evm384

Hudson - emv 384 thank you yes evm 384 then there can be a whole channel discussion for that and the cat herders could corral people to move into that channel is that do i understand that correctly

Alita - so that is a good idea although that seems a lot like kind of creating a new group i'm thinking more of a like a low you know a low requirement sort of discontinuing a discussion so because normally the account order is you know during a group meeting we take notes we facilitate we set an agenda but in this case it would just basically be like um you know a single channel in the all core devs where you can go and then you have like a moderator who just basically you know makes it clear on what the goal is and then you're there for like 30 minutes to an hour um just just discuss that one single topic if it makes sense um

Hudson - yeah that makes a lot of sense i like that idea um and if you want to go ahead and go ahead with that yeah go ahead william that was all i got to say

William - it might even look like a voice channel i'm missing from the way elite is describing it like maybe have like a voice channel there um that can sort of perpetuate the use and for like any particular breakout room does that sound probably like what we need for that

Alita - yep that uh that that that's exactly i'm talking about yeah or although i guess for because like in the discord that that would make a lot of sense um and then in general you could also just have you know i think i think the ideal situation would be that it's not very like particular in the sense that you know the the whole point is that um it's very easy so you know like it would take like five minutes set up so for a discord for the all-core devs yes like a channel that would be perfect and then for other ones that maybe might not have a discord yet um like for example eipip then maybe you just quickly set up a you know google meets or zoom and then people can just join for 15 minutes or an hour or whatever it ends up being

William - interesting just a logistic question if it's something like core devs so let's say there's something that needs to break our breakout room discussion most people who would be involved in the discussion probably do want to catch the rest of the call to them so then how do you work the coordination for when the breakout room would happen

Alita - oh so that would also like that's kind of i guess the fundamental idea of this and that's that like if you want to do a breakout room like if you're like okay let's continue this discussion during the like main discussion then you can just sort of make a note of that and then um it really would just be like okay well why don't we just do this like friday or saturday you know basically very um not very like exact about when it happens so flexibility is key i think

William - do you think it should be scheduled and call them like you know we'll make a breakout room at whenever

Alita - um i think that's definitely an option i think it also really will depend on the circumstances um but i would imagine yes um or it could even just be you know you're in a call and you're like okay hey after this call i'll be in the breakout room because i'll you know say for example i'm the moderator um so just join afterwards and we'll continue this discussion or we can break out now so it's really just um i mean i'm sure that there are some specific details that can be finalized as we go along but i think having a very um loose definition would be ideal for now

William - yeah i i do hear that yeah that makes a lot of sense yeah really cool

Hudson - great any other comments on this

William - okay it might involve um if we're going to step in as like moderators or facilitators for that it might involve actually getting like a recognized cat herders crew on the youth rnd channel do you know do you know how we'd go about that

Hudson - um i can do that after talking to the other moderators um so would the channel be just called cat herders and then we would just shuffle everyone in there when we need them kind of a thing

Alita - yeah sure that sounds reasonable

William - or maybe even just calling it a chat like what do you think about just having a voice channel called breakout room but then in the permissions for the voice channel perhaps members of the cat order group would have some kind of moderator ability

Hudson - yeah i like that idea better because calling a channel cat herders would be a little confusing as to the purpose of the channel but calling something breakout room and having it have a voice chat with it sounds like a little easier to think about whenever you look at it i like that how's that sound alita

Alita - that sounds great

41.2.1 | Video | 11:00

Hudson to create break-off room channel in the all core dev discord

Hudson - okay i can uh let me put on my list to make that today so this would be it's calling it breakout right make breakout voice and chat channel ethereum discord um i will post in the cat herders discord whenever this is done i need to get used to us having one of those because i keep forgetting we have one that's my bad um yeah but great stuff us having a discord uh anybody else have comments on this

Pooja - yeah i like the idea and i will uh agree to your time and making it to generalize instead of cat herders will add more value to it

3. ECH Discord Channel

Video | 11:30

Hudson - great all right um ech discord channel number three a deadline for migration from gitter to discord and then channels and roles um i think pooja is the one who created that server if we want to take this one Pooja

Pooja - uh yeah about that uh we have been like trying to communicate both on not both actually on multiple uh discard telegram and gitter so i was wondering like we should set up a deadline for that like we would not be like uh we would be considering only discard for uh for the communication in future and uh there was some discussion in previous and i think one or two meetings back about the channels and roles so i just wanted to hear others thought what do you think like if we should be like targeting like 15th of september maybe or 10th of september any thoughts on that

Alita - um so is this for the bridge if it was for the bridge um didn't we agree to not do that like like to me two means you know or was i just like not listening

William - the bridge was next uh there was still like we weren't just gonna make a hard break right away so i think i mean correct me if you're if i'm wrong pooja i think Pooja just means like when should come off together

Pooja - right as of now we do not have any kind of bridge anywhere it jailed that telegram and gitter are somehow uh connected with one bridge but none is connected to the discord that we have for cat herders so uh there are few things; number one, coming up for the general migration from gitter to discord like as of today uh we have been community communicating in gitter telegram and discord all three and i have to go and post it there because there is no bridge so number one that i'm asking for is like deadline set a deadline for the uh communication to happen only on discord uh number two that i was thinking and that was also discussed in the previous meeting about uh prog pow that is a gitter channel for cat herders and we do not have any bridge so if we still consider not to have a bridge do we need to continue discussion in the gitter only or how we are planning to take ahead with this proper community and

William - one thing i definitely would say is that i think i mean i i thought about doing this and then sort of forgot about it but i think we probably have to be a little more a little bit more um obnoxious if anybody will forgive me for saying that on the gitter about moving over to the discord like i don't feel like we and i'm including myself and this have really pushed conversation from gitter onto the discord there's like this sort of vague idea that there is a discord but it's like not like you know anybody's saying like nanny i can't hear you you're not on the discord um not that i'm saying anybody should actually say that uh but at least the conversation should be strongly encouraged more often to be moved towards discord i think would make a big difference has anyone even written on the prog pow like the in the channel that we'd like to move the conversation to discord at this point like is that channel which is oftentimes populated by like non-cat herders are they even aware that there's a discord that we're migrating to

Pooja - uh i think uh i mean i'm not sure if anybody has already mentioned about it but i see uh christy she is like one of the key member of proper channel she actually joined our discord so my understanding is awareness is there but i believe that proper communication would be helpful

Hudson - um i think that we should be careful to not so there's a couple things with the prog pow channel is the outlier and i don't think we're gonna i think the people who like to write deep like protocol and minor level like code for minors and stuff like that i don't know if they're on discord um a lot of the people who are active in there i think greg's actually on discord but other than him i didn't know and christy i don't know about the others who really frequent that channel like grier so maybe having a bridge for like three months would be okay while the conversation DAIs down because net starting this core dev meeting there should be a a resolution on if there's going to be a test net developed for progpow um and when that happens um and yeah that that should help things with uh calming down the channel if there is any activity at all right

Pooja - that would like a spark to active conversation when this testnet things will start working um so yeah i think having a bridge would be a good idea for some time

Hudson - it's not that hard to do either i can i can definitely do that in this this week or next actually though that this week what is it tuesday yeah i can do it this week

41.2.2 | Video | 16:10

Hudson to create gitter bridge for prog-pow this week or next

Pooja - that would be great

Wiliam - just for clarification we're talking about only bridging prog pow project

Hudson - yes everything else we need to push everybody to discord by just like every couple of days posting in telegram and twitter and just saying hey we're not here anymore

Brent - does that include the eipip meetings and stuff like that

Hudson - uh does the ipip have a gitter or telegram channel yeah

Brent - that's basically my question

Hudson - oh um you know what for now let's keep eipip on telegram i think because i don't know we should approach that next meeting i need to think about that

Pooja - right we already have created a channel but that hasn't been made public yet so i think we should think about it a little bit more and if we consider keeping it on telegram separately it's fine and if you want to move it here maybe consider bridging it or asking people there so yeah sounds good

Wiliam - I ran through the prog pow gitter right now um it doesn't look like anybody's ever said anything about the discord there but i could have missed it it's not like i was actually reading through everything so i mean definitely i'd say the conversation should at least be started over there also to inform them about the discord about the move to emphasize that we are creating a bridge but that we would prefer as much as possible that people move over to the discord and that the bridge will be terminated at some point

Hudson - great call

Willaim - i can do that like i mean i have gitter open right now i can do it right now

Hudson - uh don't announce it till i have the bridge up so people know what like can go there and then be it be there um okay and uh yeah that is um all i had for that one does anyone else have anything

Pooja - uh one last thing i just wanted to quickly check with people here uh like on topic of roles and channels are they fine with whatever they can see right now i think most most of the people have been upgraded to members but i think one or two are there as contributor but there were some issues identified in the previous meeting that even if people are having a you know contributor uh access they are not able to see the history of the meeting is it resolved or where are we on that

Hudson - um so explain the last part again the history of what again

Pooja - uh i think edson uh you had mentioned mentioned it so would you be able to communicate more on that i guess you were facing some challenges reading the history of the discussion here

Edson - yeah um there's a permission where it's on discord you can type in a channel but you can't see any past messages including your own after a while is that true even on the permission set the Pooja name members no it's only for contributors

William - okay so i i mean i'm looking at the discord right now it looks like uh i don't know about elita but i can see that everybody else is actually a member now which means brent yourself um hudson pooja myself. so that i mean it should be sort of badly solved i suppose

Hudson - yeah hmm we need to figure out a way to figure out what makes someone a member do we have that is that a thing we have

William - i don't think we do but i'm debating also how much we want to write that like you know etch that in stone because i mean there are a lot of members who there's a lot of different ways that people contribute i feel

Pooja - in beginning when i actually had this idea my my thought were like people who we should be considering in member like they should either have the heard token that were initiated uh that were distributed in the beginning of this group or they have contribution for over a year so if if they are satisfying either of these criteria they can be a part of member and rest of the people who are contributing in some or the other aspect can be contributed till their contribution is either very large or maybe over the year but i'm willing to you know change it or adjust it based on

William - right i mean the question is also how i mean i think right now um Pooja i think you're the only one who can set permissions for members um and potentially i'll put it this way the more rigerous the rule probably the more work you're making for yourself i made the point before with the meeting notes um channel like if you're putting in a requirement for a year but then you want someone to be involved in taking notes so then they won't be able to join the channel so then maybe you'd create another tier for notetakers but then you have to another tier with another set of permissions and if you're managing all of it i suspect it will be empty very quickly so i i i mean either it's gonna need a lot of different sets of rules or it's probably just gonna have to stay a generalization and my point of view but i am completely open to other ideas thing that was an observation as opposed to an opinion

Hudson - i think that people having titles make them feel cool i like it when i have titles so i don't know we should have a high barrier of entry for people to become a member of the cat herders rather than just a contributor but we do need to kind of figure out a definition but not make it too complicated that's kind of where i'm at on that i don't have much else in his ways like concrete it should be one way or another i do think a year might be a little long because we've only been around a year and five months

William - um year nine months

Hudson - oh my gosh it's september this year has taken forever okay anyways um yeah a year and nine months but yeah a year feels long to me but i might not be i guess we should maybe have a whole nother discussion topic next meeting or in discord about this within a member chat

41.2.3 | Video | 22:18

move discussion about group titles and rules to the ECH / member discord

William - yeah let's take this to discord that sounds like a good idea

Pooja - sounds good to me

4. Emergency Communication Group

Video | 22:55

Hudson - cool everything else i think on this topic is good does anyone else have comments before i move on okay the emergency communication group um that is the the last i looked at that there was like a few pending comments that jay just sent in um and just for people to look over other than that is there any other updates on that anybody

William - i think that's really the last hurdle until we've sort of finalized uh the two documents and after that i think it's really about i mean we you and i have talked about this hudson after that it's really just about starting to go around and actually like assembling support and ether and youth too yeah

Hudson - yeah definitely so i'll i'll look at that this week personally um yeah but i'm not the only one who needs to look at it obviously yeah i think jay also i think a lot of it was about cleaning up other comments like a ton of my comments uh so i think it's just pretty much also more or less finalizing i don't know if she's totally finalized on it um but i would say like in terms of our action items for that it would be making sure that jay's finalized with her document and then just like assembling the next steps

Hudson - perfect

Pooja - I saw a few more comments yesterday on the document so i might want to give it a look

William - i'm pretty sure she only resolves comments

5. Peep and EIP

Video | 24:21

Hudson - okay sounds good anything else on that next up number five we have peep and eip uh pooja how's that going it looks like it's been getting some popularity i think it's going well what do you think

Pooja - yeah i think a community is receiving it as like a good source of information for ethereum improvement proposals like earlier there was this question uh like when whenever people want to learn about anything they have to either get type deep dive inside the github repo to find out that proposal or go to and it was very difficult to find it in google but by using the channel of youtube whenever we are posting a video of any of the proposals that we had discussion with this author it is very easy to find that's one of the advantages that i'm seeing with this going by the youtube the other thing is like the presenters the authors are have been really nice to share it in a in a very easy to understand way added with the questions by william, james, and greg and other people who are trying to add more value by understanding those proposals by putting simple questions that we are collecting from community is helping us a lot so far we have uh recorded four episodes there is a link in the agenda which takes us to a project board which is basically a tracker for what eip we are discussing and the link of whatever we have already recorded so i think it's going pretty good today we have a meeting with alex blassoff on the topic of eip 2 triple six so if anybody is interested please join us at 2:30 pm uh est and if there is any suggestion what all eips we should be considering are inviting author to the show feel free to share it with us

6. Ethereum Important Installation Survey Report

Video | 26:06

Hudson - okay great um what's next we have um ethereum important installation survey report um is that edson

Pooja - uh again that is with me

Hudson - oh that's you sorry

Pooja - so yeah the survey result is published and it's at a medium blog at ethereum cat hurdles this blog also includes the uh timeline and key highlights of the discussion that was inside and outside of the all coder meeting based on the limited responses that we have received the client diversity ratio is not far off from the data that is out there on ether nodes uh i'm going to share the link of the medium blog so people can actually look into the graphs and chart that as shown there that's we see an overlap of percentage because uh this is not the actual node that is available on the network but that is the participating institutions who volunteered to answer our survey question so a major respondents of the survey were like mining pool exchanges wallet tax and infrastructure provided this report does not include like individuals answer um an individual or hobbyist and talking about the next step i think the cat herders can be working with the operators running parity parity nodes i mean i we see that there are still operators who are running parity node so we can be talking to those operators and help them migrate to open ethereum or any other client of their choice now that we have the database of who all are running those um you know older nodes that that are not supported anymore we can reach out to them and i was informed of that open ethereum is coming up with a very stable uh release and next month uh sorry now this is september so yeah this month possibly so i think that would be a good start when we can start making reach to these node operators

Hudson - any other comments that all sounds good to me

7. Cat herders funding - Moloch DAO & ESP

Video | 28:19

Hudson - okay next up cat herders funding mallocdown esp um i don't have anything on that one

Pooja - yeah not too much to add here but we reached out to moloch i think in the month of may or june and i think by june and we received the funding um and we were supposed to report back to malak after three months now that this is september it's almost the end of the uh like three months going to be by the end of the september so i was thinking of you know kind of sharing some report with them and also i wanted to check on like i understand that when we did when we requested fund that was low value of f so we may have some buffer funding but now that it is about to end of the three months should we go ahead and reapply with this uh detailed report whatever we have done in the past three months how does that sound

Hudson - it would cost us hundreds of dollars to submit a request to moloch right now with the current gas prices

Pooja - oh no not now i mean like i'm just saying that we can think about it or whenever we find

Hudson - oh i see what you're saying okay sorry sorry i i know you didn't meant this second but it still is funny to me to think of anybody doing anything on the network right now um but uh yeah let's think about that um going ahead with malik again i think we should do the report first and get feedback before we make a decision for sure

41.1.1 | Video | 29:48

Don't submit request for funding right now because of gas prices and make a report / get feedback before making a final decision

Pooja - all right i'm planning to publish i mean share it among them like by 15th because uh by 30th september that would be the end of the three months so i just want to be on time with them so that i mean somebody also reached out to me to ask how we are doing but that was i'm not sure that was a formal ask so i'm willing to come up with the report

Hudson - okay that sounds good anybody else have anything on that

Pooja - just asking uh do you have any thoughts on going back to esp or should we consider moloch only

Hudson - um i don't have thoughts yet

Pooja - that's fine with me no problem

8. Discuss and close the ECH GitHub Issues / PRs

Video | 30:30

Hudson - um next up we have closing out issues in the pm and funding repo um and the pm repo um i can go through the issues from top to bottom so other than the agenda we have converting psi to DAI usdc we do have one more transaction and the old multi-sig to move ether from it and it just isn't working i'm gonna try to talk to someone from gnosis about that but otherwise all the usdc um has been or basically the money from moloch and the uh psi has been converted from dai to usdc and the Moloch down money has been converted to besides that one transaction on the old multisig that's keeping this issue open so it can be stay open for now um update forkmon and properly and publish code properly um i don't have anything on that and james isn't here so we can skip that one

Pooja - on that i talked to martin and he said that he would be looking into it i mean i mean i know it's been a while when he mentioned that but i guess until it is closer to upgrade he may not be able to get into it but yes that is into his attention

Hudson - great all right add an option to ethernodes that accounts for in process um okay this one's going to happen when berlin happens apparently according to james so this will stay open um add an option to ethernets that accounts for and oh i just did that one update necessary documentation for the basu hotfix that is that one was opened by james and it says something should be updated in the yellow paper somewhere we've talked about including the yellow paper as one of the responsibilities of like james is to like not his responsibility but like within this repo that we're starting for um protocol specifications for eth 1.0 and so i think that he might be looking at that one but we don't have anything for updates on this issue right now and then staking in dx dow i open this back up with um with lane and with edson and i think that we're waiting for gas fees to go down and then we're going to get the money out i think so if i recall correctly but i'll look back at the telegram chat and get an update on that and put it in here and that's all the issues for the pm repo we're behind on funding because gas prices are really high but if someone wants to initiate the transactions and the um basically it doesn't cost anything to create the transaction and well actually i don't know if it caught does it cost anything and nose is safe to create a transaction before another multi-sig holder approves of it

Pooja - so far i have only been approving so i have no idea

Hudson - okay if someone wants to try that and just create one and see if it cost anything um if it does wait till the gas price goes down because otherwise it'll be like 30 bucks for a 50 bounty kind of a thing um and uh yeah we'll we'll reapproach this next week because if it turns out that we the gas prices don't go down we'll have to figure something out uh but for right now it's just a waiting game

Pooja - maybe i i was just i mean it's just my suggestion like um maybe we could you know kind of buffer that amount as well if this stands for very long time you know make it so that we do like one transaction with 300 ETH or three sorry 300 DAI for someone who's done a lot of note taking is that what you're saying

Pooja - yeah i mean uh um two things here one is like uh instead of giving um single single you know we would want to pull them together three or four people just for example we can see that for edson they have he has done it for eipip ecch we can bunch them together and give one that is one thing i was mentioning another thing i was saying that like if because it requires two to three approver every time it is like two to five dollar per approval maybe kind of creating a pool i don't know that was just

Hudson - yeah that sounds that sounds fine um go ahead

William - well if i could maybe just slide one thing in there a potential solution might also be if note note-takers wanted some important of the gas um don't throw things at me as in like let's say that the gas is going to be six dollars to send a transaction or something like that i don't think it's quite that high for a straight youth transfer but i could be wrong um maybe prove uh proposing some kind of split like i mean i myself uh first of all i generally prefer to be paid in ETH and i wouldn't necessarily be against subtracting the gas from my like from what i'm getting personally i don't want to force that on anybody else though if anybody else doesn't necessarily want to bear the burden of the gas costs for them being paid for notes

Brent - yeah i feel the same i would like the same i would like to get ether and wouldn't mind paying for the cost

Pooja - i'm not sure i think that is going to be a little difficult in the sense because when we in when we initiate the transaction for example whatever we come up with like 100 uh 100 values in it we mentioned that and it is approved by a different approver at different time and every approver has to pay some gas fee so i'm not sure how we can handle like you subtracting your gas

Hudson - yeah it's a two of two of five multisig right now

William - oh and so so you're saying that that process itself also incurs gas on each approval

Hudson - yeah so basically i approve i might make all of the initial uh transactions today to say hey can someone approve this and then at a different time well maybe days after i did the initial transaction a second one is going to have to push through. yep but um so we'll just see if gas prices goes down i think it was back to 160 or 60 a few days ago until sushi came around 160 way

Edson - yeah that's really high

Hudson - no it's 600 right now though so i'm kind of thinking 160 might be the new standard

Edons - oh my god

Hudson - new normals i was at like 40 quite average and that was kind of high converted to other people were saying yeah right now the east gas station standard is 469.

William - yeah that's incredibly high

Hudson - yeah at 600 it was 600 earlier this morning it was insane welcome to the new vegetable based ethereum oh yeah the vegetable based future we all dreamed of this is why i signed up for ethereum vegetables

William - i'm excited to eat too

Alita - isn't east 2 supposed to sort of solve these issues with the

William - um not for a few years

Hudson - not for a few years but yeah it is supposed to solve some of these issues

William - l2 should happen sooner

9. Review of outstanding action items from previous ECH meeting 40

Video | 38:27

Hudson - yeah layer two technologies like um omg and dx dx DAI chain or whatever and zk sync are gonna that'll be fun um so yeah let's not do any of the funding ones this time and if that's the case then we're on to the next part which is the outstanding action items from the previous meeting meeting number 40. um so action number uh actions required that would be upgrade edson al ion to member and discord action item 40.1 did that happen discuss hackathon in the next meeting i don't think we did but no no we did because you talked about the 1559 hackathon at the beginning didn't you

Pooja - if i get it correctly this was particularly about if cat herders are planning to have an economic hackathon that is that was discussed few calls back but i did not hear much from anybody

Alita - that was brought up by me um as a potential avenue of um spending the money the funding but i think it might the funding might be better spent on um funding ech members directly

41.1.2 | Video | 40:45

Drop hackathon idea for now

Hudson - cool we can drop the hackathon thing then um forty point three was discuss progpow gitter next meeting we did that um 40.4 was put off put break off groups discussion proposal on next meeting agenda which we did and we talked about so all the actions have been accomplished on the action items

Pooja - uh there is one thing um i would like to bring it again it was discussed in the previous meeting i mentioned that recently i received access of one of our google email a gmail that we had in early days uh going by the emails i get to know that the zoom cloud is like full so we were considering deleting older meeting notes just wanted to make sure if nobody has any objection in that

Hudson - uh these are the zoom recordings that happen in the cloud in the zoom dot us interface this isn't a youtube right

Pooja - right so what we do we download those meetings and upload it on youtube

Hudson - okay i'm okay with deleting them just free up space for sure right especially the much older ones

41.1.3 | Video | 41:13

Delete old zoom cloud recordings

Pooja - yes i mean i may have to go back and look because uh there was a period in which we could not upload some of the meetings so i'll just validate it if it is uploaded then i can go back and delete

Hudson - okay and if you need help with the interface zoom's interface is crappy and i've gotten better at it so just let me know um uh yeah and uh oh that was the last item wasn't it i think it is uh does anyone have anything else before we go this has been hudson running on an hour and a half of sleep running a meeting thanks everybody

William - you're doing great for an hour and a half i would not have guessed

Hudson - yeah uh the next meeting is gonna be september 15th uh and we'll talk to you all then bye thanks hi thank you bye everyone all right


  • Edson Ayllon
  • Alita Moore
  • Hudson Jameson
  • Edson
  • Brent
  • Pooja Ranjan
  • William Schwab

Date for Next Meeting: 15 September 2020, at 1400 UTC.